Scrapbooking Chocolate girl: scheme. How to make a chocolate bar

Very often, options for inexpensive souvenirs are required that you can give to a person not even for some holiday, but simply as a thank you. Most often give chocolates. If you like extraordinary ideas, read on. You will learn how to turn ordinary sweets into a full-fledged beautiful souvenir. Have you heard what scrapbooking is? A chocolate box in the form of a box or a card made using this technique will be a pleasant surprise for the person you want to make an inexpensive gift for.


In fact, in this way, albums with photographs were originally designed to preserve memories of pleasant events in life. Previously, for decorating the pages of a family book, ordinary clippings from magazines, newspapers, lace, beads, bows were used, in a word, improvised means. Now all this can be purchased in the form of specialized sets of a certain subject (children's, romantic, for making travel photos).

Scrapbooking is based on decorative paper with different textures on the surface, pattern and properties (mother-of-pearl, metallized), therefore, any products made of cardboard or thick sheets can be decorated in this way: cards, gift bags, boxes. Here are such a variety of souvenirs allows you to decorate scrapbooking. The chocolate girl is no exception.

scrapbooking chocolate bar

What ideas can be used

So, you decided to try to make a souvenir with your own hands, bought one or more chocolates. Now you have to choose how the packaging will look for them. You have already determined the manufacturing technique. This is scrapbooking.

A chocolate girl (diagram or template) is drawn on a sheet of paper according to the size of the purchased sweets. Usually use these design options:

  • envelope;
  • box;
  • postcard.

Work tools (scrapbooking)

A chocolate box is made using such devices:

  • pencil and ruler;
  • scissors;
  • hole punch with a figured pattern;
  • thermal gun.

Punchers, which allow you to get curly slots or make lace edges, are very popular among those who manufacture souvenirs and gifts from paper. You do not need to cut complex shapes with scissors. With this device, you can easily decorate the edges of the card with a strip of heart-shaped windows or stars. Such a tool will be useful to you repeatedly if you are engaged in making gifts.

The same goes for the thermal gun. It is a heating device into which glue sticks are placed. Under the influence of temperature, they begin to melt, and the composition goes out through the hole. With this thermal gun you can easily connect parts quickly and in hard to reach places.

Our article will help you understand what sequence of actions should be followed when such a beautiful thing as a chocolate bar is made. MK scrapbooking will allow you to create spectacular souvenirs very quickly.

Prepare the base and decor

As for materials, use these:

  • scrapbooking paper or any other with decorative properties (color, patterned, embossed);
  • flat or volumetric stickers of suitable subjects;
  • satin ribbons;
  • bows;
  • beads;
  • lace.

If you show creativity, imagination and do all the work correctly, you will have a beautiful chocolate bar made with your own hands. Scrapbooking works wonders. Indeed, in just half an hour, you can create a decorative thing from an ordinary sheet of paper that will look no worse than a purchased souvenir, and will bring more joy and pleasant emotions to both you and the one who will present the gift.

Manufacturing technology

DIY chocolate bar scrapbooking

It is clear that in each case the actions will be slightly different, but there is still a general scheme of work. She is as follows:

  1. On the sheet, which is intended for the base, draw a template for a chocolate bar.
  2. Cut out.
  3. Draw along the bend lines on the front and back with a sharp, but not sharp, object. A non-writing pen, knitting needle, skewer, and toothpick will do. This is necessary so that the dense cardboard does not break and does not form ugly cracks and bruises when bent.
    chocolate girl scrapbooking master class diagram
  4. Fold the blank, try on a chocolate bar.
  5. Decorate the product with those elements that are convenient to stick on the scan, and not on the assembled thing.
  6. Glue in the right parts.
  7. Complement with final decorations.

Choose a template

In order for you to get a beautiful, neatly made using the scrapbooking technique chocolate box, the product scheme must be thought out in advance.

scrapbooking chocolate box diagram

The simplest template, as in the photo above, is easy to build on your own. To simplify the work, just print it on the right scale, cut and circle on a decorative sheet. It is even easier to print immediately on colored decorative paper, only the lines of the scheme should be slightly gray or only on the inside of the product.

If you take a ready-made template, see that it fits the size of your sweetness. Choose a circuit that you can assemble. If you have little time or not enough experience, use simple blanks. For advanced needlewomen, a box is suitable, which can be performed according to the following scheme.

scrapbooking chocolate box diagram

If you draw the blank yourself, you can simply trace the chocolate bar on paper. Please note that the design must be reliable so that the gift does not accidentally fall out of the package.

scrapbooking chocolate bar
In the case of a postcard, provide a pocket; for an envelope, a fastener or ribbons for tying.

Chocolate girl (scrapbooking). Master Class

The scheme of work when performing such packaging, as in the photo below, will be as follows:

chocolate mk scrapbooking

  1. Take not very thick wrapping paper and pack chocolate in it.
  2. Cut a blank from the scrapbooking sheet that you can wrap in sweetness. Do not forget to leave an allowance for gluing.
  3. Make a strip of paper. Using a hole punch, you can make a curly edge or a fringing of decorative holes.
  4. Glue the part on top of the base.
  5. Decorate the item with other elements.

To complete such a souvenir bag you will need a little time. So, you have learned how to make chocolate (scrapbooking) in just a few minutes. This is the easiest way to quickly prepare a large number of gifts.

Chocolate girl in the form of an envelope and a box

This is a slightly different option, which is also done easily. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Take the album sheet as the basis. Put chocolate on it.
  2. Take measurements, if necessary, use a ruler to get even edges.
  3. Trim the excess.
  4. Make two folds, after drawing a line with a knitting needle or a stick in these places.
  5. Glue the ribbon ties.
  6. Decorate the product as you wish.

It is easy to make a postcard using the same pattern. It is enough to glue the pockets on the bottom side of the central rectangle into which the sweetness will be enclosed. It will not fall out, even if the card is placed vertically.

The next form of chocolate will require a more complex scan in the form of an envelope-box. As a basis, it is best to use double-sided paper.

how to make chocolate bar scrapbooking

You saw how you can apply scrapbooking. A chocolate girl in this style, made according to any, even the simplest template, looks very impressive. No wonder they say that beautiful packaging is half the present.


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