DIY water supply

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of water supply for a summer residence. Without the regular availability of water, it is extremely difficult to care for crops grown on the site, not to mention the use of modern household appliances (dishwashers, washing machines, boilers, etc.). The same applies to the sanitary unit, which is connected to the individual or general type sewers.

In fact, each owner of a country house can cope with the arrangement of the water supply and drain independently. This will not only save significant money, but also provide an opportunity to gain invaluable experience in terms of plumbing equipment. Let's try to find out how realistic it is to perform such manipulations, and their relevance.

Turnkey cottage water supply

What is the peculiarity of the water supply device of the cottage?

The best option for constructing a water supply system for country houses will be designing a scheme and performing basic work at the stage before the construction of the main communications and structures. The full-fledged project includes certain drawings, diagrams and documents, namely:

  • Stages of the work (planned).
  • Schematic instructions for the placement of pipelines and other parts of the system.
  • Estimates and consumables, taking into account unforeseen expenses.
  • Taps to the sewerage, watering and other.


Turnkey summer cottage water supply requires the allocation of a certain room for a water-metering and boiler unit. On average, the area of ​​a room should be at least three square meters. For convenience, consider the possibility of placing all nodes and structures in one room. This will optimize the monitoring of the operation and condition of technical devices and their parts.

The standard water supply system for a country house or a country house includes a number of certain devices, namely:

  • Pipes and their parts. They can be made of metal, polymers, metal plastic.
  • Set of fittings, taps, tees and other connecting elements.
  • Pump.
  • The tank is broad.
  • Pressure gauge and pressure switch.
  • Electrical equipment with automatic protection.
  • Filter elements for screening contaminants and foreign particles from the liquid.
  • Water boiler. The unit is mounted if necessary. The most commonly used modification is the accumulative type.
    Water supply station

Centralized option

When arranging water supply and sanitation in the country, you need to choose the optimal source of water supply. After determining the nuances in this regard, they begin to create drawings and diagrams of the construction.

The easiest and most convenient option is to connect to a centralized water intake system. The main thing is to correctly correlate the available pressure in it and the similar indicator required for the normal operation of the allocated node. If the water supply force is insufficient, it will be necessary to use pumps and auxiliary mechanisms in the design. In this version, you do not have to purchase additional equipment. It simply digs a ditch to a depth below the freezing of the soil, water supply elements are mounted, and an insert is made into the central highway. If this is not possible, there are several more ways, the features of which we will consider below.

Water supply from the well

This method is excellent for areas where the depth of the main water layer is at least 10 meters. 3-4 people are able to equip a well mine. It is very difficult, long and not profitable to carry out such an operation alone.

The main advantage of this option is the maximum simplicity of the design of the entire system. Independent maintenance and repair of the unit will not cause any special problems. The maintenance of the well also does not require significant costs.

Among the drawbacks of a well water supply system there is a limited flow of fluid due to the limited water level in some mines, which is not always enough for full-fledged daily maintenance of a large family (taking into account watering and other technical nuances of operation).

To understand how this project is right for you, calculate the average consumption and compare this indicator with the capacities of the devices. To equip the system under consideration, the use of a surface type pump will be required. The device is easy to maintain and is relatively inexpensive. Below is a diagram of the water supply of the cottages from the well.

Water supply scheme for a summer house


In case of occurrence of an underground aquifer deeper than ten meters, well drilling will be the best option. This work costs a lot of money. And this is taking into account the depth of the mine, the equipment used, the convenience of the entrance and other factors. In this equipment there is a significant plus. Having spent once funds to equip the water supply of the cottages from the well, you will provide your home with clean water in unlimited quantities. In order to save money, it is possible to build one well in several sections, having agreed with the neighbors.

To fully equip the system, a special submersible pump system is required. Such a device has a rather high price, but it has high quality and effective parameters.


The water supply of the country house and country house is often divided into winter and summer options. It all depends on several factors. If the site is used exclusively in summer or spring-autumn time (without permanent residence) - it makes no sense to lay out a full-fledged plumbing system designed for year-round use. It is not profitable. Next, we consider both options for providing country houses with water resources and sewage.

Winter (year-round) version

Water supply in the country in winter requires the right approach to the arrangement of all nodes and elements. Such a water supply can be operated at any time of the year. It is best to use pipes made of polymer materials. They are mounted without any problems, do not require a special tool, have an affordable price. The plastic version requires the use of a special soldering iron, however, in this case, the use of additional adapters and fittings is not required. You can calculate the profit yourself.

Pipes for water supply are mounted with a slight slope towards the supplying fluid source. The depth of the elements is at least 20 cm below the freezing point of the soil. If the pipeline is laid at a shallower depth, it is imperative to worry about its additional insulation. For these purposes, foamed polyethylene made in a cylindrical configuration according to the outer diameter of the pipes is perfectly suitable. He simply dresses on top of plumbing parts, providing them with reliable shelter from freezing and other negative influences, including mechanical type. Additionally, the elements of the water supply source are also insulated.

Water supply from the well


For example, the water supply of a summer house and a house in winter requires warming and additional snowing. Such methods for the normal functioning of the node will be enough. Surface-type pumping stations are equipped with a caisson, which is a device with additional insulation installed near the water supply source, aggregated with a pump.

Installation of automated pump stations can only be done in a room that has an internal temperature with a positive coefficient. Sewer construction also requires insulation. Otherwise, there is a high risk of freezing of drains with subsequent disruption of the functioning of the entire water supply system.

Modification for the summer period

The features of such a water supply for a summer residence are clear from its purpose and name - the use of this unit only in the warm season. Systems of a folding and stationary type are provided.

The transformable model for summer has the simplest design. Hoses of the required length are simply connected to the pump, the inlet diameter of which is proportional to the cross-section of the hoses. Then they are laid on the site in such a way as to ensure normal movement in the cultivated area.

For water supply equipment, turnkey cottages in this way, silicone and rubber hoses are suitable. They are interconnected using special transitional mechanisms. Specialized stores also offer modern connecting latches (just for this type of hose). In innovative mechanisms, one side of the latch contains a spring connector, and on the second side a ruff-type construction is provided. Such a device allows you to connect the elements of the flexible line quickly and reliably. As a rule, a collapsible system is used for irrigation. To organize a full water supply of the house and the site with the help of such a design is quite problematic.

Water connection scheme

Installation Nuances

Do-it-yourself summer installation of water supply in the country is done underground. Flexible hose systems are not suitable for this design. The best variation is plastic counterparts.

For stationary suburban seasonal water supply, pipes are laid at a depth of at least one meter. There are some nuances here. At the end of the season, the liquid should be pumped out of the pipes. Otherwise, it may freeze and cause deformation of the elements. Given these factors, the pipes must be mounted with a slope in the direction of the drain valve, which is installed near the water supply source.


To begin the arrangement of the water supply system in the country or in a country house follows from the preparation of design documentation. First determined with the type and amount of equipment needed. Then they specify the location of the water intake compartments, keep records of the required number of fittings, taps and other related parts. This field select the best option and configuration of water pipes.

Most often, plastic elements are used for such purposes. They are distinguished by durability, reliability and ease of installation. Details fully cope with the tasks assigned to them. In addition, the plastic does not rust, and this allows it to be embedded in the walls, which is very problematic with analogues of metal. Previously, it is desirable to draw up a diagram of the future water supply system. This will make it possible to determine the required footage, the number of additional parts, as well as determine the working conclusions at various points of connection. Experts recommend purchasing all components with a margin (at least 10% of the calculated measurements).

Hot water in the country

Installation Instructions: where to start?

Independent arrangement of a water supply station in the country is carried out in compliance with certain steps. Start with the following steps:

  1. They dig a trench from the source of fluid supply to the inlet collector of the building.
  2. Mount a deep modification pump, which is immersed in a well or well. Surface analogues are installed as close as possible to the mines, it is advisable to install in a separate heated room or coffer.
  3. A water pipe is connected at the existing pump station, after which the free end of the device is fixed on the fitting with five output sockets.
  4. An accumulator tank, pressure gauge, pressure switch are connected to the free branches of the fitting. The storage tank capacity varies from 400 liters, which makes it possible to guarantee an optimal pressure indicator in the entire system. In addition, a significant supply of liquid can be stored in such a container in case of unforeseen situations.

In addition, it is necessary to determine how the acquisition, installation and verification of equipment will occur: independently or with the participation of specialists.

Final work

Further equipment of suburban water supply is accompanied by such manipulations:

  1. A pipe is connected to a free fitting on one of the branches, after which the main line is drawn, focusing on the trench bottom leveled. In addition, a protected cable is laid through the pit, which serves to connect the pump unit and the hydraulic accumulator.
  2. The socket, which is designed to turn on the above mechanisms, must be grounded in accordance with current safety regulations.
  3. Immediately before entering the pipeline into the building, it is necessary to ensure the installation of a stopcock. He will be responsible for shutting off the water supply in case of emergency or for repairs.
  4. After making sure that the external pipeline is working correctly, they begin to backfill the trench and erect the internal wiring.
  5. Regardless of the selected source of water supply, the design is recommended to be equipped with filtering and purification devices.
  6. Internal wiring is performed according to a previously prepared scheme. Here you should focus on personal opportunities and preferences, creating the most convenient and practical site for further operation.
  7. At the final stage, it will be necessary to draw up places for water intake with the connection of irrigation systems, household appliances, sewers and other devices.

Hot water

For a complete set, you can equip a suburban water supply system in the country with water pipes for a hot stream. You will need a storage boiler or its flowing variety. In this case, it is better to use a storage water heater. The equipment is connected and started up according to the standard scheme. If everything is done correctly, slowly, with appropriate verification, the system of suburban water supply and sewerage will last without problems for a long time.

Water supply and sewerage


To maintain continuous water supply, it is desirable to place the water storage tank on the roof or in the attic. Then the system will create optimal pressure for the supply of warm water.

Care should be taken to insulate the tank. In addition, it must be equipped with a special pipe, which serves to fill the tank with water.

Also, a hole is provided in the storage tank for air inlet and outlet, as well as overflow, which will avoid problems in the event of breakage or with excessive pressure.

That's not all. For the correct operation of the water supply system, it is necessary to control the pressure level in the water supply system. This can be arranged using a pump or shut-off devices with pressure gauges and check valves.


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