Biography of Nekrasov: life path and work of the great national poet

Nekrasov Nikolay Alekseevich, whose biography begins on November 28 (December 10), 1821, was born in a small town Nemirov, located in the Vinnitsa district of the Podolsk province (now - the territory of Ukraine).

The childhood of the poet

biography of Nekrasov
After the birth of a son, the Nekrasov family lived in the village of Greshnev, which at that time belonged to the Yaroslavl province. There were many children - thirteen (although only three of them remained alive), and therefore it was very difficult to keep them. Alexei Sergeyevich, the head of the family, was forced to take on himself the job of a police officer. It was hard to call this work fun and interesting. The senior Nikolai Nekrasov often took with him to the service, and therefore the future poet from the very early years saw the problems that ordinary people faced, and learned to sympathize with them.

At the age of 10, Nikolai was sent to the Yaroslavl gymnasium. But at the end of the 5th grade, he abruptly stopped his studies. Why? Opinions of biographers on this issue differ. Some believe that the boy was not too diligent in his studies, and his success in this field left much to be desired, while others are of the opinion that his father simply stopped paying for tuition. And perhaps both of these reasons have occurred. One way or another, but then the biography of Nekrasov continues in St. Petersburg, where a sixteen-year-old boy is sent to enter a military school (noble regiment).

Difficult years

The poet had every opportunity to become an honest servant, but fate would have liked to order otherwise. Arriving in the cultural capital of the empire - St. Petersburg - Nekrasov gets acquainted and communicates with the students there. They aroused in him a strong thirst for knowledge, but because the future poet decides to go against the will of his father. Nikolai begins to prepare for admission to the university. He fails: he could not pass all the exams. However, this did not stop him: from 1839 to 1841. the poet goes to the Faculty of Philology as a volunteer. In those days, Nekrasov lived in terrible poverty, because his father did not give him a single penny. The poet often had to go hungry, and he got to the point that he spent the night in shelters for the homeless. But there were also bright moments: for example, just in one of these places, Nikolai earned his first money (15 kopecks) for help in writing a petition. The difficult financial situation did not break the spirit of the young man and he swore to himself, in spite of any obstacles, to achieve recognition.

Literary activity of Nekrasov

A biography of Nekrasov is impossible without mentioning the stages of his formation as a poet, writer.

Soon after the events described above, Nikolai’s life went smoothly. He got a job as a tutor, he was often assigned to compose tales and alphabets for popular publishers. A good side job was writing small articles in the Literary Newspaper, as well as Literary Addition to the Russian Disabled. Several vaudeville composed by him and published under the pseudonym “Perepelsky” were even staged on the Alexandria scene. Having set aside some money, in 1840 Nekrasov published his first collection of poems, which was called "Dreams and Sounds."

Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich biography
Biography of Nekrasov was not without a fight with critics. Despite the fact that they treated him ambiguously, Nikolai himself was extremely upset by the negative review of the authoritative Belinsky. It even got to the point that Nekrasov himself bought up most of the circulation and destroyed books. However, the few remaining copies made it possible to see Nekrasov in a completely unusual role as a writer of ballads. Subsequently, he moved on to other genres and themes.

Forty years of the 19th century Nekrasov spent, working closely with the journal "Domestic Notes". Nikolai himself was a bibliographer. A turning point in his life can be considered a close acquaintance and the beginning of friendship with Belinsky. After a very short time, the verses of Nikolai Nekrasov began to be actively published. For a rather short period of time, the almanacs “April 1,” “Physiology of St. Petersburg,” and “Petersburg Collection” were published, in which the poet’s poems coexisted with the works of the best authors of that period. Among them, among all others, were the works of F. Dostoevsky, A. Herzen, D. Grigorovich, I. Turgenev.

Publishing went well. This allowed Nekrasov and his friends at the end of 1846 to purchase the Sovremennik magazine. In addition to the poet himself, many talented writers leave for this journal. And Belinsky gives Nekrasov an unusually generous gift - he passes for the magazine a huge amount of materials that the critic has been compiling for his own publication for a long time. During the reaction period, the content of Sovremennik was controlled by the tsarist government, and under the influence of censorship, it began to print mostly works of the adventure genre. But, nevertheless, the magazine does not lose its popularity.

Further, the biography of Nekrasov takes us to sunny Italy, where the poet left in the 50s to be treated for a sore throat. Having recovered his health, he returns to his homeland. Here life "is in full swing" - Nikolai finds himself in advanced literary flows, communicates with people of high morality. At this time, revealed the best and hitherto unknown aspects of the poet's talent. In the work on the magazine, Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky become his faithful assistants and colleagues.

Despite the fact that in 1866 the Sovremennik was closed, Nekrasov did not give up. From his long-standing "competitor", the writer rents "Domestic Notes", which quickly rise to the same height as the "Contemporary" at one time.

Working with the two best magazines of his time, Nekrasov wrote and published many of his works. Among them are poems (“To whom it is good to live in Russia”, “Peasant children”, “Frost, red nose”, “Sasha”, “Russian women”), poems (“Railway”, “Knight for an hour”, “Prophet” ") And many others. Nekrasov was at the zenith of his glory.

last years of life

N a Nekrasov biography
At the beginning of 1875, the poet was given a terrible diagnosis - "intestinal cancer." His life became a continuous misery, and only the support of loyal readers helped to somehow hold on. Telegrams and letters came to Nicholas even from the farthest corners of Russia. This support meant a lot to the poet: struggling with pain, he continued to create. At the sunset of his life, he writes a satirical poem called "Contemporaries", sincere and offensive for the living cycle of poems "Last Songs".

A talented poet and activist of the literary world bid farewell to this world on December 27, 1877 (January 8, 1878) in St. Petersburg, at the age of only 56 years.

Despite the severe frost, thousands of people came to say goodbye to the poet and take him to the place of their last resting place (Novodevichy cemetery in St. Petersburg).

Love in the life of a poet

N. A. Nekrasov, whose biography is a real charge of manpower and energy, in his life met three women. His first love was Avdotya Panaeva. They were not officially married, but lived together for fifteen years. After some time, Nekrasov fell in love with a charming Frenchwoman - Celine Lefren. However, this novel was unsuccessful for the poet: Selina left him, and before that she squandered a fair part of his fortune. And finally, six months before his death, Nekrasov got married to Fyokla Viktorova, who loved him dearly and took care of him until the last day.


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