Device for lifting weights: timber, logs. Weight lifting mechanism

With the development of infrastructure in Russia, the need for transporting goods at different distances with minimal cost is increasing every year. And this applies not only to transportation in 20-ton trucks, but also to transportation of parts within the same industrial zone. How to ensure the lifting of a heavy load with a minimum expenditure of physical strength? For such purposes, mankind has come up with a special device for lifting weights, which is also called a lift. We’ll talk about him today.

weight lifting device


The mechanism for lifting weights is designed to capture and securely fix various building materials on the loading platform, including when moving them by cranes. In any case, no matter how it is transported, this lift will insure the cargo from possible falls, breakages and deformations.

Varieties of restraints

In order for the transported part to hold firmly on the lift, there are several types of restraints:

  • Rope slings.
  • Special captures.
  • Traverses.
  • Sling devices with remote control.

The sling itself is a removable device for lifting weights, in appearance resembling a piece of steel rope with several fasteners at both ends. It can be rings, hooks, carabiners or a rope loop.

Varieties of slings

In turn, slings can be divided into several categories. Distinguish between conventional devices (used for hanging loads using special loops and hooks, for example, an iron hook for lifting weights) and universal, which hold the device with a special strapping. In the first case, slabs, panels or containers act as cargo. In the case of universal devices, their design and method of strapping allows you to transport various metal structures and pipes of large diameter. In addition, the connecting and fastening design of universal lifts allows you to transport long wood products.

weight lifting mechanism

By their design, universal tools can be made in the form of a loop or a lightweight sling (one rope branch of various lengths and diameters). A loop line is a closed piece of rope, while the ends of this device are connected to the lifting mechanism using special clamps or a braid. Lightweight devices consist of a piece of rope, at the end of which there are special buckets (metal loops woven into a cable). In turn, a hook or a drum is fixed on them. In this case, a lightweight lifting device can be used as a multi-lane and will be able to transport heavier objects.

Number of branches

Also, slings are classified by the number of branches used. Distinguish single and multi-branch blocks for lifting weights. The latter are divided into simple and balanced (they are also called balancing). A multi-branch device for lifting weights can have from 2 to 6 or more slings in its design. At the same time, the smallest 2-sling element is able to easily transport various beams, girders and wall panels in the presence of only one pair of mounting loops. Devices with a large number of holding parts can lift loads that are much more serious in terms of weight β€” flights of stairs, floor slabs and many other concrete products that have at least 4 fastening loops in their design (this is also called a β€œspider” fastening system).

weight lifting blocks

Such devices, as a rule, consist of a ring-bracket, which is hung on a crane hook and the ends of lightweight slings. However, despite their high load-carrying characteristics, such devices have a significant drawback. It consists in unbalancing the load when lifting and moving from place to place. In other words, a weight lifting device simply loses its balance. In this case, it is necessary to take certain measures to stabilize the center of gravity to eliminate the displacement of the part. But lifting and moving weights manually is a matter, you see, only for the warriors.

How to lift a load with a displaced center of gravity?

Today, the problem of lifting such weights arises quite often. Therefore, in such cases, it is known that with an uneven load on the connected loops, balanced slings are installed from above (for example, the Mosorgstroy type of 10 tons). Such devices have a separate suspension in their design, on which there are 2 clips with blocks that add more weight to the device from one side or another. Due to this, the lifting device calmly raises the balanced load to the desired height.

weight lifting iron hook

How to lift devices that do not have special loops?

In such cases, the product is slinged using grippers. In order to lift a device, such as a floor panel, which does not have mounting loops, but only holes, a loop grip must be applied to it. It is inserted into the hole of the transported panel and with the help of a special cracker that rotates in the horizontal direction, a quick and safe rise of a huge reinforced concrete product is carried out. All fastenings are carried out through the very hole that was originally present in one or another part of the plate.

lifting and moving weights manually


Thus, in the field of construction today, a lot of types of lifting devices with different numbers of slings and loops are used. And in the case of displacement of the center of gravity by the transported cargo, a special ballast is fixed on its structure, which, under the strength of its weight, quickly and easily restores the level of the product. This makes moving the product in space safer and more convenient.


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