Exaltation is an uplift

When there is some very joyful event that makes the heart tremble with happiness, and the cheeks burn with a living blush, it seems that a person directly sows good around him.

exaltation is
Most people are in this mood for some special reason, because it is not for nothing that they say: “Laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness.” Unreasonable joy, of course, is not a negative phenomenon if it has boundaries. If not, then they say that the person is in a state of exaltation.

Both good and bad

Exaltation is an unreasonable, overly joyful mood. In this state, a person can admire loudly a quality-painted border for Easter or the original design of a candy wrapper. Those around them, as a rule, are cautious: who knows, what exaltation can lead to. This is not only unbridled fun, but also a distortion of the perception of reality, which can lead to disastrous consequences.

Scary funny people

Someone may say that it’s better to let a person run and laugh than lie and cry, but there is a second side to the coin. In general, exaltation is an abnormal condition in terms of psychology. Recall all the famous films about psychiatric hospitals. The classic image of a crazy person is such an enlightened “God's dandelion” with a strange laugh and inadequate reaction to what is happening. The same person makes the same impression on whom exaltation "found". This may seem to some too radical a view, but in this state it is better for a person not to contact with others. There is a high probability that they will not only not understand this mood, but also urgently call an ambulance and try to force feed a happy comrade soothing. Unreasonable joy scares everyone in the same way as un motivated aggression, because it is destructive to the same extent.

exaltation meaning of the word

What to do if exaltation reaches you too

Oddly enough, not psychologists, namely linguists, can very clearly explain what exaltation is. The meaning of the word comes from the Latin noun exaltatio, which means "spiritual uplift", "inspiration". In the concept that is used today, the same semantics is observed. This condition can manifest itself not only in the form of active enthusiasm for any reason, but also in the form of an ordinary dreamy mood. For example, if a person suddenly decided to skip one day at work and instead arranged a lonely picnic in a local park, lay down on the grass and began to count the clouds, most likely, exaltation “found” him. This condition can also relax, but only on condition that a person notices something wrong in time and can calm himself. But if the exaltation of the end-edge is not visible - it means that it is better for a person to simply leave him alone for some time and, if possible, not once again laugh at his jokes out of place.

Pink glasses and bloated passion

Excessive spring happiness in mid-January is what exaltation means. This condition is sometimes observed among lovers who have not yet left the period of pink glasses and stubbornly call their new love a companion of their whole life. It doesn’t matter that they met this life partner about two weeks ago at a faceted day party. Their permanent exaltation will smooth out all the rough edges of this acquaintance and convince the lovers that at the party they found their destiny. In this state, people usually do not notice even the most obvious drawbacks of their second half.

what does exaltation mean
The most attentive and honest people are aware that this person may not be the best option for living together, but they continue to love him without memory and pretend that everything is going according to plan. It’s a pity that in the end these relations do not have a future, but it’s good that people at least for a while feel so happy.

Exaltation among the planets

However, this term is used not only in psychology. There is also such a thing as "exaltation of the planets." It is quite common in astrology, and lovers of detailed horoscopes probably know firsthand about its significance. Astrologers believe that the fate of man depends on the location of celestial bodies, and it is they who talk about their exaltation. It is said that certain planets in some constellations “feel” best of all, and astrologers make a start from this when compiling horoscopes.

exaltation of the planets
During this period, the planets seem to show all their best qualities with special strength, and at the same time, nothing prevents them. A certain "degree" of exaltation may indicate that the planet is at the peak of its forces. At such moments, astrologers advise people to do what they have long dreamed of. Perhaps it's time to confess my love to that pretty girl, and then exaltation may well come to you. However, one must remember common sense and know the measure in everything.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E790/

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