Museums of Yekaterinburg: description, reviews, prices. Yekaterinburg, Museum of Fine Arts

Museums in Yekaterinburg deserve the attention of both local residents and visitors. It should be noted that there are a lot of similar institutions, and among them, each person will be able to find a direction that interests him.

Museum of Fine Arts - General Information

Yekaterinburg is famous throughout the Urals for its art gallery. The Museum of Fine Arts occupies two buildings, one of which is located at ul. Voevodina, 5, and the second - on L. Weiner street, 11.

The first is located on the banks of Iset and occupies a reconstructed building of the mid-18th century. The museum in this building was opened in 1985. There are both permanent exhibitions and a platform for temporary exhibitions. Among the permanent ones, Kasli casting, Western European art, Russian icon painting and Russian painting, which all the cities of Russia were famous for, including Yekaterinburg, are worth noting. The Museum of Fine Arts acquaints visitors with the works of Larionov, Mashkov, Malevich, Lentulov, Venetsianov, Kramskoy, Shishkin and many other famous artists.

Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts

The second building of the museum is a building of 1912, erected by the architect Babykin. The Sverdlovsk Gallery occupied this building in 1936, and in the late 80s it received a new status, since then it is the Museum of Art (Yekaterinburg).

Description of the Bazhov House-Museum

Chapaeva 11 - at this address is the Bazhov House-Museum. Yekaterinburg for many years was the city of residence of the famous writer. It is worth noting that in 1914 Bazhov erected this one-story log house with his own hands and lived in it with his family from 1923 to 1950. It was here that his most famous book, entitled The Malachite Box, was created, as well as many others.

Bazhov Museum Yekaterinburg

The Bazhov Museum (Yekaterinburg) was opened in 1969. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the original appearance of the house is fully preserved. The furnishings of the entire study, children's room and dining room also remained the same. The garden is also preserved near the house, in which viburnum, linden, apple trees, mountain ash grow, planted by the writer. The library, which was once collected by P.P. Bazhov, has 2,000 books. Many of them have autographs of writers with whom Bazhov was once familiar and friendly. Courtyards also retained their original appearance.

Museum of the History of Stone-Cutting and Jewelry

Stone-cutting Museum Yekaterinburg

Looking at the museums of Yekaterinburg, one cannot ignore the stone-cutting museum located in the historical center of the city on Lenin Avenue, 37. The museum is part of the former pharmacy building, which was built in 1821 according to the design of Mikhail Malakhov (Ural architect). The museum exposition includes outstanding mineralogical monuments. The museum presents stone-cutting works of the 18th century, among which are copies made by masters of the imperial lapidary factory in Yekaterinburg. Museum visitors are presented with interesting objects made of jasper, marble and malachite. Of particular note is a vase from Kalkan jasper, whose height is 1.5 meters.

The Stone-cutting Museum (Yekaterinburg) acquaints visitors with the history of jewelry art in Russia. The gold and silver products presented here belong to various movements that dominated during the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. There is also a hall in the museum dedicated to contemporary stone-carving art.

Museum of the History of Yekaterinburg

All the museums of Yekaterinburg deserve attention, but the city’s history museum is able to open the curtain of secrets for its visitors not only in a specific area, but in all areas of life and activity of its residents. Initially, it was the city memorial museum of Y. M. Sverdlov, and it received its current status only in 1995.

museums of Ekaterinburg

There are both temporary and permanent displays. So, the exhibition entitled “Time. Town. An old house". Thanks to her, visitors can learn more about the history of Yekaterinburg through the transformation of the house in which this museum is located today. There is also a permanent exhibition of wax figures. And more recently, another permanent exhibition appeared - “Yekaterinburg in the 18th century. 3D ".

Geological Museum - Description

Not all museums in Yekaterinburg delight visitors with their expositions for as long as the Ural Geological Museum. It was opened back in 1937. The exhibition was immediately interested in specialists in this field, who lived far beyond the boundaries of this area, and a little later foreign guests began to visit it. The building of the geological museum consists of three halls - geological, minerals and mineralogical.

Geological Museum Yekaterinburg

The Geological Museum (Yekaterinburg) gathered under its roof more than 30,000 exhibits of precious stones and minerals that were mined in the Urals. However, only a third of this huge collection is presented to visitors, the rest is stored in vast storage areas. Some of the exhibits that can be seen in the museum today were once presented to him by local collectors. Visitors can see platinum, gold, rhodonite, malachite, emeralds, topazes, amethysts and much more. There are also minerals that were first discovered in the Urals, among them sysertskite, ilmenite, etc. The real pride of the museum is a quartz crystal, whose mass is 784 kg.

Museums of Yekaterinburg. Working hours and admission prices

It will be much easier to get to the museums of Yekaterinburg if you possess information about the hours, days of their work and the cost of entrance tickets. The Geological Museum is open from 10 am to 5 pm all days except Sunday and Monday. Admission for adults will cost 100 rubles, for children, students and retirees - 40 rubles. The Museum of the History of Yekaterinburg is open daily, although on Monday, Tuesday and Friday - from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., on Wednesday, Thursday - from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Saturday and Sunday - from 11 a.m. to 18. Admission ticket costs 150 rubles, 60 children, 100 for pensioners.

Museum of Art Yekaterinburg

The stone-cutting museum is open from 11 am to 6 pm daily, except Sunday and Monday. A ticket for an adult will cost 160 rubles, a school student 50. The Bazhov House Museum is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Friday, on Wednesday and Thursday it works an hour longer, and on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. An adult ticket costs 100 rubles, a child ticket costs 50. The Museum of Fine Arts is open from 11 to 19 from Friday to Sunday and from 11 to 20 on Monday-Thursday. A full ticket costs 100 rubles, a discount ticket - 50.

Reviews about the museums of Yekaterinburg

Over the period of its existence, the museums of Yekaterinburg have already managed to receive thousands of visitors and receive many reviews from them. So, very many are satisfied with the expositions of the Museum of History. Particular delight is the interactive presentation. In the reviews of people about this institution, there is information that they saw a lot of interesting exhibits that they had not met before.

As for the stone-cutting museum, there are different reviews. Some remain satisfied with the exhibits, while others claim that the collections are too poor, although they are quite enough to familiarize children with this type of art. Many good reviews leave people about the geological museum. They say that even those who are completely not interested in stones and minerals will appreciate the museum’s collection.


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