Planting oak acorns: landscape design of the garden

Are you keen on landscape design in your country house and set out to grow an oak tree on the site? Why not! You can not limit yourself only to shrubs and conifers. Planting oak with acorns will not take much of your time, and there is nothing complicated in this, you just need to know some nuances.

How to grow a beautiful tree so that it pleases the eye?

planting oak acorns

When it comes to oak, an image of a millennial giant appears immediately before the eyes. It should be noted that a young tree on good soil can quickly gain solid growth. So that it does not stretch out much, it must be restrained. We will talk about this a bit later.


To begin with, planting oak with acorns is a proven and reliable method. Acorn itself is a large seed that sprouts with gratitude. And if you involve a child in the cultivation of a new tree, then this will already be an informative and fascinating process. And in case of a successful attempt, after decades, there will be something to tell grandchildren.

planting acorns oak

There is another way - planting oak by transferring it from a familiar environment. In other words, take and dig a tree in the forest. But in this case, the guarantees that it will take root are very, very small. Why? Because, sprouting from the acorn, the sprout first launches a very long root, it can be said, grows into the ground. Digging it out of the soil without damaging it is almost impossible. And with a "wounded" root, the tree will not survive. Therefore, planting oak acorns will give you a better chance of success.

There are several ways to plant a seed. For example, the most prosaic: in late autumn, put a ripe acorn in the place where your tree will grow. It is not necessary to bury it deeply, just cover it slightly with earth so that the birds do not carry it away. In the spring with a thaw, your tree will begin to sprout. Of course, there is no 100% guarantee; an acorn can rot and be eaten by some animal. The same process can be repeated in early spring.

You can avoid setbacks by planting an acorn at home in a tall container. Before this, you can wash the seeds with household soap in order to destroy any parasites that our eyes do not see. It is better to plant at the end of winter. After 2-3 weeks you will see strong sprouts. They will just have time to gain strength by transplanting to the "big" land.

oak planting
Use the same soil as for home pots.

You can plant an acorn in the fall, but this is already troublesome. You will need to take care of him throughout the long winter and the beginning of spring. Sometimes a young sprout at the end of the cold period drops leaves, which is very frustrating for its hosts.


Planting oak acorns does not require serious care. You only need regular watering.

That's when the leaves appear, then you need to do prevention from powdery mildew. This fungus is very fond of young shoots. And the loss of foliage is dangerous for an unformed plant.

Crown formation

oak planting
It’s better not to prune young trees if you don’t have a goal to turn them into oak bushes or do topiary art - to form figures from foliage. Wait until the young oak grows to the height you need.

To restrain growth, you need to remove some branches from the trunk and part of the growth. Then the tree will have a natural beautiful crown. If you did not deal with scraps before, then it is better to bring a gardener neighbor to this mystery.

As you can see, planting oak with acorns is an easy task. The main thing is to do it with love and patience. Every spring, young green foliage will thank you and delight your look.


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