Selected Parent Quotes

The upbringing and development of children is the main component of the life of an average person. Most people see a special sense in devoting themselves to sons and daughters, to continue their race. Quotes about parents emphasize the undeniable importance of family and family ties. There is an opinion in society that no one can be happy alone. What father and mother give us is deeply embedded in the subconscious and significantly affects the rest of our lives. Beautiful quotes about parents reflect a respectful attitude to their native people, a desire to do something important and necessary for them.

quotes about parents

Adult children are at best grateful to their father and mother. The quotes about parents set forth in this article help to understand the greatest value of the family as such, they are aimed at revealing family ties.

“To properly raise a child, walk on his own path, step by step” (Josh Billings)

Any development begins with the conscious intention to give your child all the best. Parents often forget that their baby, barely born, is already a person. Respect his personality, allow you to make decisions yourself, make the necessary choices. The desire to do everything for the child, as a rule, does not end with anything good. It is necessary to be close to him, but at the same time allow you to make your own mistakes. Otherwise, it will not be possible to pass important lessons, to draw final conclusions.

quotes about parents

Quotes about parents have an indisputable truth and are of great value. After reading them once, you can no longer forget these wise words. In the most difficult moments of life, I want to return to them again.

“The hardest part for a father is to realize that his son or daughter has already grown up.” (Bill Cosby)

Parents always seek to patronize their children, and this is not surprising. Some are so successful in this occupation that they do not notice anything around, cease to live their own lives. They are driven only by concern for their child, the desire to protect and preserve him in every possible way. When it comes to the realization that the child has become an adult, the father and mother are often lost, they do not know what they should now direct their efforts to. Quotes about parents sensefully reveal the urgent problem of letting their children go. Having allowed the young people to leave, the couple reconstructs the existing relations again, learns mutual understanding, patience.

“Children need more role models than critics” (Carolyn Kotz)

Sometimes it seems that parents just can not help but scold their offspring. It seems to many that they are not doing everything as if deliberately experiencing patience. In fact, children are in dire need of having a positive role model in front of them . They need to rely on some examples in order to learn how to build their own model of behavior in a given situation. By criticism we only kill the desire for self-knowledge in them, make them remove great goals and dreams.

quotes about parents with meaning

Quotes about parents help to understand that you need to become a worthy example for children to be proud of. Children are much smarter than they might seem: they easily distinguish truth from lies, reveal true feelings, as if close people would not try to hide them.

“There is no higher privilege and responsibility in life than the education of the next generation” (Everett Coop)

Life without children may seem monotonous, devoid of any meaning. Adults need to take care of someone small and defenseless. Otherwise, they begin to feel their own uselessness and lack of demand. Quotes about parents help to realize that you need to invest maximum strength and energy in raising your own child. Do not spare time, cut free hours and devote them to the child. In the future, you will recall these wonderful moments spent together.

“Love and respect are the most important aspects of parenthood and all other relationships” (Jody Foster)

It is on these two components that trust communication is built. No effective interaction is complete without treating your child with the utmost attention. To take into account the needs of your child means, first of all, to respect yourself. Being a parent is the greatest responsibility and at the same time a great blessing.

beautiful quotes about parents

Becoming a father or mother, a person forever changes the course of his life, he simply can not remain the same. Quotes about parenting children reflect the main idea of ​​any interaction: to be honest and open, to work on their own shortcomings, to set a good example to follow. With children, you need to behave as naturally and simply as possible, not forgetting to take into account their individual characteristics.

“Parenting is, first and foremost, trust” (Kevin Heath)

It is impossible to require a child to perform certain tasks if you yourself do not. Ideally, trust should be established between the parent and the children, which would allow them to reach a high level of understanding of everything that happens in the family. When there is a desire to develop together, grandiose plans are built by themselves, favorable events unfold. Trust necessarily generates a response. So, the child learns with attention and responsibility to relate to the world.

Quotes about parents open up a lot. Beautiful phrases contain deep meaning. It is important not only to understand them, but to put them into practice, to act actively. Trust can overcome any obstacles, solve various psychological problems, conquer peaks that were not dreamed of. Do not be afraid to love your children, give warmth to your heart, and trust them with your secret dreams. Soon you will notice that your child treats you with the same confidence, easily talks about everything that happens to him.

“When children start asking questions, parents realize that they know very little.” (Richard L. Evans)

Recognition of the world begins with self-knowledge. And it, in turn, arises when numerous questions are formed in the baby’s head. Of course, he immediately rushes to ask their parents, confident in their absolute power. Mom and Dad, unfortunately, can not always answer them as sincerely as possible, if only because they are not sure of the correctness of their thoughts. Parents are actually often lost when children try to ask them the simplest questions. This circumstance makes them nervous even more, say not what they think, and in every possible way evade the answer.

quotes about parents are beautiful

Quotes about parents are beautiful, with meaning. They reflect the problem of ignorance of some elementary things. Most often, the father and mother are embarrassed when the child asks a bunch of questions. It is necessary to learn to be sincere with children, to give them information in metered doses. Note that the child does not require a step-by-step plan from you, he just wants to satisfy his curiosity. He is not at all interested in all aspects of an object or phenomenon, he needs to know something specific. The task of parents is to give him what he asks you.

“Parents Are God for Children” (William Shakespeare)

The child relies on his father and mother in everything. He urgently needs the help and participation of loved ones, alone he simply can not cope with all the difficulties. As children develop, they learn many things that parents pass on to them. The words of family people make such a strong impression on them that they do not expose them to any doubts. A child always believes in the exclusivity of his parents, in the fact that they have the best and wonderful ones. Such a worldview helps to form a trust in the world in a little man, an attentive attitude towards others.

quotes about parents are beautiful with meaning

Quotes about the parents of great people, like this one, are aimed at maintaining internal balance in the person himself. A full-fledged personality development is impossible without a strengthened trust and developed individual thinking. Smart people, as a rule, always strive to give their child all the best possible.

“There is no such friendship and love as parents have for their children” (Henry Ward Beecher)

Family values are passed down from generation to generation. If father and mother are respectful of each other, then they bring up a corresponding attitude to the world in children. Such a child will trust others, build open and honest relationships in the future. When children grow up, they have their own values, but those learned in their own family never disappear. Over time, a strong friendship may arise between parents and children. It will grow over the years and delight everyone.

“You should not try to make your child perfect, you need to work on a relationship with him” (Dr. Henker)

The pursuit of excellence is inherent in human nature. Note that we are rarely truly satisfied with the results of our efforts. This approach cannot be carried over to relationships with children. The child should feel that we love unconditionally, and not for any individual merits. You need to learn to accept your child completely and unconditionally. The desire to achieve the ideal is most often dictated by extreme self-doubt. To educate a strong personality, it is necessary to help the child reach his full potential. Only then will he realize in life everything that he is capable of, will reveal fully available opportunities.

quotes about parenting

Thus, quotes about love for parents reflect many of the psychological problems that people face when creating a family. Parenting is not an easy job, but it has a nice reward. There is a certain pattern: as far as parents love their child, he will be attentive to them in the future.


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