The Finest Poinsettia: Home Care

As soon as this wonderful plant is not called: poinsettia (poinsettia), the most beautiful euphorbia, the Christmas star. The last name suggests that the flower with its magnificent appearance announces the proximity of Christmas and New Year. It can be a welcome gift for a celebration. What is poinsetia, home care, the history of the plant - all this is described in the article.

poinsetia home care

Where are you from, beautiful child?

This plant is a family of euphorbiaceae, a native of Mexico - there it lives in natural conditions in the form of large shrubs. It grew peacefully in the Mexican prairies, the Aztecs made dyes from the pigment of red leaves for their warlike coloring and for fabrics. The juice of the plant was treated for fever. In the 19th century, it miraculously migrated to America, and then around the world they learned about it. It so happened that the American ambassador, J. R. Poinsett, worked in Mexico at that time. Whether he was a good diplomat - the story is silent, but he was a doctor and a nerd from God. It was he who sent the most beautiful euphorbia to South Carolina, to his greenhouse, without forgetting to call him by his name - Poinsettia. So one of the names of the flower was fixed - poinsetia. Home care and numerous breeding experiments have led to the fact that today there are hundreds of varieties of plants. It did not just take root in greenhouses and indoor pots. Botanists managed to give it the most unusual colors, in addition to the original red.

poinsetia flower care

Poinsettia flower : care and content features

In fact, they call it a flower only because it grows on window sills and decorates the house. In fact, the Christmas star gained universal love thanks to bracts of bright red color, and not to flowers, invisible and plain. By mid-winter, the upper leaves of the plant turn purple-red, and in other, artificially bred varieties - white, cream, even blue. This is a very capricious, even, one might say, touchy flower - poinsettia. Home care is not limited to timely watering. It is noticed that the flower dramatically loses its beauty if you give it to someone or give it. Obviously, this is how he reacts to a change in lighting, the slightest temperature fluctuation. Even contact with cold window glass can cause leaves to fade and soon fall off. After flowering, the poinsetia should be cut so that the shoots are no longer than 15 cm, and put in a quiet place until the next growth cycle, watering infrequently, but also preventing the earth from drying out. This is such a complex indoor flower. Poinsetia does not tolerate heat and dryness, although it comes from hot prairies, but does not tolerate too moist soil. Near the batteries, she does not belong, as in a dark corner. It is best for her to be on the lightest windowsill, however, without direct sunlight. Comfortable temperature, regular watering - that's what the most beautiful poinsetia shrew loves.

potted flower

Home Care and Reproduction

Reproduction of this flower requires effort. Many try to propagate it with cuttings, planting them immediately in the ground or putting them in water, but not all plants take root. If you are lucky, then you should transplant the shoot into a separate pot and leave it alone at a temperature of at least 16-17 degrees and moderate watering. Only in the first year of flowering is not necessary. I must say the most beautiful poinsettia many thanks if it blooms in the second year. If someone is unlucky with this beautiful flower, and I really want to have it on special days - well, you can advise one thing: buy a new flowering bush in a pot for every Christmas.


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