Energy-saving heating of a private house: principles, technologies

Heating systems often occupy the first positions in the estimates for the costs of maintaining private houses. First of all, this applies to electrical equipment, although units operating on other sources of energy supply also involve significant operational costs. In addition, the heating infrastructure, by its example, clearly demonstrates the dependence of the efficiency of the system on the resources invested. Also, the transition to cheaper heat sources is caused by other negative factors. For example, gas systems require enhanced security measures, limiting users to this choice. One way or another, the desire for savings does not leave the minds of technologists in this field, so energy-saving heating in various conceptual variations is increasingly featured in the proposals of engineering companies. Some solutions are just a marketing ploy, while others are justified in practice.

energy saving heating

Principles of energy-efficient heating

The idea of ​​energy-saving heating systems is based on the principles of fuel economy, maintenance costs and maintenance of technical infrastructure. To ensure that the system meets these requirements, designers use an extensive range of tools and technological solutions. For example, in boilers, dual-combustion chambers are provided, conventional radiator plants receive materials with increased heat transfer, and distribution schemes of bearing components are initially calculated taking into account the characteristics of the place of operation. Energy-saving heating without pipes and boilers, which is based on panel heat transfer, is also gaining popularity. According to many experts, this is the most promising direction. This concept is based on the principle of rational accumulation of generated energy. In practice, this means a reduction not only in energy consumption, but also in the structural element base. That is, a set of compact stove emitters is installed in the house, which save free space, but at the same time generate the same amount of heat as the systems in which the pipe infrastructure is provided.

Principles of Heating Ecosystems

Energy-saving technologies in many areas are closely linked to the principles of environmental safety. On the one hand, the main principle of operation of such equipment is to minimize the consumption of natural energy resources from the exhaustible class, and on the other hand, it is completely harmless to the users themselves. The latter factor is especially important against the background of the desire of many manufacturers to attract owners of private houses with systems with increased energy efficiency, which is ensured precisely thanks to the use of toxic hazardous materials. With regard to optimizing the consumption of energy resources, this concept is implemented by energy-efficient heating, consuming biofuel raw materials. Ecologically safe systems of this type involve the modernization of traditional boilers, as a result of which they allow heat to be generated in the process of burning wood processing waste, plant residues, dried manure, etc. Now it’s worth looking in more detail at specific energy-saving technologies in heating systems.

energy-saving electric heating boilers

Quartz Heaters

This is the most effective type of panel heating, which meets the basic principles of energy efficiency and environmental safety. The heater is a plate made using quartz sand. A special solution is mixed with quartz granules, and also reinforced with a chromium-nickel heating element. Further, the mass is assembled in the press under a certain shape and, under the influence of temperature, acquires hardness and strength. In essence, it turns out electric heating, the energy-saving property of which is expressed in the ability of quartz to accumulate the current distributed through the chromium-nickel conductor. When the system is activated, the panel quickly gains the required temperature, and after shutdown it saves it for a long time. That is, to maintain a given mode, it is not necessary to leave the unit turned on constantly. The system will provide a few hours of heat output in passive mode.

Infrared panels

Another variety of panel energy-saving heaters, which has its advantages due to the special principle of operation. Infrared radiation is characterized by the ability to heat not so much air as objects. The device operates on the principle of heat transfer to objects, which, in turn, disperse the flows in the room. The result is uniform heating. According to experts, the temperature difference from the installation site of the emitter to the extreme point in the room is not more than one degree, while these devices are energy-saving. Heating for a house with large rooms can be built on this principle. In this case, a point microclimate is not organized, but a balanced microclimate throughout the space. For other characteristics, infrared heaters retain the advantages of the aforementioned quartz panel.

energy-efficient electric heating

Energy efficient radiators

Radiator heating systems are also of interest from companies involved in energy-saving technologies. Unlike conventional radiators, such models are formed by separate vacuum sections filled with a lithium-bromide liquid base. At a temperature of 35 Β° C, vaporization occurs in this filler. The result is the heating of the upper parts of the vacuum sections, which, in turn, distribute heat throughout the room. During operation, energy-saving heating radiators are characterized by lower water consumption - as a rule, only 500 ml is required for one unit. This is several times less compared to the level of consumption of conventional radiator installations.

Energy efficient boilers

Boiler and furnace installations are also being improved in structural and operational qualities. Pyrolysis energy-saving heating boilers, in which the principle of long-term heating is implemented, are closer to traditional units. It is achieved due to a special design with a double combustion chamber. In the process, the so-called secondary combustion of waste products occurs. Solid fuel material is initially burned in the main chamber, and then gas substances go through another stage of processing with the release of heat.

energy-saving heating without pipes and boilers

Another direction in the development of the concept of energy-saving boilers is based on the principles of biofuel combustion. These are combined electric heating boilers, the energy-saving qualities of which are determined by the ability to work on pellets, special fuel pellets and briquettes.

Solar Energy Saving Batteries

Batteries powered by the energy of solar panels make it possible to provide almost free power supply to the engineering infrastructure of a residential building. The heating system in this case acts as a consumer of accumulated energy, which is converted into electricity using special generators. As the direct equipment for heating, the same electric boilers or radiators with convectors can act. But if in the process of heat generation energy-saving heating batteries do not require costs, then their technical maintenance is expensive. And this is not to mention the primary investment in the same solar panels and conversion generators. It is this nuance that hinders the widespread use of this technology, but in the near future, solar panels will be able to fully justify their energy-saving function.

energy-saving heating batteries

Traditional heating optimization tools

Practice shows that the indicators of energy costs of heating systems are to a large extent determined by the quality of the project. The layout of the heating pipes, the installation points of the heat-emitting panels, the performance of boiler plants - all this affects the consumption of electricity or fuel materials. Therefore, even at the stage of choosing a heating method, it is desirable to at least correlate the installation capacity with the requirements for heat transfer volumes. In addition , energy-saving heating based on conventional systems can be realized through the integration of automatic systems. They will help to achieve a rational consumption without user intervention through the management of operating modes.

Features of installation of energy-saving equipment

Systems with minimal energy consumption differ not only in operating principles, but often in installation nuances. In particular, models of energy-saving radiators in some versions are attached to the ceiling, which allows them to perform their function with greater heat transfer. Conversely, modern floor heating systems integrate directly into the screed and dissipate the warm currents from the bottom to the top. It has its own characteristics and energy-saving heating in the form of quartz panels. They are installed on the surfaces of the walls, but with a minimum coverage of the area.

energy-saving heating of a private house

Maintenance of energy-saving systems

Maintenance and maintenance of energy-saving equipment is often more expensive than for traditional units. This is due precisely to the use of non-standard power sources. For example, biofuel boilers involve the organization of conditions for storing the same pellets and briquettes. Such materials are sensitive to dampness and require compliance with increased fire safety measures. Also, solar energy-saving heating of a private house needs technical support from converters, and the panels themselves should be regularly monitored for more efficient heat storage.

How to choose the best energy-saving solution?

The volume of heat transfer is the main indicator that should be considered when choosing a heating medium. In the basic versions, small-sized installations, like the same radiators, can cope with room maintenance with an area of ​​25-35 m 2 . But for large living rooms, halls and rooms with high ceilings, powerful electric heating boilers are more likely to be required. The energy-saving properties of such equipment will not be so obvious, but it is important to understand that the use of traditional furnaces and boiler stations for similar needs will be even more expensive.

energy saving home heating


Technologies for optimizing the costs of operating heating units and associated equipment in various fields are undergoing radical changes. Corrections are made in the structural schemes, and in the functional support. But the starting points for the modernization of energy-efficient heating systems are based on the principles of equipment operation. Technologies of alternative energy sources demonstrate the most significant deviations from traditional systems, although among ordinary consumers they are not in high demand. What can not be said about energy-saving radiators and boilers, the features of which are expressed in the use of more affordable biological fuel.


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