Differences of legal norms from other social norms. Basic social norms

A social norm is a rule of behavior generally accepted for all people. This definition is the same, that is, it applies to all social norms. But what are the differences between legal norms and other social norms? This article will try to answer this question. It is important to understand that in order to ideally distinguish legal norms from other social norms, it is necessary to understand these concepts. Well then, let's get down to it immediately.

Concept of social norm

Social norms include

So, we figured out that a set of social norms is the main mechanism of self-regulation of society. It is the presence of social norms that we owe to the fact that in society there is a more or less good order. A social norm is a complex phenomenon that includes such areas of human life as:

  • A family. It is from here that the process of socialization begins - the entry of a person into society. And the personal set of what can or cannot be done depends on what rules of behavior are in the family and how much they are followed by the rest of its members.
  • Work. Next we get to work. Social norms also apply here. The relationship with colleagues or superiors depends on how well a person will master them and observe them. Moreover, absolute conformism (behavior that is based on the full acceptance of social norms) is unlikely to lead to career growth.
  • Education. School - this is one of the first agents of socialization of a person besides the family. It is here that the basic social norms are systematically stated, and being in a team helps the child put them into practice.
  • Religion. It is full of different norms. Their set is specific to each religion, but there are still cross-cultural elements. For example, commandments such as “Do not kill” or “Do not steal” are the basic rules of conduct inherent in any society. Religion allows you to integrate different social norms between representatives of completely opposite societies. And that is precisely what religion really does well. For example, Christianity introduced the basic rule of morality in almost any country: "Do not do to others what you do not want to be done to you." And indeed, it is precisely on this rule that most of the social norms are based. But we will talk about this in more detail later.
  • Relations. The main goal of social norms is the regulation of human relations. Therefore, it is in this sphere that they appear. This item is universal. After all, family, school, and religion are thoroughly saturated with relations between different people.

And many other spheres of human life that exist today.

The functions of the social norm

Concept of social norm

Social norm was not just invented by people. We already realized that it has a regulatory function. But this phenomenon is not limited solely to it. What other functions does the social norm fulfill? Social norms include the tasks that society sets for itself:

  • The measure of control. This means that social norms are intended as a standard by which society judges people. This is the evaluation function.
  • Forced socialization. All the previous experience that mankind has received, with the help of a system of social norms, can be transferred to a person during the period of growing up, so that by maturity he will become much better than his peers in the previous generation. Thus, the evolution of society.
  • Making a good impression. If a person has mastered social norms well, then he is initially in a more advantageous position against the background of people who have poorly socialized. The latter need psychological and social help that can last for years. Accordingly, the person who is familiar with social norms (whether or not to comply with them) is initially in a more favorable position.
  • Designation of personal boundaries of each member of society.

These are the main tasks that have social norms. Obviously, there are many more. But the main thing is the regulation of public relations. The concept of technical norms is close to social norms when the rules for communicating with various kinds of technology are established.

Signs of a social norm

The ratio of the rule of law

Not every rule is a social norm. Therefore, it will be rational to consider the signs by which it can be determined.

  1. Normativeness. This indicates the rules that a person must follow in the presence of a certain situation.
  2. Generally binding. Social norms should apply to absolutely all people, regardless of the category to which they belong.
  3. Social conditionality. That is, norms are produced directly by society.
  4. Consistency. Any social norms are interconnected.
  5. Regulatory. Their task, as we have already understood, is the regulation of social relations.
  6. Security. Monitoring compliance with social norms must somehow be carried out.

These signs have social norms. They are inherent in both legal norms and not.

Legal norm

Social norms and deviant behavior

And now we will directly proceed to such a topic as features of the rule of law. What is a legal norm in general? This is a kind of social norm, which is a sign of power and, in theory, should express the will of the people who put this government in their service. In practice, this does not always happen. What are the signs of a legal norm? What parts of the rule of law do they have?

  • Hypothesis.
  • Disposition.
  • Sanction.

These parts are basic and verified not only by a logical way, but also with the help of previous experience of social regulation. That is why we need to study history. After all, the quality of legal life in a particular state depends on it.

Differences between legal and social norms

And now we have come to the most interesting, that about which this whole article is discussed. What is the ratio of the rule of law to other rules of conduct put forward by people. To do this, you need to understand from the very beginning what kind of norms generally exist. And based on this knowledge, we will already know this topic in more detail. So, what types of regulation of human behavior can be classified as social norms? The following types belong to them:

  • Religious
  • Corporate
  • Family
  • Group
  • Norms of morality.

These are the main types of social norms. This separation can be called quite arbitrary. But since the concept of social norm is wide enough, you can think for yourself. And believe me, there will be no mistake, no matter how you try to make it. After all, with regard to social norms, such a scope for creativity opens up!

What is deviant behavior?

Features of the rule of law

Deviant behavior is a violation of the rule, which we call "social norms." And deviating behavior to one degree or another is inherent in each of us. Well, let's see what types of deviations from social norms are.

  • Asocial behavior. This behavior violates illegal social norms.
  • Antisocial behavior. It can already call into question legal norms. Very often this type is also called delinquent.

These two types are very easy to understand. However, it cannot be said that those people who practice antisocial behavior can go beyond the bounds of the law. They can even become more adequate if competent social work is carried out with them. It’s very difficult for some people to give social norms. And deviant behavior is not a sign that these people are bad. They just did not go through the process of socialization well.

Examples of deviant behavior

Differences of law from other social norms

It would be logical for each of these types of deviations to show an example of such behavior.

  1. Asocial behavior - loud music on the street, indecent expressions.
  2. Antisocial behavior - murders, mass terrorist acts and so on.

On these examples, the difference between just social norms and legal ones is very clearly seen. That is the difference between legal norms and other social norms.

Basic social norms

In general, with regard to which social norms are basic, each person will give his own answer to this question. Therefore, it will be more logical to build it this way: "On what principle is the majority of social norms based?" And here we are already faced with a very simple rule: "Do no harm to yourself and do not let harm you." There are a huge number of advantages in this position:

  • A man insures himself against invading his personal space.
  • The optimal initial distance between people is established.
  • With the help of a system of social norms, a person can understand how to behave initially and not step on a rake.
  • The system of social norms helps the parent to see the way of raising children.

And there are really a lot of such advantages.


Basic social norms

Let us summarize the main differences that this legal norm has against all other social rules.

  1. Differences of legal norms from other social norms begin with scale. We already understood that law is only one of the elements of social regulation.
  2. Origin.
  3. The nature of compliance.
  4. Sanctions.
  5. Development.
  6. The degree of detail.

This is how they differ. And this list is quite large. But there is nothing complicated about it. So, we figured out the main differences between a social norm and a legal one. It is important to understand that most of the legal norms went from social ones. The latter are primary, and what the state offers under the guise of law is already secondary.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7940/

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