Flag and coat of arms of Montenegro. Official country symbols

Montenegro is a small tourist country on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. Her emblem depicts a double-headed eagle repeating the eagle on the emblem of Russia. What unites these countries? What is the story of the main official symbols of Montenegro?

Country Montenegro

In the XI century, Montenegro was called differently. Then there was a Serbian state recognized by the Pope, under the name Duklja. Later, Byzantine chronicles will indicate it as Zeta - in honor of the river of the same name. The modern name of the state first "sounded" in the chronicles of Dubrovnik in 1376 and gradually replaced the former. The Venetian version of the name sounded like Montenegro.

More than once, the territory of Montenegro was controlled by other countries. She happened to be part of the Ottoman Empire, the Kingdom of Serbia, the Yugoslav Republic. Periodically, the country regained its independence, sometimes called the principality, then the kingdom.

Now it is an independent country, with its own language and culture, which is becoming increasingly popular among tourists.

coat of arms of Montenegro

Coat of arms of Montenegro: description, history

The adoption of the coat of arms of Montenegro took place in 2004, but then it was not finally approved, since the country was still dependent on Serbia. In 2006, the State gained full independence and the next year approved the emblem of Montenegro.

Lion and eagle are the most common images in heraldry. Both of them are present on the Montenegrin coat of arms. The golden double-headed eagle is depicted in flight. Above the heads of the eagle is a golden crown. In one hand he holds a scepter, in the other hand is a power. On the eagle’s chest there is a shield divided into two parts: green and blue. Against a blue background of the shield, the figure of a leopard lion, stepping on a green field, raises his right paw.

Initially, only the eagle figure was located on the coat of arms. The scepter and power appeared in his paws, already in the XVII century, and on the chest was added the figure of a lion.

During the time of the Kingdom of Montenegro, the coat of arms still had a different look. The eagle was silver, and the background on which the lion was depicted was red. The blue background appeared after the proclamation of Danilo I Petrovich as a secular prince.

Under Yugoslavia, the coat of arms of Montenegro received a completely new look. Surrounded by a golden wreath, Lovcen Mountain sprouted from the sea. On the mountain was depicted the mausoleum of Peter Negosh. A three-color ribbon entwined a wreath below. And the red star closed the wreath and completed the composition. The eagle on the coat of arms returned in 1993.

coat of arms of Montenegro photo

Coat of arms of Montenegro: photo, symbolism

The tradition of the image of an eagle in heraldry dates back to ancient times. Then the eagle was considered the image of a god or a monarch. The double-headed eagle, holding in its clutches of hares, was depicted in the Hittite kingdom. It is assumed that the eagle with two heads was the image of the Sumerian-Babylonian god of lightning, storm and war - Anzu.

The coat of arms of Montenegro and Russia, as well as Serbia and Albania, does not refer to Babylon, but rather to Byzantium and reports on economic and cultural ties. In the Byzantine Empire, the double-headed eagle was an element on the arms of the Paleologists dynasty, in Montenegro it began to be depicted in the heraldry of the first royal dynasty of Petrovich.

Leo is also one of the oldest characters. There are many varieties of lion in heraldry. The coat of arms of Montenegro contains the figure of a walking or leopard lion, and it is taken from the Venetian coat of arms, whose influence was previously noticeable for Montenegro. This figure is a symbol of generosity, courage and nobility. Eagle, as a rule, means wisdom and foresight. In heraldry, the leopard lion is often used as the image of a bishop, and sometimes Christ. The scepter and power in the clutches of an eagle are symbols of supreme power and statehood. Thus, the lion and the eagle in one composition show the connection between the power of the church and the state.

coat of arms of Montenegro description

Montenegro flag

In 2004, the Montenegrin flag was approved. In the center of the red cloth with zloty edges is a double-headed eagle, which completely repeats the image of the official state coat of arms.

In the period from 1910 to 1918, the flag, by analogy with the Serbian and Russian, consisted of three horizontal stripes of red, blue and white. The emblem was also located in the center; during the SFRY, a red star was in the center. The Montenegrin naval flag completely repeated the St. Andrew flag in Russia.

With the coming to power of M. Djukanovic and the tendency towards the complete independence of Montenegro, it was necessary to approve a flag that would not look like the flag of Serbia.

There is also an unofficial flag of the country. It is used by those who cherish the idea of ​​the reunification of Montenegro and Serbia, as well as opponents of the separation of Kosovo from Serbia. On this flag there are three horizontal stripes above the listed colors and a golden heraldic eagle in the middle.

Coat of arms of Montenegro and Russia


The flag and coat of arms of Montenegro repeatedly changed, under the force of circumstances. After a long way of formation, they maintained the rule of continuity, telling each element about the historical past of the country.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E795/

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