Cyperus: care and reproduction

Cyperus (lat. Cyperus) is a perennial plant that belongs to the sedge family. It grows in the tropics and subtropics in close proximity to water. In natural places of growth forms thickets up to one and a half meters.

Other names for this plant: raw, russet. Since in ancient times it was used to make paper, it is customary to also call the plant "cyperus papyrus". The genus Tsiperus includes more than 400 species, of which only a few are used for cultural breeding. These are sprawling cyperus, cyperus papyrus, and cypress.

Representatives of the genus have straight grassy stems, at the top of which a whorl is formed, resembling the spokes of an open umbrella. Light green elongated linear leaves extend from the adjacent nodes. The plant blooms, depending on the species, in April - September. Small greenish ones grow from the center of the umbrellas, and later ones are brownish, spikelets resembling those of cereals. Thus, thin peduncles grow from a common point, like dill inflorescences. Small white flowers of cyperus appear on them.

Like a flower, cyperus is unattractive. It is valued for its leaves, forming heap thickets. The plant is planted along artificial ponds or in their center, forming an island. Cyperus, the care of which is quite simple, is available for growing to any grower.

Cyperus: plant care

Original, shade-tolerant and moisture-loving - such is decorative cyperus. Caring for it is mastered in order to decorate aquariums and shaded areas of rooms, as well as to create small artificial lakes on a loggia, terrace or balcony. It is desirable to keep the plant at a temperature of about twenty degrees. At higher temperatures, an increase in air humidity is necessary . Optimal lighting - partial shade or ambient light. Direct light must be avoided. Cyperus needs daily spraying and watering. It is necessary to provide him with very high humidification. For these purposes, the pot with the plant can be placed in a deep tray. It is necessary that it constantly has water. It is enough to feed the plant once every 15 days.

Cyperus is suitable for soddy soils with a small addition of sand. Cyperus, the care of which to a greater extent consists in providing humidity of air and soil, is a rather unpretentious hardy plant. Every year in the spring it needs to be transplanted. Not a very spacious pot is suitable for him. You can use the following soil mixture: clay-turf (2), peat (1), leaf (1), sand (1).

Cyperus: plant propagation

The main methods of propagating cyperus are: growing from seeds, rooting green cuttings in water, and dividing the bush during transplantation.

Propagation from cyperus seeds is possible at home if pollination occurs. However, this is not always effective, and it is advisable to acquire seeds. Sowing seeds is carried out in the spring. They need to create high humidity and normal temperature. To root the cuttings, they are dipped in water, while the growth point of the leaves should be below. After the appearance of roots, cuttings can be planted in pots. Reproduction by dividing the bush is carried out with an annual transplant of cyperus. The necessary part of the plant is separated and planted in a separate pot, provide the required conditions.

Possible problems with dilution of cyperus can be associated only with insufficient watering and dry air. This is manifested in yellowing and drying of the leaves. In this case, they are cut, and the plant is updated. Yellowing stems are also removed to stimulate growth. With a lack of nutrition or the tightness of the pot, the plant stops growing. Pests include spider mites and scale insects.


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