Orange - what is it, an animal or a plant?

It happens that a word has a completely different meaning for people of different professions. It does not often happen that specialists working within the same discipline mean completely different objects under the same word.

Orange what is it
A similar situation has developed in biology. And if you ask scientists: "Orange - what is it?" - most likely, they will give several answers. So, botanists will tell a lot of interesting things about the orange tree and the features of its growth and development. But biologists will answer that this is the colloquial, but very popular among dog breeders, name of the breed of decorative Pomeranian spitz dogs , called the American Pomeranian dog handlers. Let's understand: orange - what is it, a cute dog or a small citrus tree.

Dwarf Spitz or Pomeranian?

In Russia, it is customary to call dwarf Spitz Pomeranian, and most often simply Oranges. Pomeranets is a decorative breed of dogs, characterized by a cheerful and companionable character.

Orange dog photo
The name comes from their place of origin - an area on the coast of the Baltic Sea, Pomerania, located in Germany. The standard of this breed was adopted in 1896 and has not changed much since then. The color of dogs can be very different, totaling 12 colors. Among the lovers of this breed are the English Queen Victoria, as well as such modern celebrities as Paris Hilton, Maria Sharapova, Eva Longoria, Sylvester Stallone and many others. Below you can see Sylvester Stallone with his daughter and favorite of the Pomeranian breed family (photo).
Orange photo dog1

Bitter orange

An orange from the plant world is an evergreen tree belonging to the genus of citrus fruits and the Rutov family. Below you can see what the orange looks like. The photo captures the appearance of this tree, which grows in suitable climatic conditions. He has a lot of names. In Latin, it is called Citrus aurantium or Citrus bigaradia Risso. From this name came its modern name - bigaradia. In addition, it is also called chinotto, sour or Seville orange.

Pomeranets photo

Botanical characteristic

Pomeranets is a perennial and evergreen plant; India is its historical homeland. There, as well as in the Mediterranean, where it was imported by Arab merchants, this tree, despite a rather superficial root system, reaches a height of 6-12 meters. His crown is highly branched, with leaves arranged in a spiral. Chinotto blooms from April to May. The snow-white flowers of this plant, which have a wonderful aroma, are 2-3 cm in diameter. They can be located either singly or in small inflorescences. They develop in the leaf sinuses. After pollination, oblong ovaries form at the place of the flowers, which are then rounded and in a mature state resemble the most ordinary orange in a mature state.

The orange fruit is berry-like and consists of 10-12 small cloves that hide under a bright orange thick and bumpy peel. The ripe fruit of bigaradia has a sour-bitter taste.

Cooking Application

An orange is a plant whose fruits are not consumed fresh. The zest, flowers and leaves of this tree are used. Dried peel is used in winemaking, as well as for the manufacture of various confectionery products, such as ice cream,

Orange is
Easter cakes, muffins and cakes. Often, the zest of orange is added to curd desserts and various creams, which it paints in light yellow. In ground form it is added to jams, compotes and jelly, and candied fruits from it are very popular among Europeans. In cooking, orange peel powder is used to flavor meat and fish dishes, rice and poultry dishes.

Bitter orange oil is widely used for the manufacture of marmalade, sweets, various liquors, tinctures and soft drinks.

Healing properties

As established by scientists, the smell of orange helps to combat depressive symptoms, and bathing and inhalation with bitter orange oil eliminates the symptoms of constant overwork and depression, can relieve the feeling of constant lack of sleep. If a young child has a restless sleep, then the aroma of this plant will help to cope with nightmares and anxiety.

orange plant

Official medicine uses a bitter orange, usually in the form of tinctures, to enhance the secretion of gastric juice and increase appetite. For children who do not want to eat, and for adults, you can recommend taking 20 drops of orange tincture, added to 50 g of water, half an hour before meals.

In addition, orange essential oil has a very mild choleretic and diuretic effect, which allows it to be used to prevent the formation of stones in the liver and kidneys.

For several centuries, there has been an opinion in Chinese medicine about Pomeranian that it is the best remedy against various infectious and inflammatory processes.

For various chronic or traumatic injuries of the musculoskeletal system, compresses, lotions and rubbing with bitter orange oil will help.

Application in cosmetics

Essential oil from orange, obtained by simple cold pressing from the peel, is widely used in the cosmetics industry. From the flowers of this plant, the popular aromatic substance Neroli is obtained, and from the leaves - petitgrain oil. All these substances with a floral-fruity aroma are used by perfumers to create exquisite perfume compositions, as well as to perfume various cosmetics. Bitter orange is often used in complex procedures to combat cellulite and to rejuvenate the skin.

The smell of orange

So, orange - what is it? This is a citrus plant, which we breed as an indoor flower, and a breed of decorative dogs. With confidence we can say that both a tree and dogs under this name are a source of positive for many people!


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