Preparing the lawn for winter: gardener tips

The lawn is an element of landscape design, very beautiful, but at the same time requiring constant attention. You need to take care of the grass not only in summer and spring, but also in autumn. At this time of the year, it is necessary to feed the landing, mow, mulch and conduct some other activities.

Stages of preparing the lawn for winter

To prevent freezing of grass in winter and its aging in spring, in autumn you need to:

  • Apply fertilizer to the soil.
  • Mow the lawn.
  • To clear it of "felt".
  • Ventilate and repair.

Nitrogen Fertilizer Application

Start preparing for the winter cold with top dressing. In early autumn, not too strong and concentrated nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the lawn . This type of top dressing improves the color of the grass and stimulates its growth. It will be especially useful for lawns weakened and affected by summer drought. But you need to make nitrogen into the soil carefully, trying not to overdo it. Otherwise, the grass will grow too actively, spending a large amount of “vitality” on it, which, of course, is extremely undesirable before the onset of cold weather.

lawn preparation for winter

The application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers

Caring for the lawn in the fall or preparing the lawn for winter are activities that involve the implementation of procedures aimed primarily at strengthening the grass and strengthening its root system. If nitrogen top dressing in the autumn period of time is optional, then phosphorus compounds must be introduced into the soil without fail. Fertilizers of this type contribute to the strengthening of the root system and the growth of lateral shoots. It is best to use superphosphate to feed the grass.

lawn care in the fall or preparing the lawn for winter

Preparing the lawn for winter is also carried out with the holding of such an event as the introduction of potash fertilizers into the soil. This type of fertilizing increases the resistance of the grass to all kinds of stresses. Therefore, in the fall its use is also more than justified. Among other things, the increased content of potassium in the soil will protect plants from diseases and improve the ability of their roots to absorb nutrients. Thus, the grass overwinter well, and in the spring it will quickly grow. Fertilize the lawn usually with potassium sulfate. Ordinary wood ash containing a huge amount of this substance will be very useful. Sometimes in the autumn, slaked lime or dolomite flour is also added to the lawns . This allows you to improve the structure of the soil and its chemical composition.

However, the easiest way will be to introduce concentrated fertilizer for lawns in September, designed specifically for autumn use. It is an optimally balanced mixture of potash and phosphorus fertilizers. You can buy it at a specialty store.

How to fertilize correctly

Performing such a procedure as preparing the lawn for winter, in particular by applying fertilizer, you need to follow some rules. Feeding the soil on a dry lawn is highly discouraged. Before fertilizing, it must be carefully filled. After that, wait a day until the grass dries. The soil underneath should remain moist.

When feeding, it is important to try not to burn the plants. Therefore, the preparation of the lawn, shrubs and trees for winter by applying fertilizers to the soil should be carried out using special tools. Grass is usually fed with a spreader. You can buy such equipment in the same store where the fertilizers themselves. A day or two after feeding, the lawn must be watered. This is necessary so that the composition is well absorbed into the ground.

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In early November, the grass is mowed for the last time. This operation is necessary in order to prevent the development of the fungus, in addition, the mowed grass withers less. Carrying out this event, it is worth raising the knives of the lawn mower higher. Grass should be at least 7 cm long on the lawn. By the onset of steady colds, it will grow to 10 cm. It is this length that will allow it to winter with minimal loss. Of course, the knives of a lawn mower should be well sharpened. Otherwise, the grass can be damaged, thereby weakening it before the winter cold. Only mowed, drought-affected lawns do not mow in autumn.

preparing the lawn for winter secrets and tips for summer residents

Grass cleaning

Preparing the lawn for winter is an event that includes, inter alia, such a procedure as releasing it from the fallen remains of old grass (felt). To do this, you just need to go through a rake landing. Performing this procedure, it is important to try not to damage the root system. In fact, cleaning the lawn from felt in the fall is not a mandatory operation, but it is still worth it. In this case, a similar event in the spring will be easier to perform.

proper preparation and care in winter

Of course, during leaf fall from the lawn, you need to rake all the leaves that have fallen from trees and shrubs. The easiest way to do this is either with special rakes with flexible “teeth”, or with a regular garden panicle. It will suit both chili (not worn out), and with plastic soft rods. Clean the lawn without fail. Rotten foliage can provoke the development of various infectious diseases. Today, special equipment (“vacuum cleaners”) used to collect fallen leaves on the site is also on sale.

Airing and repair

Carrying out such a procedure as preparing the lawn for winter, it is important that the roots of the grass must be provided with an influx of fresh air. To do this, the lawn is pricked with a pitchfork according to the 1.5x1.5 m pattern. Very thick grass can be slightly thinned out. Next, the planting must be mulched, covering it with a thin layer of coarse sand or peat sand mixture. If necessary, the lawn should be repaired first. Areas with diseased grass, if any, are treated with fungicides. Foundationzole is very suitable for this purpose. Hollows and bald spots on the lawn need to be sown with grass on a new one or just lay with ready turf.

stages of preparing the lawn for winter

How to care for the lawn in late autumn and winter

Next, consider how to keep the lawn in winter. Proper preparation and care are also necessary after the snow falls outside. At this time, the grass first of all needs to provide a good flow of air. Very often, after thaws, a thin ice crust forms on the surface of the snowdrifts - crust. It must be removed with a rake or shovel. The fact is that a lot of carbon dioxide accumulates under it, which, of course, is harmful to the grass.

preparing the lawn of shrubs and trees for winter

You can walk on the lawn, ski and sled it. But only when the cover of snow reaches a thickness of 20-25 cm. To prevent the lawn from freezing, in some cases, late fall should be arranged snow retention. Sometimes it happens and vice versa - landing brings very much. In this case, snowdrifts are scattered in the winter. Otherwise, in the spring the grass may melt if too much snow melts.

Well, now you know how to care for the lawn in the fall, or to prepare the lawn for winter. Having completed all these simple measures, you can prevent freezing or ripening of grass on the site and fully preserve it until spring.


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