How to sew a belt to a skirt quickly and easily

Any girl can sew a simple skirt. The most difficult step in this process may be the processing of the belt on the skirt. But in reality it will be much easier than it sounds.

Before you sew a belt to a skirt, you need to tailor it. This can be done in different ways. The easiest option is to cut a regular rectangle whose length is equal to the length of the upper cut of the skirt, taking into account allowances for the fastener and seams, and the width is double the width of the belt plus two centimeters.

How to sew a belt to a skirt
So, we cut out the belt. Suppose the length of the upper cut is 70 cm, then our size will be 70 + 3 + 2 = 75 cm, where 2 cm, allowances for seams in short sections, 3 cm - the protruding end of the belt to which the button will be sewn. We find the width in the same way. Suppose the parameter of our belt is 4 cm, then the total width of the part will be 4 X 2 + 2 = 10 cm, where 2 cm is the allowance for the seam of the connection with the skirt.

Before you sew a belt to a skirt, you need to not only tailor it, but also strengthen it with a gasket. This will require non-woven or doubler, suitable for the thickness of the fabric. For dark materials, you need to buy black or gray gasket, for light materials - white. From the doubler, we cut the same rectangle as from the fabric. Now it needs to be glued to the material. To do this, we put the gasket with the adhesive side on the wrong side of the belt blank, cover it with a wet iron on top and glue the doubler with an iron. In this case, you do not need to drive along the fabric, but simply put the iron on and hold it pressed for a few seconds, then move on.

Obka with a belt
When the gasket sticks, it needs to be dried in a horizontal position (if you start work immediately, the doubler can peel off), so it is advisable to prepare the belt in advance so that it is already at hand at the right time.

Before we sew the belt to the skirt, we take it to the upper cut, starting from the side seam into which the zipper is sewn. We start to bast from the front half, folding the skirt and belt with the front sides, while we retreat one centimeter from the edge of the belt (seam allowance for a short cut). Having noticed the belt along the entire length of the upper cut, we should get a 4 cm protruding end of the belt, of which 1 cm is the seam allowance for a short cut. Instead of basting, you can use pins, like real dressmakers do.

Now you need to grind the details of the skirt on a typewriter, remove the basting, fasten and cut the threads, iron the seam, and then iron it on the belt. After this, all belt allowances (1 cm each) on the wrong side should be ironed.

Skirt belt processing
Bend the belt so that its free long section slightly fits into the seam of the sewing, to sweep, combining and sweeping short sections. On the contour delay the belt to the edge. Remove basting, iron seams, fasten and cut the threads. You can also first bend the belt to the front side, grind short sections, cut corners obliquely, twist, sweep, iron, and then sew a section of the belt to the seam of the sewing.

Obka with a belt is almost ready. It remains only to make a loop from the side that is sewn to the front half of the skirt, and to sew a button to the protruding end. The loop is done on the machine with a “zigzag” stitch, then carefully cut with small scissors. Now you know how to sew a belt on a skirt.


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