Ideas for what clay is made of

Not so long ago, a very interesting material called polymer clay appeared on store shelves. Naturally, questions about what is made of clay and how to work with it instantly rained down. The popularity of polymer clay began to grow very quickly, so today with its help numerous interesting things are created that delight everyone around.

It is worthwhile to understand what is made of clay, because it is not without reason that it is so often used. It’s worth starting with jewelry, jewelry, and polymer clay.

Using polymer clay, we, all fashionable women, make beads with our own hands. This is nothing complicated. The technique of working with plastic clay is very simple, it does not take much time and effort, and the jewelry is obtained at a high, professional level, made with a twist and excellence. We make polymer clay beads and are surprised at the result - this is a very common practice when plastic clay is used. The brightness and color of the beads obtained from polymer clay make the jewelry popular and desirable. They are worn both in everyday life and at parties.

Bead polymer clay is naturally not limited. What else is made of clay in the decoration section? Yes all! Earrings, bracelets, pendants and rings. All this is created in various colors and unique shapes. All jewelry made of polymer clay is at the peak of popularity today and will remain there for a very long time. That's just the jewelry here is not limited!

Of the items that are made of clay, you can name all sorts of things for daily use. You can mold yourself a spoon or arrange a frame for photographs, stick bright flowers made of polymer clay on the wall, create a beautiful glass for toothbrushes and place it in the bathroom. Polymer clay is spreading everywhere! This material can be used where the soul wants to see it. Fantasy only opens the door to the mysterious world of polymer clay, where deft handles and rich imagination find application for this plastic material.

Someone wants to create a unique polymer clay keychain, someone likes Christmas toys or unique figurines. Everything can be created from clay. Often it is used for decorative purposes when you want to create a unique work of art. For example, when designing dishes or decorating gifts. Polymer clay is applicable wherever strong temperature changes in the positive direction are excluded. Like any plastic, it lends itself to melting, so it is quite suitable for everyday use.

The technique of working from polymer clay is quite simple, and everyone probably began to master it in childhood. Each child learned to sculpt figures from plasticine, now these skills can be applied to polymer clay, which is very easy to sculpt, but after heat treatment takes on the shape it preserves and preserves it.

The shops in a large assortment of various colors of polymer clay. In addition, they can be mixed, bringing to a uniform color or creating the effect of blurry waves, which is also very fashionable today.

There are various methods of sculpting from polymer clay, as well as combinations of additional elements, which allows you to create amazing objects from a simple material - polymer clay.

If you still have doubts about what can be made of clay, words can not be picked up. Look around! Hair jewelry, casket, piggy bank, figurine, photo frame, mobile phone stand, flower pot, stucco figure on the wall and many other items can be created from several plastic clay plastics, which is now ready to add colors to everyday life.


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