Day of friendship and unity of the Slavs - a holiday of our people

Every second Russian has a relative in Ukraine, every third Ukrainian has relatives in Belarus, and every fourth Belarusian is familiar with a Pole or a Slovak. We are all Slavs, and we celebrate June 25 as the Day of friendship and unity of the Slavs.

day of friendship and unity of the Slavs

Who are the Slavs

Probably few people do not know who the Slavs are. We broaden our horizons by talking about some features of this group of peoples.

There is no greater community in the world than the Slavs. We inhabit the entire European and partially Asian continent. Our compatriots live in all corners of the world. If you collect all who can be considered Slavs, then the world will have about 370 million people.

The day of friendship and unity of the Slavs is celebrated by those who remember their roots, and who, even indirectly, honor the cultural values ​​of the people. Once settled in Europe, people of one community were divided into three groups: Western Slavs, which include residents of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia; southern - territories of the countries of the Mediterranean coast of Europe, with the exception of the Greeks; the eastern ones are Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians who are close in spirit.

History of Russians

Now, wondering where the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs comes from, few people can unequivocally answer how it happened that so many different nationalities emerged from one nation. Historians only suggest the true reasons for the resettlement and division of one nation, although there are still no reliable data.

Before the modern world, individual Slavic peoples lived very fragmented and did not have their own territory. Until the 19th century, all were gathered within the borders of the three largest empires. The only exception was the Montenegrins, who initially had an independent state, and the Luzhic people, who occupy the autonomous region within Germany.

It was only after 1945 that many separate states were created that announced their intention to write their history within independent borders. Today, the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs is an opportunity to remember what unites different countries, different languages ​​and faith, that we have the same roots of a large genealogical tree that will never bend under the onslaught of the invaders.

history of the holiday

It is difficult to determine the period when all the Slavs lived on the same territory and had a common language, culture and traditions. Some historians believe that this time was partially captured by the formation period of Kievan Rus. Whatever it was, they consider Cyril and Methodius to be the founders of Slavic writing , and their activity became the reason for the celebration of the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs. The story of people of equal apostles begins with the fact that these two holy martyrs streamlined all the church writing that existed at that time, as a result of which there was one language called Old Slavonic.

day of friendship and unity of the Slavs 2015

Such different peoples having the same roots

For a long time, truly Slavic values ​​changed under the influence of Western cultures. This could not but affect traditions, beliefs and holidays. So, for example, almost all Slavs are Christians, but among all the Bosnians stand out. They converted to Islam back when they were captured by the Ottoman Empire.

The day of friendship and unity of the Slavs was created in order to revive what was lost hundreds of centuries ago, to remember those things that our ancestors believed in, and to finally become proud of folk wisdom.

June 25 is the day of friendship and unity of the Slavs

Where and how to celebrate

The tradition of celebrating the holiday arose not so long ago. It was decided to celebrate June 25 Day of friendship and unity of the Slavs. Every year, a folk festival takes place in a place where the three borders of the most friendly Slavic states - Russia, Belarus and Ukraine converge.

Our countries have always been closely interconnected. And this is displayed not only on the economic component or political. Borders separated large families, separated brothers and sisters, grandparents. And it is very unfortunate that there has recently been an increase in tension in relations between two almost fraternal states - Ukraine and Russia. It was hoped that the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs of 2015 could reduce the kindling fire of hostility.

So, the festival "Slavic unity" is celebrated every year. The venue for the universal holiday is the point where the borders of the three friendly states converge closest. Alternating, one of them takes guests.

day of friendship and unity of the Slavs photo

As it was in past years

In 2013, the festival celebrated its anniversary. The guests were going to celebrate the unity of souls for the 45th time. This year's holiday was dedicated to another significant date - 1025 years have passed since the baptism of Russia. The event was held in the Bryansk region of the Russian Federation.

In 2014, by coincidence, the holiday again took place outside the city of Klimov, in the Bryansk region.

But the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs in 2015 was held in the town of Loyev, in the Gomel region of Belarus. Its holding coincided with the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

2016 festival

It is not yet clear where the Slavic Unity will be held this year. The idea is that Ukraine should become the host in 2016, but due to the unstable situation on its territory, it is expected that Klimov in the Bryansk region will be accepted again. It is important for us to know the Day of friendship and unity of the Slavs. Photos illustrating how the holiday goes can be seen in our article.

day of friendship and unity of the Slavs history


We are all Slavs. And this is a very rich culture and tradition nation. So let's not forget what is flowing in our blood, but be proud that our ancestors founded such powerful and strong states, created writing, and opened the first schools. We are Slavs, and we are one!


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