Juniper rocky for landscaping

Juniper is a coniferous plant in the form of a shrub, creeping shrub or tree, the height of which can reach 15 m. Evergreen leaves, modified into needles, have a pleasant aroma that has a disinfecting effect. It is noteworthy that the distribution area of ​​each plant species is limited. And only common juniper is spread over a rather vast territory.

juniper rocky
Having powerful roots capable of independently extracting food from the soil, these conifers (the photo gives an idea of ​​their appearance) feel good even on poor humus land. Rocky juniper undemanding to watering and lighting maintains low winter temperatures. Its great advantage is a very long life - more than 1000 years. The gas contamination of the city, heat, gusts of wind did not prevent these plants from capturing all city parks.

The use of this type in the design of a personal garden allows you to create landscapes that repeat natural landscapes. Juniper rocky looks very harmoniously on an open lawn without the use of additional decor elements - unless you can put a couple of mossy boulders nearby. You can also shade it by planting several rose bushes of the same color. An expressive composition will turn out when placed together with heathers. But the most popular is the use of these conifers in the construction of the Japanese garden. Throughout the year, they do an excellent job of decorating the landscape.

juniper blue arrow
It is good to plant juniper rocky on an alpine hill , provided that it is of impressive size. Although its growth is relatively slow, it will still have to be pruned annually so that it does not drown its neighbors.

If the purchased copy is located in the container, before planting, it is necessary to place the latter in a container of water, so the entire earthen ball will get wet. Make a pit in which you plant the juniper rocky, make twice its root system. Be sure to pour a layer of drainage material, for example, crushed stone, expanded clay or broken brick. Deepening of the root neck is unacceptable.

After planting, the first time you need shading from the bright sun. Moderate watering will contribute to better rooting and development of the plant. As necessary, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning of dry branches.

coniferous plants photo
One of the interesting varieties is Juniper Blue Arrow, reaching 8 meters. It grows quickly, in the form of a column. The needles have a gray color, small in size. This species is not winter-hardy, therefore it requires shelter.

Designers have already managed to fall in love with this variety and widely use it both in small and large compositions, which consist of coniferous plants differing in color and shape. He is beautiful in the gravel garden, and next to the family of heathers. It is also possible to use it in the form of hedges.


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