A.P. Chekhov "Ionych": a summary of the work

The story "Ionych", a summary of which will be described below, was written at the end of the 19th century. The sad story of the zemstvo doctor then excited the minds of the whole country. Chekhov showed how you can degrade and become a greedy person in a short time.

yonych summary

A.P. Chekhov "Ionych": a summary of the story

The plot revolves around a young zemstvo doctor named Dmitry Startsev. He comes to the town, where he learns about the wonderful Turkins family, which arranged family performances. On the appointed day, and Ionych (a summary of the story of the same name will be described below) comes for dinner. There he hears the mother of the family reading her own novel, and her daughter, as they called her in the family - Kitty - plays a complicated musical number. The doctor thinks how to quickly finish all this, but at the same time catches himself thinking that Catherine likes him. Later, he learns that she wants to go to the conservatory. This is followed by dinner, where the head of the family already demonstrates his talents: he speaks Bolypig language. Soon the evening ends.

It takes some time. Soon Startsev receives an invitation from the mother of the family: it says that no city doctor can cure her migraine. From that moment on, Ionych (Chekhov, whose summary of the story is presented here, made this story sad and sad) begins to visit them more and more often, trying to look after Kotik (Ekaterina). And now Startsev is heading to the family in order to make an offer.

Chekhov Ionych summary

Here the doctor expects disappointment in the form of a girl's refusal. The painful three days of experience are replaced by the unpretentious life of an ordinary doctor.

After 4 years, Startsev gained experience, became a good specialist who had already seen a lot. He has neither friends nor relatives. People annoy him.

One day, Ionych receive an invitation to celebrate the birthday of the mother of the Turkins. Nothing has changed there: all the same own novel, all the same music on the piano. The hero catches himself thinking that he is glad that he did not marry Kotik. After dinner, they go down to the garden, where Ionych complains about a boring life, and Catherine admits that she has no ability to play, that she is the same as her mother.

Ionych (a short summary of the story helps to know the characters and the plot) hears a confession that he was the best person with whom the girl was only familiar.

This day remains in the memory of the Zemstvo doctor for a long time. He argues that if people, whose talents were famous, recognize themselves as mediocre, then what will happen to the city, with its philistine population? A few more years pass, and we see how degradation completely overtook Ionych: he is already a fat, breathing man.

Ionovich Chekhov summary

Chekhov wrote an amazing story β€œIonych”, a summary of which we have reviewed above. In a seemingly small essay by the writer, one can consider how a person merges with those whom he despised, how he degrades, how he becomes a layman. The author emphasizes that the hero after Catherine’s refusal begins to live and hate people, and later becomes exactly the same.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8014/

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