Beautiful phrases about life. Wise phrases about life. Catchphrases about life

Since the inception of civilization, speech and some beautiful phrases about life have played a huge role. The calling card of a person has always been considered the ability to speak: when an individual speaks, he reveals his essence. Our speech is a clear demonstration of our taste, education, upbringing and partly our mood. Using clever phrases about life, a person indicates to others about literary preferences, musical preferences and his worldview as a whole. From time immemorial, it was the educated part of the population that was used to refer to aphorisms, metaphorical words, expressions and phrases - to revive one’s own statement, confirm a voiced thought or emphasize the attitude towards it. This technique is quite widely used today. And with the advent and wide distribution of popular social networks, where the individual’s calling card is his page, wise phrases about life revived like Phoenix from the ashes, and again came into use.

beautiful phrases about life

Announced publicity

The period of national history, which is commonly called the "Gorbachev perestroika", was marked by the announcement of publicity. It was understood as an opportunity, as the right to write and speak objectively about events taking place and long gone. To do this, I had to resort to certain linguistic methods and means, in particular, great phrases about life began to be used, which in Soviet times were considered unacceptable for pronunciation aloud in society. First of all, biblicalisms can be attributed to them, for example, “time to collect stones”. However, among the elite of those times, heated debates broke out over the moral value of some widely quoted winged phrases.

smart phrases about life

Fresh and defiant

Some particularly advanced personalities quite often turn not only to historical experience, but also to the expression of literary heroes, who were also considered reactionary not so long ago, and the reference to them was clearly considered seditious. Carefully extracting beautiful phrases about life from the contents of the book and character dialogs, social users. networks carefully connect them with current events in the life of the country or their personal life, and these aphorisms sound fresh and even defiant. Also, anyone who wants to replenish their vocabulary and intellectual stock can, at the opportunity, give examples of expressions of the classics of the past, which are now considered relevant due to the moralizing and moral charge inherent in them. A vivid example and proof is the aphorism that belongs to the English writer Samuel Johnson - "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

catchphrases about life

The spiritual rebirth of the people as a reason

The new era, which has come in the development of modern Russian society, has brought to life also “unfrozen”, new winged phrases about life. It could not be otherwise, because among the mass of tasks that resolutely-minded reformers set themselves, there was also such as a speedy spiritual revival of the people. Therefore, in the last decade, noticeable positive changes can be observed in the phraseological fund of the Russian language, which are associated with profound, if not radical, changes in the public life of the state. New phraseology, including wise phrases about life , is what enlivens speech, makes it much more emotional, attaches to realities that are relevant to the user, and modernizes the person who writes or speaks. Without the knowledge of such sayings and phrases, it is quite difficult, and sometimes impossible, to even talk on everyday topics, not to mention political, legal and economic ones.

wise phrases about life

Border unstable

Literate winged phrases about life have an extremely thin, unstable border with nameless figurative words and depend, firstly, on the image of the author who gave life to this saying. Secondly, from the degree of public interest in this thought, its ability to excite, hurt the living. And thirdly, on the frequency and intensity of its use in the media. It is sad to recognize, but some clever phrases about life are inevitably doomed to turn into nameless words as the loss of public interest in the one who created them. Although such popularity is invariably restored during a surge of interest in this or that outstanding figure at the next sharp turn of history.


Distributors of new and modernized phraseology, directly contributing to its frequent use in speech and widespread popularity among contemporaries, are currently the mass media: conventional and electronic. Smart phrases about life penetrate the consciousness of users of the World Wide Web, television and radio lovers, fans of the tabloid press. To a much lesser extent, the popularity and fame of winging is facilitated by the works of creators of stable revolutions and expressions. Moreover, some creators of websites, newspapers, magazines are not particularly strict about authorship of statements and easily attribute beautiful phrases about life to those who never uttered them.

great phrases about life

Wise phrase as advice

The winged phrases that came to us from myths, folklore, literature, journalism, and the sayings of famous people are seeds of the wisdom of mankind. Beautiful phrases about life are some kind of recommendations and advice about the most important in the life of every person. Sometimes it is they that prompt the user to think about the eternal and the great. Since they achieve a unique maximum concentration of the letter message and a certain context in which the thought is perceived by others, readers, listeners. The expressiveness of a catch phrase increases dramatically when using fewer words. Most (about ¾) of aphorisms and wise sayings consist of only 3-5 words.

To summarize

Smart phrases about life can be used on social networks. After all, as you know, people are met by clothes, and in our case, by the main page. Therefore, you can place a good, wise, beautiful phrase in plain sight in order to emphasize your intellectual level. This is always appreciated by the person who is viewing your page - it will certainly impress him. Short wingedisms are also easy to remember, and they can be used during a noisy feast as a spectacular toast. Having uttered it, a person immediately in the eyes of the public will be recognized as an intelligent, educated and, therefore, interesting interlocutor.


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