Protvinsky quarry - a recreational area of ​​the Moscow region

In the south of the Moscow region is the city of Protvino. In 1989, the village received the status of a city, and in 2008 - the status of a science city of the Russian Federation. This is a small town that occupies 26 square kilometers, and about 39 thousand people live here.

A bit of history

The city became famous for the fact that it was here that the construction of the U-70 proton accelerator began. It happened back in 1960. In 1963, the Institute of High Energy Physics already appeared here. And for all the scientists, practically “greenhouse” living conditions were created, houses with improved apartments, grocery stores and other shops that always had everything, even during the period of total deficit in the country. With the onset of the 90s, the situation in the village changes (and for the worse), scientists travel to other countries and the scientific potential is almost lost. The city is famous not only for scientists, but also for its quarry, which attracts residents of the surrounding villages (Serpukhov, Obolensk, Kremenok) and Muscovites.

Rides on the shore

Recreation area

To the delight of all lovers of water and sunbathing, the Protvinsky quarry is always open to visitors. There is a wide coastline surrounded by pine trees. On the shore you can see local mummies strolling with strollers. Closer to the pines - big companies on a picnic.

Not so long ago, the local administration made an effort and found funding, so that the coastline was improved. On the bank of the Protvinsky quarry, changing rooms and toilets, garbage cans appeared. There were also tents with ice cream, as well as summer cafes. For children and active adults - water rides. For especially demanding holidaymakers there is a zone with sun loungers and umbrellas.

On the territory near the Protvinsky quarry, law enforcement patrols were organized.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, no infectious or pathogenic substances were found in the reservoir.

Protvinsky quarry

How to get there

Protvinsky quarry is located 98 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road and 15 kilometers from Serpukhov. The A108 highway (15 km) runs from the village itself, and the M2 federal highway is 20 km away.

From the city of Moscow to Protvino there is a minibus at No. 363 (departing from the Yuzhnaya metro station) and city buses: No. 1,7,10,6. From Serpukhovo No. 27 and 60, from Obolensky No. 40, from the city of Kremenki No. 139, and from Pushchino No. 42.

From Serpukhovo to Protvino take about 55 minutes. From Moscow to the quarry, the road will take about 2 hours.

Almost all buses stop at the dead end of the Serpukhovo-Protvino route (No. 27, 60). Once at the bus stop, you should move towards the mill, which is located on the banks of the Protva River. And in a kilometer to the south there is already a quarry.

The city has only a non-electrified railway line, which is used exclusively for transportation. Therefore, by train, you can only get to Serpukhovo, and then by taxi. From Moscow, they are sent electrically in this direction from the Kursk station.

Monument to Tankers in Front of Protvino

By car: how to get there, description

The Protvinsky quarry, if you go from Serpukhovo, is 15 kilometers away. You should follow the M-2 highway through the Bolshevik village, the villages of Dashkivka and Kalinovo and turn around the tank monument at the entrance to the city of Protvino. Coordinates: longitude: 37 ° 10′18.33 ″ E (37.171758); latitude: 54 ° 51′15.79 ″ N (54.854385). It takes about 20 minutes by car to drive from Serpukhovo to the Protvinsky quarry.


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