Boogeyman - who is he? Does Boogeyman exist and what does it look like according to the Boogeyman legend?

If you love horrors, the Boogeyman is probably familiar to you. After all, a number of films have been made about this character. But if you nevertheless wonder: “Boogeyman - who is this?”, Then read our article to the end. We will try to find out where this character came from and whether it exists in reality.

boogeyman who is

Boogeyman - who is he?

This creature is one of the most famous and scary monsters with which parents scare children on the territory of Misty Albion and North America. Here, for several centuries now, the kids have been told: “If you behave badly, the Boogeyman will come and take you!” This monster is a kind of embodiment of childhood fear, which lurks in the dark under the bed or in the closet and crawls out from there in search of its victim. Interestingly, Russian folklore also has its own Boogeyman. Who is, for example, beech? This is also a thunderstorm children, whom parents scare their naughty children.

legend of the boogeyman

The origin of the word "boogeyman"

This character in a form known to us appeared relatively recently, in 1836. Then "boogeyman" was considered synonymous with the word "devil." There are a lot of versions about its origin. So, according to one of them, the Boogeyman appeared on the basis of the word "bujis". That was the name of the Indonesian and Malaysian pirates, who scared children sailors in the days of colonial England. In addition, in English and Scottish languages ​​there are words such as “buggy” and “bogle”, which also denote a terrible ghost that terrifies kids. The word “bogle” appeared in everyday life in the XV-XVI centuries and gained popularity thanks to the works of Walter Scott and Robert Burns. Other words have a similar origin, such as “bugbier”, “gods”, “boggart” and “bogge”. So called a variety of goblins and monsters who adored scaring people, especially children.

Monster relatives

As we found out, starting in 1836, the Boogeyman became the embodiment of childhood fears. “Who is then Boggart?” - you ask. To which we will answer that these monsters existed long before the well-known Boogeyman appeared to us. So, they have been an integral part of classical English folklore since time immemorial. Boghgart's favorite amusement was to sneak into the child’s bedroom, tear off the blanket from him and draw a wet rag over his face. At the same time, they also did not differ in kind nature. However, Boggart is not the only relative of our Boogeyman. We offer to learn about other similar creatures.

how to call boogeyman


The legend of the Boogeyman says that this creature can take on other guises. So boogie also have this ability. It is believed that they are one of the subspecies of hobgoblins, which in general are quite peaceful home fairy-tale creatures, if they are not angry and not offended. However, they cannot be called good people. Rather, they are big pranksters. Legend has it that in their real guise they look like a dust lump, so it's pretty hard to spot them. And in order to see Boogie against his will, one must look at him through the hole from the bitch, done in a piece of wood. In this case, before the fabulous creature runs away, you can see the gleam of his eyes. Boogie's favorite pastime is to hop back at a person and close his eyes with his palms. In addition, they love to take on the guise of black-haired dogs and walk around at night on deserted streets and roads.


One of the most evil fairytale monsters is considered Bogle. Although, if you think about it, he is not so bad, because in his actions this monster, first of all, is guided by considerations of justice. So, he punishes liars, thieves, killers and other criminals. Moreover, the severity of the punishment directly depends on the type of misconduct a person committed. Fortunately, decent and honest people can not be afraid of Bogle.

horror boogeyman

Boogie bist

This fabulous creature also likes to play tricks, but at its core is very kind and even useful. So, Boogie-bist is a child in the image of a terrible beast. But, despite the fact that he receives joy from the fear of the kids, this monster protects the guys, not letting them in dangerous places. According to legend, Bogey-bist lives on the Isle of Wight, where he, in the guise of a huge hairy caterpillar, is busy trimming gooseberry bushes. He will not harm anyone if you do not pay attention to him. And in order to protect yourself from Boogie-bist, you need to look at him and think about something outside. By the way, the legend of Boogeyman contains the same way of fighting this monster. Another way to neutralize this creature is described by the creator of Harry Potter - the English writer J.K. Rowling. So, she says that fighting with this monster is best done as a whole group. In this case, Bogey is lost and can not choose whose face he accept. The best remedy against him is a loud laugh.

what does boogeyman look like

What does a boogeyman look like?

Many English and American children often ask parents this question. We do not for certain know what mothers and fathers answer them. However, according to legend, the true appearance of Boogeyman is unknown to anyone. After all, he appears to people in other people's guises, which each time may be new. But there is such an assumption that the Boogeyman is just a dark and blurry spot of shadow.

Where does the fairy monster come from?

There is no definite answer to the question of how to call Boogeyman. After all, this monster appears often unexpectedly. However, it is known that our fears attract him like a magnet. Therefore, we can conclude that the more we fear, the higher the probability of meeting this creature.

does boogeyman exist

Fairytale character in reality

Of course, when asked if the Boogeyman really exists, the answer is no. However, the name of this fabulous character at one time called the dangerous killer of children. He was officially recognized as the first maniac in US history. His name was Albert Fish. It was an old man of noble appearance, who at the beginning of the 20th century abducted, tortured, raped, killed, and also ate small children. He was officially convicted only of the murder of ten-year-old Grace Budd. He tricked her from her parents' house, and then strangled and ate her. For this crime, a jury trial sentenced Fish to electrocution. During the investigation, the maniac himself confessed to three murders. Later studies made it clear that in fact he was guilty of at least seven crimes that occurred in different years in America.

But why was he called the Boogeyman? The fact is that one of the crimes that Fish confessed to was the murder of a four-year-old boy. Little Billy Gafney was playing with his three-year-old friend, also called Billy, near his house when a handsome old man approached them. According to the surviving boy, he was not at all scary, but even somehow fabulous, just like the Boogeyman. Now it doesn’t matter what a three-year-old child invested in this concept, but it is obvious that it was something good. However, it was little Billy who defined the real horror that can only come from a person. In those days, the horror film genre was not yet popular in Hollywood. However, after several decades, the Boogeyman became the prototype for many characters of the horror. The most famous of them was the Boogeyman trilogy. It is thanks to these films that the story of the maniac Albert Fish became known to the general public. But the Boogeyman was no longer associated with a kind fairy creature, but with a terrible and terrible kidnapper and killer of children.


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