Fitoverm: reviews, price, processing rules. How dangerous is Fitoverm to humans?

From early spring to late autumn, everything grown in gardens and vegetable gardens is in wait for various pests. A good crop in the current conditions cannot be grown without the use of substances that destroy the worst enemies of gardeners. But every year we use more and more poisons, and in fact they harm not only insects. Therefore, it is so important to have in stock a product made from natural substances. This is exactly what Fitoverm is.


All drugs to combat insect pests are divided into two groups: contact and intestinal. If the former act on the covers of insects and lead to their rapid death, then the latter, entering the intestines, lead to the same result, but after a few days. Some drugs used to control pests, including Fitoverm, combine both types of poisons. That is, it is a poison of contact-intestinal action.

fitoverm Price

Fitoverm destroys:

  • Colorado beetles.
  • Cabbage scoop and whitewash.
  • Sawers.
  • Aphids.
  • Codling plant.
  • Leafworm.
  • Moths.
  • Plant mites.
  • Thrips.
  • Caterpillars.

drug fitoverm

Scope of application:

  • Fruit and vegetable crops, their seedlings.
  • Flowers on the flower beds.
  • Houseplants.


Fitoverm is a fourth-generation drug of biological origin. It is created on the basis of the vital products of microorganisms in the soil.

fitoverm reviews

Increasingly, Fitoverm is used to process indoor and garden flowers, seedlings and garden crops. The price of a package of 4 mg is 16-18 p. Moreover, to control pests of indoor plants, the package contains two ampoules for two treatments. 4 mg packaging is used for gardening.


  • The drug decomposes 24 hours after application.
  • Processing "Fitoverm" plants is possible during fruit ripening.
  • Eat the fruits of processed plants in two days.
  • There is no effect of addiction of pests to "Fitoverm".


  • Significantly slows down the effect of the drug rain or heavy dew.
  • You need to often repeat the treatment to achieve the effect.
  • Wet leaves poorly. It is necessary to use sticking agents (laundry soap). Often, for the best effect of the drug, adjuvants are used, substances that help reduce the surface tension of water. After their use, the solution is better distributed over the leaves and other parts of the plants.
  • Do not mix with other poisons "Fitoverm".
  • Reviews of some customers suggest that the cost of processing this drug is higher than unnatural.

Solution preparation

The solution for processing is prepared immediately before use. The contents of the ampoule with Fitoverm are dissolved in a liter of water, mixed, added water to the volume needed to destroy a specific type of pest. Mix again, and the "treat" for harmful insects is ready.


Check the weather forecast before processing. If there is a high probability of rain, it is better to cancel the procedure. It is advisable that after treatment, it takes at least 8 hours before rain. Strong winds are not needed either.

It is treated with any sprayer that sprays the solution well.

Wet plants need evenly. After all, the poison will work only after the pests eat the leaves soaked in it or it gets on their skin.


Fitoverm for indoor plants and garden crops is compatible with the main pesticides used to treat plants.

Poison action

6 hours after treatment, the gnawing insects stop eating and sit without movement for two to three days. And only then they die. It takes even more time for the suckers. They stop eating after 12 hours, and die a couple of days later.

The death of the main number of pests occurs in 5-7 days. And the leaves remain deadly for them from a week to three. Of course, if it does not rain during this time.

Studies have shown that codling moth and other leaf-eating insects on apples and currants are almost gone. The same effect was with the weevil.

fitover for seedlings

Worst of all, Fitoverm dealt with various species of aphids. About 20 percent of her survived after spraying.

The composition of the drug

The main substance acting on pests is aversectin, obtained from the fungus Streptomyces avermitilis, located in the soil. It blocks nerve impulses responsible for the work of the organs of nutrition. It is because of this that the insect ceases to feed and dies of hunger.


To protect against plant mites, an ampoule of 4 ml per 2 liters of water is used, from aphids - per liter, and for thrips, these 4 mg should be dissolved in 0.5 l of water. The dosage for each of the pests is indicated in the table that is on the package with the drug.

fitoverm for indoor plants


Fitoverm is moderately dangerous (third grade). It does not pose a threat to humans and animals, unless, of course, it is taken as food. But for fish, “Fitoverm” is dangerous. After all, after getting into water bodies, it enters the body of fish with water and poisons them.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that Fitoverm is considered low-toxic, allergic reactions to it are sometimes observed. Therefore, when preparing and using the drug, gloves, a dressing gown, glasses, and a respirator must be used.

In the process of spraying do not drink anything, do not eat, do not smoke. At the end of the treatment, wash your hands and face with soap and water, rinse your mouth.

The package containing the poison is burned, trying not to breathe the smoke from burning, which contains harmful substances. In no case should you throw it into a river, pond or other water bodies. Do not use for storage of other substances.


The drug Fitoverm is stored for 2 years at a temperature of -15 ° C to 30 ° C. The room should be dry and cool, inaccessible to children. Food and medicine for people should not be in it.

The prepared solution is not stored for a long time, because the next day after preparation it loses its properties.

"Fitoverm" for indoor plants

Caring for flowers in an apartment is usually complicated by the fact that they grow in the room where the owners live. Therefore, the use of poisons with a strong pungent odor there is undesirable. But Fitoverm, which does not have such a drawback, is quite suitable for pest control. Sold "Fitoverm" for indoor plants in a package in which there are two ampoules, in each of which 2 ml of the drug. Packaging is very convenient. The ampoule of the drug "Fitoverm" reviews are advised to breed in 40 g of water and treat the plant and the soil under it. The residue is poured onto the soil in one of the pots.

fitoverm from a tick

What pests will help Fitoverm? Reviews report that it acts on spider mites. He did not destroy the small flies of sciarids.

There is another feature of some insects, in particular ticks. In their development, they go through several phases: eggs, nymphs (young creatures), adults. So these nymphs die much longer. Therefore, re-treatment of red and ordinary spider mites will be required so that they are not on your plants for up to two months.

Scientists are constantly working to improve plant protection with the help of the products they create. Those that have improved properties receive prefixes to the original names. So, the Fitoverm-M preparation copes with thrips much better than the initial one. A special Fitoverm has already been created for flowers, which has improved properties and does not harm ornamental plants.

Orchids and pests

Spectacular orchids are increasingly appearing in our homes. They are very beautiful, but are affected by pests as often as the usual flowers. Should I use Fitoverm for orchids? Reviews of some gardeners say that they should not be treated with this drug against thrips, since it is flowers that are the place where these parasites hide. Therefore, they must be torn and thrown away. And to treat the stem and leaves without flowers makes no sense. Better to use Fitoverm-M.

Other flower growers claim that it helps to get rid of “Fitoverm” from a tick on an orchid. But the process is lengthy. First you need to pull the flower out of the dishes and handle it well or throw it away. An orchid can live without bark for a whole week. Therefore, the roots are washed with hot water, treated with Fitoverm, dissolved in 1 mg of it per 1 liter, and hidden for a day in a plastic bag. They are placed in a basin or in a wide bowl where the sun's rays will penetrate. It is only necessary to spray its roots. Ten days later, it is re-processed. Then again a hot shower, a new bark and a pot. Watering in five days.

"Fitoverm" for seedlings

If the leaves of your seedlings suspiciously shine and curl or lose color, then pests probably attacked it. You can carefully consider them with a magnifier. It is impossible to take time and hope that everything will somehow work out. Plants are treated indoors. Therefore, Fitoverm is suitable for seedlings primarily due to the lack of smell and due to the harmlessness (subject to the rules) for humans. It is better to start pest control in the early stages of the lesion. Then Fitoverm helps more effectively.

phytoverm for orchids

User reviews warn that the product only works at temperatures above 18 degrees.

It is difficult to deal with seedling pests because they multiply rapidly. You can reduce the risk of damage:

  • Using steamed earth for sowing and diving seedlings .
  • Maintaining optimum humidity and temperature.
  • Fertilizing at recommended doses.


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