"Sashka" Kondratiev: analysis of the story. Characteristics of the protagonist

Among the works truthfully telling about the terrible everyday life of the Great Patriotic War, there is the story of frontline writer V. Kondratyev “Sashka”. There are no beautiful words praising the feat of a soldier who sacrificed his life in a terrible battle. The author does not show the gallant victories of the Soviet troops. The everyday life of a simple warrior, “who found himself in the most difficult place at the most difficult time”, is the main theme of the work “Sashka” by Kondratiev. An analysis of the hero’s actions helps to understand what bothered and tormented a man torn from a peaceful life and thrown into the very mouth of the war.

Sashka Kondratiev analysis

From the story of the creation of the story

Kondratyev went to the front in December 1941. As part of the rifle brigade, he took part in the fierce battles that unfolded in the 42nd battle for Rzhev, was wounded, and was awarded a medal. Impressions from those terrible years remained for life, as evidenced by the analysis of the story "Sashka". Kondratiev, who took up the pen at a fairly mature age (the story “Sashka” was published in 1979, and in the 80th year its author turned 60), every night had dreams in which he saw comrades from under Rzhev. He even tried to track down his fellow soldiers, but he didn’t find anyone, which led to the terrible thought: “Maybe I survived alone?”

The writer admitted that he had read many works about the war, but did not find in them that did not let his soul go. And then he decided to talk about "his" war, otherwise some of its page and "will remain unsolved." From this moment, Vyacheslav Kondratyev began his literary work.

kondratyev sashka analysis of the work

"Sashka": a summary of the story

The action takes place in early spring. The main character, Private Sashka, has been fighting at the front line near Rzhev for the second month, but for him everything here is already “as usual”. The Germans beat and beat everyone, but their food was bad (because of the slaughter there was not even enough bread), and with shells, there was no place to dry clothes or shoes. Military life with the smallest details outlines in the story "Sashka" Vyacheslav Kondratyev. An analysis of these scenes leads to the idea of ​​how difficult it was for a person to remain a “Man” in such conditions and not to step over the laws of conscience.

Revealing the character of the hero, the author draws the reader's attention to several episodes from Sasha’s life. Completely everyday, he commits his actions:

  • he obtains boots for the company (not for himself!), in which the pimas are so thin that you can’t even dry;
  • captures a German, whom the arm did not raise to shoot;
  • assumes another's guilt and relieves the young lieutenant of the tribunal;
  • meets with nurse Zina and leaves her path, learning that she has love with another.

Such is the plot of the story “Sashka” by Kondratiev. An analysis of these scenes helps to understand how he managed to get through the prepared trials and not to drop the dignity of the hero.

German captivity

analysis of the story sash kondratiev

This scene is one of the key in the work. Sasha takes his tongue with his bare hands, as he was unarmed. And suddenly at that moment he, having been in the most dangerous and hopeless attacks, saw in the guise of a prisoner not an enemy, but a person deceived by someone. He promised his life, because on a leaflet selected on the way to the headquarters it was written that the Russian soldiers did not scoff at the prisoners. On the way, Sashka constantly felt a sense of shame for the fact that their defense was useless, and for the fact that the dead comrades lay unburied. But most of all, he felt awkward from the fact that he suddenly felt unlimited power over this man. Such is he, Sashka Kondratiev. Analysis of his state of mind shows why he could not shoot the prisoner and as a result violated the order of the battalion commander. Feeling right, he managed to look him in the eye directly, which was why the commander was forced to cancel his initial decision to shoot the “language”. Later, Sashka thought that if he remained alive, this memory of the German captured by him would be for him the most memorable event of the war.

Here it is - one of the main qualities of the Russian warrior: to always maintain humanism in himself, to remember that you are a person. This is especially emphasized in the story of Kondratyev. Sashka - an analysis of the work is proof of this - was able to oppose good to evil in one of the most difficult periods of life.

Lieutenant defense

Another important episode is the case in the hospital when Sashka stood up for his new acquaintance (a young lieutenant) in front of a special officer. They knew something was nothing at all, but Sasha was well aware of what could threaten the lieutenant, who had the rank, the quarrel started by Vladimir. But to him, the ordinary, nothing will happen: they still will not be sent to the front line. As a result, the lieutenant remained in the hospital, and Sasha was forced to go further to Moscow himself. The desperate and ardent lieutenant turned out to be weaker than the ordinary spirit and courage surpassing him - the analysis of the novel “Sashka” by Kondratiev leads to this.

Vyacheslav Kondratyev Sashka Summary

Love test

In the war, Sashka met with Zina. Acquaintance with her warmed his soul, since no one was dearer to her than a hero. Through the traditional literature test, love is conducted by his hero Vyacheslav Kondratyev. Sasha (a brief summary of the relationship of which with her beloved girl fits in several scenes) also behaves with dignity: the ability to understand another person and spiritual kindness are stronger.

At first he looks forward to meeting the girl, and when she took place, he learns that Zina has a new love. Deep frustration is experienced at this moment Sashka. This is a misunderstanding of how you can have a party when there, on the front line, all the fields are in “ours”. This is a pain from the fact that she preferred Sasha to another. But he just leaves, not blaming Zina for anything and not demanding any explanation from her.

So what is he, Sashka Kondratiev?

An analysis of the story and actions of the protagonist helps to understand the most important thing that the author wanted to convey to the reader: it is possible to go through terrible trials by the war and keep the Human inside. He emphasizes this with a sentence belonging to Sasha: "We are people, not fascists." And there were most of these soldiers. Many war veterans saw their comrades in the guise of a hero. And this means that the victory was won just by such warriors, which included V. Kondratyev himself, Sashka.

Sasha Vyacheslav Kondratiev analysis

An analysis of the work helps to recreate the image of a Russian soldier: courageous, hardy, able to maintain humanism, faith in victory.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8037/

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