SU-85. SU-85 in World of Tanks. SU-85 - "World of Tanks"

In recent years, the WOT game has been simply insanely popular among players of all levels. Of course, most of her fans live in the countries of the former CIS, but there are tanker gamers even in the USA.

su 85
To explain this phenomenon is simple: few online games have such excellent detail and balance, and the spirit of team play has not been canceled. In addition, almost all players note an incredible amount of technology. It should be noted that the developers did not "go in cycles" only in any particular country. The game has heavy armored vehicles not only in the USSR, but even in Japan, which just didn’t have time to become famous for with its tank building.

It is with a huge selection of tanks that one can explain the widest possibilities of the game: you can choose a light tank and practice quick attacks and withdrawals, but many prefer something heavier and more powerful. For example, SU-85. This Soviet self-propelled gun is not so popular with beginners, but with its help, older gamers manage to terrify even the most serious opponents.

Note that lovers of "bend" are much more likely to use the German Hetzer or the American T40. In low-level battles, this technique is practically indispensable. Oddly enough, but precisely the SU-85 can rightfully be called the best anti-tank installation of the fourth level.

Important notes

Note that among the production technology of the USSR there are a lot of machines, the characteristics of which are largely similar to each other. The above 85th model and SU-100 are almost identical self-propelled units.

Both of them are practically no different from the legendary SU-76. In fact, in reality everything was exactly the same: these self-propelled guns belong to the same family, being the technique of the same line. Thus, if the level of your account can already make it possible to use the SU-85B, you are well prepared even for very serious battles.

The armor is small, but the gun is good ...

Su 85 world of tanks
Generally speaking, this car is a classic representative of the Soviet anti-tank installations of this type. She has practically no armor, but the gun on the SU-85 is an unusually serious and powerful (within certain limits, of course) weapon. To verify this, you need to familiarize yourself with the general characteristics of its body:

  • The volume of HP is 260.
  • Weight is from 12.19 to 14.5 tons, depending on the characteristics of the ammunition and other factors.
  • The engine produces 210 horsepower.
  • Forward - up to 43 km / h, backward - at least 14 km / h.
  • The speed of rotation of the housing up to 40 degrees per second is allowed.
  • Booking is virtually zero (forehead, sides, feed): 25/15/15 mm.
  • Overview to 390 meters on course.
  • The SU-85 radio station "breaks through" up to 600 meters.

General booking specifications

Like the predecessor SU-76, the characteristics of the reservation are no different (though, we have already talked about this). In fact, there is no protection - a pathetic 25 mm break through right through the gun of almost any tank in the game. The characteristics of the radio station are also no different. It is quite good, so you definitely won’t stay blind and deaf. The review and the amount of XP have been slightly increased so as not to spoil the overall game balance. I must say that this was not fully possible.

The fact is that this car is largely positioned as a premium, so the possibility of destroying enemy equipment is clearly increased in any case.


That visibility is the main trump card of the SU-85. World of Tanks (more precisely, its developers) in this regard did not sin at all against realism. This model of self-propelled guns has an excellent stereo tube, which allows you to shoot enemies from an extremely long distance, while remaining undetected. Another “trick” is the ultimate mobility of this self-propelled guns.

This is due to the small mass of this technique: equipped with a fairly powerful engine, it can accelerate to very decent speeds (at that time, of course). If you competently and quickly “steer” equipment, then you can manage to beat enemies at once on two fronts on it.

su 85 what gun to put
And this is exactly what the SU-85 is good for. The World of Tanks has not so many vehicles of this class in its composition, so this should be used to the full.

The main danger is a direct (or even tangent) hit by a high-explosive fragmentation projectile or ram. We will not even mention the danger of using armor-piercing shells against you, since this is quite obvious. Thin armor and the virtual absence of cutting closure is your sure death in this case. Do not forget that in the slightest degree a serious tank will easily throw you off any cliff.


As we said, it is the gun that is the main "shock trump card" of the SU-85. World of Tanks in this regard is also quite realistic. This branch of the self-propelled guns at the fourth level boasts the most fatal gun. To get you started, here are the main features of this Wunderwaffen:

  • Level (level) VI.
  • The factory name is 85 mm LB-2S.
  • Ability to penetrate armor - 130/170/44 mm.
  • For one shot, damage is dealt on average: 160/160/280 HP.
  • The average rate of fire is 13.33 rounds per minute.
  • At 100 meters distance, the spread of shells is only 0.38 m.
  • Guidance on the target - 2.3 sec.

This is what the SU-85 boasts of. What gun to put more? Fortunately, the developers added a good opportunity to expand the combat qualities of the machine, putting a wide range of fairly diverse guns.

We put a new gun

Our first candidate for installation is 76 mm S-54S. Allows you to "please" the enemy as many as fourteen shells in just one minute. The gun is a stock, but even if a conventional projectile is used, it gives a second level of penetration of armor at an average distance. Accuracy is 0.39 meters per hundred meters, for one shot you can knock out 115/110/165 damage. Of course, in this case a lot depends on the type of shells you use.

gun on su 85
Where the best qualities are possessed by 122 mm M-30S. Unfortunately, in a minute you can fire just five shots, which in the case of a head-on encounter with the enemy will almost always be fatal for you. The land mine is very similar to that of a piece or a hatzer. If we talk about low-level tanks, then a direct hit for them is fraught with complete breakdown and rupture. That's just the penetration depth - only 61 mm.

It should be noted that this parameter is a clear drawback of the developer. In reality, breaking through such weapons is much better, so there are not many similarities with a real battle. However, the game is not worth much blame.

A more common weapon is the 85 mm D-5S model. Rate of fire is at least 13 rounds per minute. Penetration depth - 120 mm, damage done - 160 points of strength. At medium and close distances, such characteristics make it easy to carry tanks of medium and high level. Unfortunately, an accuracy of 0.43 per hundred meters will not allow you to knock something really serious from long distances.

The 85 mm D-5S-85BM gun has somewhat better characteristics. The same caliber, but the rate of fire is already 10 shots in one minute. The most optimal tool for hunting from an ambush. If you use a gold shell, then you can achieve 180 points of damage, and the accuracy is 0.34 meters per hundred meters. If you maneuver quickly, it’s relatively easy to destroy even medium and heavy tanks from comparatively long distances.

Danger to the enemy

su 85 pt
Simply put, on the fourth level you are the proud owner of a gun from the sixth level! In addition to pumped tank destroyers, you can easily “offend” almost any enemy. Since there is penetration up to 130 mm, one can attack targets up to the sixth level inclusively in the forehead. If we talk about damage, then most of the western machines of the same level give out only 110 HP damage, so in this regard you have every conceivable advantage.

Other characteristics

Accuracy and firing speed are even more pleasing. Given these characteristics, one can consider the SU-85 to be almost the best machine. In this case, World of Tanks provides a unique chance to “make” even a very powerful opponent, without substituting for himself. The rate of fire will allow you to quickly fix the negative consequences of your mistakes quickly. In an extreme case, you can easily knock down the tracks of an enemy vehicle.

What to install?

We strongly recommend that you immediately put the rammer (necessarily on the average caliber), after which you get hold of the camouflage net and mount a high-quality stereo tube.

By the way, in the “World of Tank” SU-85 is a self-propelled gun, which is the last “frontier” on which the installation of a camouflage net is really effective. The aiming drive, which will slightly increase the low information speed, is also excellent for successful battles.

In other cases, it is better to develop a ventilation system, since masking abilities are clearly not worth it. In short, this technique is an excellent development of this type of self-propelled guns. In general, the SU-85 (which gun to set, we have already said) provides quite modest opportunities for its modernization.


su 85 world of tanks
A small repair kit, which costs 3,000 units of silver, is useful from equipment. A small first-aid kit will also help the crew, the price of which is all the same 3000 units of silver currency. The same applies to a manual fire extinguisher, the cost of which is identical.


As in real combat, a lot depends on the crew. In this case, it includes five people. These include: commander and gunner, driver and loader, as well as a radio operator, very useful in WOT conditions. SU-85 will be effective only if you develop your “personnel” correctly.

Spend as much silver as possible on these goals, as this is much better than donation. In any case, you should use every opportunity not to spend real money on pumping both the tank itself and its crew.

Useful crew perks

What skills should the crew develop in order to emerge victorious from all your battles? Let's list everything. Firstly, for the commander, the sixth sense, repair and camouflage, as well as BB (non-contact laying of ammunition) are vitally important. As for the driver, you can not leave him without advanced repair skills, virtuoso, as well as disguise. BB should not be ignored.

What specifications should a gunner develop? He will come in handy "sniper", repair and BB, as well as disguise. What should be able to charge? Firstly, contactless ammunition storage, repair and camouflage skills are required.

The radio operator. The skill of repair and radio interception, as well as camouflage and BB, will come in handy.

Main advantages

If you are just too lazy to read everything written above, we give a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the main positive qualities of the SU-85 PT.

  • A great tool for this type of machine. It is distinguished by excellent penetration and range.
  • The gun goes well and rises.
  • Mobility is also excellent. You can quickly change position and maneuver on the battlefield.

Cons car

Unfortunately, the SU-85 tank is known not only for its strengths. He has some disadvantages that somewhat blur the overall impression of the car.

  • The reduction of the gun is too slow, so more “nimble” opponents can easily take advantage of this drawback.
  • Accuracy is still far from ideal. Given the low speed of mixing, it will not be easy for beginners to correct the consequences of their mistakes.
  • Armor - from the word "bad." In fact, it is not at all. In fact, any hit may be your last.
  • The machine is quite noticeable, so that experienced opponents will easily figure you out.

Battle tactics

review su 85
How to play on the SU-85 in order to knock out as many of your enemies as possible, without substituting yourself? Everything is simple. You should sit in the bushes, aim well and knock out the enemy in the sides and stern. It can be assumed that in the first place it is necessary to knock out the most dangerous opponents. Since the penetration depth allows, one can even hope for a frontal attack.

As you can see, we did not tell anything special. Be sure to take advantage of the maneuverability of this anti-tank weapon, since in other cases only it will give some opportunity to destroy heavy enemy tanks.

Disguise and review

As a rule, camouflage allows you to relatively confidently destroy enemy equipment from 320 meters. But it’s better not to lean out, try to use the camouflage net to the fullest. Keep enemy equipment at the shortest possible distance. If you use a high-quality weapon, you will have every chance to destroy the enemy before he can target your car.

The review of this self-propelled gun is one of its most optimal parameters. Therefore, you should not get out in front of everyone, trying to go to the front of the battle. Given the visibility of the machine, you will probably have time to destroy much faster than you aim. If you do not have enough visibility, use a stereo tube. Their importance is very high when your allies cannot ensure normal rear closure.

Here is a review of the SU-85. We hope that you have gathered all the most important information from it.


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