What is the best name for a teddy bear?

A teddy bear is a baby of a wild animal, and even in zoos, circuses, reserves and other special institutions, people are not used to giving them names. But to give a nickname to a clumsy baby is very important.

You and I are of the same blood - you and I

Some believe that the nickname not only helps to establish contact with the animal and develop mutual trust, but can also affect the future fate of the beast.

the name of the little bear
But you can certainly say that the name of the pet is important for both the animal and the person. It is best to give the name of the little bear a short one, then it will be easier for him to remember it. It is advisable that it sound clearly, because the little bear will still need to respond and understand that it is his name. When thinking what name to give a teddy bear, do not forget that this is also a living creature and requires love.

Display character in name

When you start choosing a name for any animal, treating it like a child is not enough, although this is already the right way.

name for white bear
He will tell you how to find a common language with the animal and gain his trust. But first of all, if the bear is already a little older, begins to show character traits, then they must be taken into account. Even if you choose a name for a white teddy bear, then to call it Snowball only because of the color of the fur will be ridiculous, agree. Although the name Snezhana may well suit the girl, and if you want a more unusual, "foreign" name , the name of the Scandinavian goddess of love Freya will do. If this is a boy and he is smart and affectionate, then you can name him in honor of the cartoon character - Umka. If he is friendly, but prefers to be alone, but is ready to protect his mother and others, then we can call him Nanook (the name means "polar bear" in the Eskimo language).

From polar to brown

Choose a name for a brown or black teddy bear is easier than white. In any case, many people think so. Giving a beast a name that would indicate its color is a very good idea, but not necessary. You can well name it so that it simply suits the clubfoot fluffy based on its nature, and there can be many options. Favorite books, films and cartoons can come to the rescue. For example, a book that immediately comes to mind comes from a childhood friend, kind, fair, but at the same time formidable, the Balu bear from the story of Mowgli. If we recall the more modern stories, then there are also a lot of them. You can give the name of the bear cub to Kenai or Koda from the Disney movie, where a person turned into his totem. Then he will grow up a good and faithful bear. The Indians had many other interesting names that are very well suited for bears, in particular, brown. By the way, formidable names can be given and, conversely, to very cute cubs. For example, the name Beorn came from Anglo-Saxon and is known for the film and the book The Hobbit. And the girl can be called Ursula - quite simple, but unusual.

Are there any rules?

As with choosing a name for a child, there are no rules when you give a name to a little bear.

what name to give the little bear
The only criterion that may exist is personal preference. Can a nickname literally change the fate of a baby? "What do you call a ship, will it sail?" There is no evidence for such opinions, but it is also impossible to assert the opposite without a doubt. The nickname of the beast helps in education and in training, namely these processes will affect how kind, loyal or aggressive he will grow. Of course, do not forget that by their nature bears are wild animals, and it is always more humane to give them the opportunity to live in a natural environment. But with the prosperity of poaching, you can never know how much the baby lingers with you. That is why it is very important to choose a name from the heart, and not just so that you can fill out documents on an animal or write it on a stand near a cage in a zoo.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8045/

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