Military appeal of citizens for service

Military draft is an obligatory universally accepted form that allows fulfilling the military duty of every citizen of the state. In order for the appeal to pass by all the rules, there are a number of organizational measures that are carried out by the authorities responsible for this, and the local government is also actively involved.

What is the essence of an appeal for service?

First, it is worth noting that all citizens who have reached a certain age can be called up, as a rule, the law prescribes restrictions, so we can say with confidence that the draftees are young people from 18 to 27 years old. There are deadlines for the call, for example, according to the law of the Russian Federation, citizens can be called from April 1 to July 15, as well as from October 1 to December 31, only two times in twelve months.

It is also worth remembering the restrictions, for example, in certain places , the draft period may be slightly shifted, but this is all due to the location, so citizens of the Far North are called up from May 1, and citizens who need to take an active part in agricultural work are called up after these works .

military draft

How is a call for service organized?

Conscription of citizens for military service who are not in the reserve takes place in several stages:

1. Initially, the conscript must appear for examination.

2. The commission issues a report to the young man stating that he is fit for service, and the category is indicated on the military card .

3. After the commission and recognition of the conscript as fit for service, he must come to the commissariat at the appointed time to go to the place of his service.

conscription of citizens for military service

The decision whether the conscript has the right to enter the service is given only by the commission, since there are many nuances to which attention is drawn. The verdict of the commission is quite realistic to appeal, but exclusively in court.

Which conscripts should be admitted to military service?

Citizens to be drafted for military service go through a commission where experts categorize. If the commission has questions about suitability, then the young man is redirected to outpatient or inpatient treatment, after which he goes through the commission again. The following categories can be assigned to draftees:

  1. Category “A” is given to the conscript, when a person is fully fit, he has no health problems.
  2. “B” is given when there are slight restrictions on the service.
  3. “B” is appointed by the commission when there are more restrictions.
  4. “G” is issued to a conscript who is temporarily unsuitable for service.
  5. Category “D” is put on a military card, when a person of military age has no right to serve due to serious health problems.

There are a large number of reservations in the law, which clearly indicate that there are certain categories of young people who cannot repay debt to their homeland for reasons not related to health.

Who is exempted from military service?

The military draft does not apply to everyone; the law spells out all those categories of citizens who are exempted from service.

  1. People who are unsuitable for health reasons.
  2. Young people who have previously undergone military service are being freed.
  3. Citizens who performed their duty as citizens of another state.
  4. Men who have reached great heights in science and who have been awarded a degree are not called upon.
  5. The brother or son of a young man who is on military service and who died during it.
  6. Citizens previously deprived of their liberty and having a criminal record are released.
    conscript military personnel

When is a grace period given?

A young man who is drafted into the army may exercise the right to deferment, but it is granted in certain cases:

  1. The conscript may be declared unfit due to health problems, in which case he will be given a one-year delay, after which he will again have to undergo a commission.
  2. Military conscription is not carried out in relation to young people who are forced to monitor sick parents or other close relatives.
  3. In the case when the young man is the guardian of a relative who has not reached the age of majority.
  4. A draftee raising a child without a mother or who has two minor children.
  5. Men who joined the police or fire department are not called up for military service.
  6. The right to deferment is given to conscripts who have a pregnant wife, and this period must be at least 26 weeks.

Is it possible not to come to the commissariat and what punishment awaits the draftee?

The military draft provides that each draftee must appear at the military commissariat , with the exception of certain cases:

  1. For example, if a conscript did not appear at the commissariat at a certain time because of a mutilation, then he is obliged to provide a special certificate of his disability.
  2. Also a good reason is a sharp deterioration in the health of close relatives.
  3. Failure to appear at the commissariat may be for other reasons that are completely independent of the draftee.

If the draftee did not appear at the military commissariat at the indicated time, then the citizen will be considered evading the service, and in this case the law provides for administrative punishment.

It is worth noting that servicemen who are in military service on conscription may be exempted from service if, during the service, they have good reason for this.

  1. A soldier may be released if he has a health problem.
  2. If urgently needed to care for sick parents and close relatives, including wife and child.

3. If a soldier was stripped of his rank due to a disciplinary offense.

4. If the child of a military serviceman is left for some reason without a mother, and he is the only guardian.

All the reasons for the postponement and dismissal from the service are considered on an individual basis, after which a decision is made, also if the conscript wants to join the service, but because of health reasons the commission does not allow him, he can appeal this decision in court.


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