"Atmor" - a flowing water heater. Instructions, reviews, prices

To create comfortable living conditions, hot water supply is needed . If you do not want to put up with a permanent or temporary lack of water, as well as interruptions in its supply, then you can consider the Atmor company products. Instantaneous water heater will solve the above problems.

Features of choice

If you prefer compactness and speed of operation, then you should prefer a flow-through device, abandoning the storage device. If you are attracted to the devices of the aforementioned company, then in the market for modern products you can choose a specific model from a wide variety of options that differ in size and technical characteristics. You will have to pay for the water heater from 2,400 to 4,800 rubles. This is 3 times cheaper compared to storage devices, however, the power of these devices is similar. If you want to purchase an Atmor instantaneous water heater (5 kW), then you must first familiarize yourself with its operating principle.

Atmosphere instantaneous water heater

Principle of operation

During operation, the heating elements heat up, trickles of water fall on them, which have time to warm up to the required temperature. Such devices are compact, so you can fit the device even in the smallest room. As practice shows, to provide hot water two points of the described variant of the water heater will be enough. However, if you want to get normal operation, you should choose a model with a pressure that is equal to the limit of 0.4 atmosphere.

instant water heater atmor 5 kW

Technical Specifications Reviews

On sale today you can find various products of the Atmor company, the instantaneous water heater is an excellent example. Depending on the operating conditions, you can purchase pressure or non-pressure equipment. As users note, electrical appliances are not only compact, but also environmentally friendly. Using them, you can get heated water in almost unlimited quantities.

Almost immediately after switching on, the device begins to heat up the coolant to a predetermined temperature. For installation work, according to home experts, a separate shield is required, which will be needed for a circuit breaker with a given cross section.

instantaneous water heater

If you are interested in electric boilers, then for solving domestic problems a model with a power of 3-6 kilowatts is quite suitable. If the device is tasked with heating water for the bath and shower, then the power should be increased to 8-11 kilowatts.

Interested in Atmor? You can always get a flowing water heater of this company at an acceptable cost. If we are talking about a non-pressure device, then the internal pressure in it will be the same as atmospheric.

What to look for

According to users, the faucet is designed to protect against impressive pressure indicators that can be created in the system of water pipes. Such devices are equipped with a nozzle, which makes it possible to use devices as a shower. Experienced consumers argue that such units have proven themselves best in suburban homes where people live temporarily. The power of the device can vary from 2 to 8 kilowatts, which allows the device to heat water for a summer shower.

atmor instantaneous water heater repair

Pressure Instrument Reviews

Today, Atmor devices are presented in a large assortment on the market of modern goods. You can always get a flowing water heater of this supplier at an acceptable cost. If you decide to choose a pressure device, then you will get the unit, presented in the form of a drive. It will need to be used according to the principle that is used in the operation of electric flow-through boilers devoid of nozzles with an outlet and an entrance for a jet. Consumers like these models for the reason that they can be connected to several mixers.

An excellent positive feature is that the consumer will have the opportunity to use heated water in different places of the apartment at the same time. The devices are equipped with electronic control, with which you can easily maintain the desired level of heating of the coolant.

instant water heater atmor reviews

As users advise, pressure systems whose power does not exceed 6 kilowatts are best used for an outdoor shower or kitchen. If you want to take a bath, then it is best to choose an aggregate with a capacity of more than 8 kilowatts.

An overview of some features of Atmor instantaneous water heaters

If you want to purchase a flowing electric water heater "Atmor", you can choose a model that will be convenient to use under certain conditions. Thus, a power of 3.5 kilowatts will be enough to equip a shower room and solve everyday problems in the kitchen. If you want to purchase a device for many years, you should choose models in which the heating element has a ceramic filling.

Consumers also respond positively to options that come with four degrees of protection against water. Such devices, as a rule, heat water to 60 degrees. You can count on a performance that is 3 liters per minute. The mass of the device does not exceed 2 kilograms.

Atmor instantaneous water heater instruction

Instantaneous water heater "Atmor", reviews of which are only positive, can be electronically controlled. This, according to users, makes the operation of the equipment more convenient. Among other things, the device will be more pleasant to use if it is equipped with a power indicator.

Performance may be greater than what was mentioned above, however, power increases. Thus, at 10 kilowatts you can count on 7 liters of water in one minute. The weight of the unit will increase and amount to 2.3 kilograms, as well as the dimensions - they are equal to 0.17 x 0.27 x 0.95 meters.

Overview of pressureless and pressure devices

Quite often, consumers today choose Atmor products. Instantaneous water heater, the repair of which, most likely, during the entire period of operation is not needed, can be pressureless and pressure. Some users do not have the need for large volumes of water, so it is quite acceptable to choose power at 4.5 kilowatts. Productivity, accordingly, will be reduced, with the above characteristics, it will be 3 liters per minute. If unstable water pressure is noted in a house or apartment, it is best to choose models that have special built-in protection.

instantaneous water heaters Price

Installation Instructions

In stores today you can find the described equipment of the Atmor company. Instantaneous water heater, the installation instructions of which are presented in the kit, provides for the correct choice of location. You must decide whether it is convenient to use the device in the shower. The master must eliminate the ingress of moisture or water on the device, as this is life threatening.

Consider future connections, how convenient it will be to connect the water heater to the water supply system. If there are uneven walls, installation is much more difficult.

After you determine the installation location, you need to remove the top cover from the device and attach it to the wall surface to determine the future position of the device. Using a drill, you need to drill holes for dowels. Screws will allow you to fix the device to the wall permanently. Atmo instantaneous water heaters, the price of which was mentioned above, are devices that have proven themselves in the market for relevant products.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8054/

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