"Alice's Journey": a summary. "Alice's Journey", Kir Bulychev

Today it is not so easy to instill in a child a love of reading. For his attention, cartoons, television shows and computer games are fighting. Making reading from under the stick is definitely not an option. Wise parents use a completely different method, since it is enough only once to interest the child in the entertaining plot of the story or story so that he himself wants to make friends with books. And experience indicates that this friendship has been dragging on for years.

However, which book to choose? In this article, as an example, we will consider the work that Kir Bulychev wrote - “Alice's Journey”. The summary of the story will not only allow a general idea of ​​the book, but will also reveal the features of the author’s artistic style. But this is precisely what allowed Bulychev to create an impressive cycle of works united by one heroine, which for several decades has continued to be popular among children and adults.

Summary: Alice's Journey

Alice's Travel Summary

The story consists of 24 chapters, each of which, in essence, is a small independent finished story. From the first chapter, the reader learns about the preparations for the interstellar journey to collect rare alien animals, Professor Seleznev and his daughter Alice, whom he promised to take with him. Alice's second-grader’s participation in the expedition is being questioned due to an unpleasant incident at school. However, loyal friends come to the rescue, and everything ends happily.

In the next chapter, Alice’s fault almost breaks the start of the Pegasus spaceship. Due to the fact that she secretly carried on board nearly fifty of her school friends so that they could get to a football match on the Moon, an overload occurred, and Pegasus simply could not tear itself off from the Earth. However, the favorite crew forgive and this trick.

New character

Bulychev Alice's journey summary

In the third chapter, a new, very colorful character appears - space archaeologist Gromozek. This good-natured giant will meet more than once in different stories of the cycle about Alice Selezneva. Most often, in order to convince Professor Seleznev to allow his daughter to get involved in another adventure, the author Bulychev will resort to his help. Alice's Journey, a brief summary of which we are considering, gives a fairly complete picture of the character of Gromozeka and his inclinations. So in other stories, his appearance is already perceived as a meeting with a close friend.

In the meantime, he offers his friend Seleznev to turn to the diaries of the famous Three Captains, who plowed the entire Galaxy on their starships. Their records should help the expedition find truly rare and unique alien animals. From this innocent conversation the main intrigue of the story begins.

Alice's first discovery

The fourth chapter is marked by a commotion on the ship. The first unknown animals found - tadpoles - quickly turn into monsters, and then completely suddenly disappear. With this secret, which turned out to be unbearable for three adult crew members, Alice's extraordinary children's thinking copes with ease.

Summary of Alice's Bushes Travel
This is her first discovery in a series of future puzzles and puzzles. What follows is another episode that, no doubt, deserves to be summarized (Alice's Journey). Bushes are creatures that look like plants, for which they got their name, but behave like animals. They terrorized the whole team, until the inventive Alice did not understand what the bushes actually achieve.


summary of the tale Alice's Journey

Professor Seleznev was not able to personally see the diaries of the captains, he received only their oral and very brief content. The journey of Alice Selezneva might not have become so exciting if she had not been lucky enough to acquire a talker who belonged to one of the captains.

Govorun is an amazing bird that can fly between planets on its own. In addition, he has an excellent memory and is able to reproduce any sounds heard. The second captain, trapped, sent him to call for help. But only a knowledgeable person could fully extract the information embedded in the bird. So our heroes had to be content with only fragmentary clues.

Meeting with space pirates

Summary of Alice's Travel Girl from Planet Earth

On the very outskirts of the Galaxy, away from patrol ships, the most elusive of space pirates - Veselchak U and Rats, come into confrontation with the Pegasus team. But even here, Alice’s courage and ingenuity allows her to triumph over sophisticated villains. They are arrested, and captured captains are released.

Famous captains express gratitude to their saviors. They question the latest news from Earth and get a story about them. Alice Selezneva’s journey is coming to an end, but the captains promise to take her with them on an excursion to the neighboring Galaxy. The father promises to release his daughter, provided that she grows a little more.


The story ends with a description of how the whole team goes to their own solar system. During the expedition, not very many rare animals were collected. But these species will become a worthy addition to the collection of the Moscow Space Zoo.

Alice is asked not to talk about the most amazing adventures. She readily agrees, realizing that most of them friends will not believe anyway. In addition, the logbook already stores their summary. Alice’s journey during the summer holidays ends with the start of the new school year.

Mystery of the Third Planet

Executive summary Alice's journey 5 6 offers

Based on his story, Bulychev wrote the script for the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet." Like the book itself, it turned out to be perky and dynamic. However, this work should be taken at best only as a summary of the tale "Alice's Journey". She in no way conveys the full story about the girl Alice described in the book.

Therefore, if you need to read this story according to the school curriculum, do not think that watching a cartoon will be enough. Although, if you try, you can write a summary of Alice's Journey. 5-6 sentences will be enough for this.

Description Option for Reader Diary

Summary: Alice's Journey. A girl from the planet Earth goes on an expedition to collect rare alien animals with her father, professor of biology Igor Seleznev. On board the Pegasus spacecraft there are two more crew members - Captain Poloskov and mechanic Zeleny.

During the expedition, a small crew encounters many extraordinary situations, the resourceful Alice often helps to find a way out of them. Thanks to her curiosity, the team manages to discover the trail of long-lost heroes - famous captains. Despite the intrigues of space pirates, the Pegasus crew discovers the secret hideaway of the villains and frees the captured captains.

From his journey, Professor Seleznev brings tadpoles to the zoo, which during their development grow to gigantic proportions, and then turn into small amphibians; bushes that can run in the roots for people in search of water, and fighting among themselves for compote. Among the finds are pebbles turning into heroes that a person nearby is thinking about. Researchers brought Skliss, who looked like an ordinary cow, but with transparent wings, and a couple of other animals.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8058/

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