Have a question about how to install a map in Minecraft? To you here!

Do you own your own server in Minecraft? But you are not able to build something worthwhile on your own, and your friends are tired of playing in the monotonous Minecraft world? No problem! In such cases, there is only one way out - to download and install the card you like on your server. Especially for you, many players are working on creating maps. You just have to find and download the right one. Next you need to transfer it to your server. And how to install a map in Minecraft will be described in this article.

maps in minecraft
First, let's figure out what cards are and what they are. In Minecraft, a map is a certain system consisting of directories and files of various types, which carries information about the blocks and their location. Maps can be generated an unlimited number of times, but they are of limited size: for example, the tallest building should not exceed 256 blocks in height, and the entire map should not occupy more than 13 million blocks. But do not worry, 13 million blocks are a lot. The study of a card of 2-3 million blocks will take the player a few days, and what can we say about 13 million. Cards are multi-player and single-player. It is easy to guess that the main criterion for this division is the number of players.

passing maps in minecraf
Before you install a map in Minecraft, you need to decide on its choice. It's simple. Maps in Minecraft is a very good thing. There are adventure cards, there are passing cards. If the main goal is to pass all the tests alone or with friends, then passing the map in Minecraft is a very fun task. And there are cards that do not carry anything but a beautiful design. Here you can only admire the buildings. Handcrafted cards are considered the most valuable, and often they are also the most beautiful. They are created without various generators and used to complete the game.

Keywords how to install a map in minecraft
Now let's move on to the question: "How to install a map in Minecraft?" The answer to this question is very simple. By the way, I’ll say right away that there are two types of card installation: in single-user and multi-user modes.

Option 1

The multiplayer mode assumes that for it you need to find a card that should support multiplayer (therefore, the choice is much narrower). Then you need to unzip the archive (most often maps are downloaded as Winrar), then you need to copy all the files from the archive to the / minecraft / world / folder. If you need to replace the files, then do not be afraid, calmly replace. Then start your server and wait for the card to fully load. Download time depends on the size of the card, so be prepared for a long wait.

Option 2

In single-user mode, you also need to download a map, but absolutely any map that is compatible with your version of the game is suitable here. Then you need to find the "saves" folder. On Windows 7, this folder can be found as follows: in the search bar, write% appdata%, then find the .minecrsft / saves folder, and then transfer all the files from the archive to the found folder. On Windows XP, this folder can be found by writing "Run" in the search, and in the window that opens, write: "% appdata%", then you know.

This article ends, I hope I helped you with the question of how to install a map in Minecraft.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8059/

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