Sambek heights - memorial of glory

The Great Patriotic War did not pass over any city or village. Somewhere residents (including old people and children) stood around the clock around the clock, worked in the field, and somewhere bloody battles were fought. So, the place where direct hostilities took place is the Sambek heights.

sambek heights

Glory Memorial History

During the Great Patriotic War, this land was a place for passing the defensive line of the enemy under the name Mius Front. It was difficult for our fighters to reverse this state of affairs and make a breakthrough. The situation has always evolved in favor of the Nazis. The radical fracture that they had been waiting for so long came in August 1943.

Then the troops of the Southern Front managed to attack the German troops. The battles were fought by several troops at once: rifle, cavalry, tank and aviation. This allowed a breach in the enemy defensive line. Then, in a few days, our soldiers liberated the Rostov Region and the surrounding territories. The Mius Front breakthrough was destined to become not only the most significant stage of the Great Patriotic War, but also the most tragic. Those events claimed the lives of over eight hundred thousand Soviet soldiers.

Sambek heights - it is a kind of common boundary. This place turned out to be a home for not only the residents born in it, but also for the thousands of soldiers who died heroically here.

In memory of the past heroic battles, it was decided to erect the memorial "Sambeki Heights". It was installed in 1980 in the central part of the field. The opening of the memorial took place on May 7 of the same year. It was attended by a delegation from Azerbaijan, led by the first secretary of the Communist Party Central Committee, Heydar Aliyev.

By the way, the village was resurrected from the ruins by a few soldiers who came from the front. They simply refused to build houses in other places.

Description of the facility

The point itself is not so high - 227.9 meters. Along two stone walls (they are torn in the center), built on a low hill, warriors pass in an endless stream. They are also carved in stone. These are fighters of two rifle divisions (130th and 416th Azerbaijan), who broke through the German defense. At the entrance to the complex is a large stone with an inscription carved on it.

samba heights memorial

Between the constructed walls, regardless of weather conditions, there is always a rumble of powerful wind. One gets the feeling that one gets into a special space, as if falling out of the real world, but military events are getting closer and more real.

The sculptor E. Shamilov (Baku), architects V.I. worked on the creation of the memorial of glory on the Sambek heights. and I.V. Grigor (Rostov). It was erected not just on the field, but in the very place where the firing points were located, where the soldiers were dying in the trenches, and the earth was painted red from spilled blood.

For some time, the Eternal Flame burned at Sambek Heights, then they abandoned this idea.

memorial of glory on sambek heights

Memorial Location

This is the largest monument on the Rostov land. Sambek heights are not far from Taganrog: at a distance of about 4.5 kilometers. You need to go on the highway M-23. On your car, of course, getting easier and more convenient. But the drivers of intercity taxis also stop here at the request of passengers.

Restoration of the memorial

In 2012, the memorial was opened after extensive restoration work. The need for them arose due to the destruction of the memorial, the dilapidation of the monument. Financing of the work was carried out by the Azerbaijani government, financing of design and estimate work was carried out from the budget funds of the Rostov region.

Taganrog Sambir heights

Should there be a museum?

For several years now, there has been talk of creating a museum. The initiative of its discovery was made by veterans of the Great Patriotic War, it was supported by participants in search associations. In 2014, a preliminary sketch of the structure was prepared, a year later, on May 6, it was planned to hold a ceremony to lay the first stone. All plans were violated by the case. A month before this event, a search squad (leader Igor Tretyakov) discovered German military shells at the site of a future construction site, as well as the remains of two dead soldiers. The event had to be rescheduled. A few months later, on August 30 of the same year, a memorial stone was nevertheless laid. The opening of the memorial stone at the Sambek Heights was carried out by the acting Governor Vasily Golubev and war veteran Mikhail Petrovich Shatov. Thus designated the place on which the museum will be built.

The future complex should consist of an exhibition and memorial zone, represented by the building of the museum itself, a demonstration platform for military equipment, a memorial to the memory of fallen soldiers, an interactive platform that reproduces fragments of military battles; reception and service areas for visitors, consisting of parking areas, ticket offices, places where meals will be organized; administrative part and transitional gallery.


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