How to make a Dragon Scale bracelet from rubber bands without the help of a machine

Elastic bands for weaving bracelets captivate everyone: kids, teenagers and even adults. There is a huge variety of models that differ in appearance and color scheme. One of the most popular options is the Dragon Scale style accessory. You can make a “Dragon Scale” bracelet from rubber bands with your own hands, without a special machine. Yes, you can create this decorative item with your fingers.

Step-by-step instruction

Making a bracelet made of rubber bands in the style of "Dragon Scales" is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Many colors are usually used to make an accessory, but for a better understanding of weaving technology, we will use only two basic shades: green and blue. Execution Procedure:

  • Take the green rubber band, pull it and rotate to form a figure in the form of "8". Place one loop of the strap on the middle finger and the other on the ring finger. Lower the resulting "eight" a little lower, to the base of the fingers.
Step by step execution
  • Next, take the gum of a different color. It must also be stretched and rotated in the same way, putting on the middle and index fingers over the green rubber band. At first, weaving will seem difficult, but making a bracelet made of rubber scales “Dragon Scales”, following this step-by-step algorithm, is quite easy.
  • Take one more blue detail and repeat the second step, putting it on your ring finger and little finger. Next, lower the previously placed green and blue gum down. Then remove both parts of the green rubber band from your fingers, it will be fixed between the blue ones.

The main stage of work

Next, you need to perform the following actions:

  • Choose the opposite color, that is, green, and just put one rubber strip on the middle and index, and the other on the ring finger and little finger. This time they do not need to twist. Make sure everything is green above and blue below.
  • Next, remove all the lower blue ones from all fingers, they will be fixed on the green. Take another blue rubber band and put it on top of your ring and middle fingers. Make sure it is above green.
  • Take the pieces of green rubber bands on these fingers and remove them.

You may notice that the movements are repeated and turn into a cycle. Actually, this is the whole process of weaving. It is important not to get confused in the sequence. Over time, you will understand the order and scheme of how to make a Dragon Scale bracelet from rubber bands, movements will become mechanical, and therefore faster.

Rainbow bracelet


You need to put another green elastic on the index and middle fingers, as well as one on the ring and little fingers. Repeating the movement, as in the beginning, remove the second part of the lower elastic bands. Then two blue elastic bands are put on the same fingers, and the green ones are removed.

Two more elastic bands are put on, the lower ones are removed. Then comes the important point. The green rubber in the center is removed. And the whole process is repeated until the bracelet is the right length. Next, the product must be connected and secured. For this, the hinges are connected with plastic fasteners.

Bright and stylish accessory is ready! As you can see, making a bracelet made of rubber “Dragon Scales” with your own hands is quite simple.

Set of rubber bands

Gum Jewelry

Today, jewelry made of elastic bands is quite popular. Many children cannot imagine their life without a new hobby, and parents worry about the quality of goods and the health of their children. Eyes literally run away from a variety of sets, different in price, manufacturers, color, quantity, shape of parts, the presence of additional fasteners and tools. And even more variety pleases the number of weaving patterns.

There are an incredible amount of options on how to weave the Dragon Scale bracelet out of rubber bands. The accessory is often made in rainbow shades, and it looks just amazing. An additional advantage of such jewelry is that the product of the same size can be worn by both a child and an adult due to the elasticity of the material.

For children and teenagers, weaving such bracelets will become an interesting hobby. Moreover, in the modern world needlework is giving way to gadgets, and it will be useful for the child to distract from them.


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