Curfew: restriction of freedom or guarantee of security?

Curfew is the prohibition of being on the streets and in public places at certain times of the day. Most often, this concept is associated with a state of emergency or wartime. But curfew in Russia also operates in peacetime. At the same time, this situation does not so much restrict human freedom , but rather creates additional security guarantees. You can verify this by reading the information below.


Curfew for teens

In 2009, the law, describing the basic guarantees of the rights of the child, was substantially amended regarding curfew for persons under the age of 18. According to the specified law, minors cannot be on the street or in other public places without adults in the period from 22.00 to 6.00. The trauma that happened in Pervouralsk prompted the State Duma to the described amendment, then during a disco a drunken crowd crushed 3 minor schoolgirls. It is worth noting that before the curfew applied only to children under 14 years old.

curfew in Russia

Nevertheless, the said law allows the subjects of the Russian Federation to reduce the age of persons falling under curfew. True, no more than 2 years. It is also allowed to slightly change the concept of night time, given the season and climatic conditions. For example, in the Ulyanovsk Region, curfew does not begin at 10 pm, but at 11. Also, in many regions of Russia, the transition to summer curfew is practiced (meaning its beginning at 23.00). As for students or working teenagers, special certificates are provided for them from the place of study and work. If law enforcement authorities detain minors violating the curfew, then their parents are threatened with a warning or a fine of up to 500 rubles.

Some of the additions mentioned were made personally by Dmitry Medvedev. In particular, he emphasized that minors cannot appear unaccompanied by their parents at night or in the late evening in such public places as cafes, bars, clubs, restaurants, gambling establishments, concert halls, cinemas, discos, etc. The curfew for minors It operates not only in Russia, but also in most civilized countries of the world. This is one of the laws that testify to the level of development of the state.

Curfew in Moscow

curfew in Moscow
This law applies not only to youth. In Moscow, a kind of curfew for transit trucks has recently begun to operate. So, since March 2013, these vehicles have been prohibited from driving within the MKAD and along the ring road between 6.00 and 22.00. Officials are confident that such an innovation will unload the important transport routes of Moscow. It is worth noting that 30% of the transport that moved along the MKAD was freight. During the day, only those trucks that are engaged in the transport of urgent goods or goods necessary for the life support of the region will be able to drive through the indicated route. Truck drivers will be able to get special passes, however, their number is strictly limited. Others will be offered bypass routes.


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