What is dynamo: four meanings of the word

The word is well known: the name of a sports club, power generators, this is a term in a card game, youth slang. So what is dynamo?

Word history

Although the Latin language is considered dead, because it is used mainly among doctors and lawyers, it constantly gives new names to inventions. So it was with electricity.

When the first electric current generators were invented , they were called dynamos. The meaning of the word dynamo is power. Horsepower generators were measured. And now, still in some places, this unit of measure is present.

Sport Club

Naturally, when modern sport was born, the Latin name for power also became the name of the club. Everywhere so called factories, avenues, cars. The slogan of the Russian club is β€œStrength in Motion”.

meaning of the word dynamo

What is Dynamo (club)? This is an association of athletes in any direction to achieve victories in its playing forms. There are clubs with the same name in Dresden and in Houston, and many more. Famous Moscow hockey club. On the emblem of all is the letter "D", the first in the word.


The term is used in gambling. In the card game "Hearts" (Microsoft has released an electronic version of it) there is the term "player scrolled the dynamo." What is dynamo? This means that, unnoticed by everyone, he collected all the discarded cards of pure color and overtook the rest of the players by points.

what is dynamo

It should be noted that this is possible only with the full euthanasia of the partners in the game. Often, having learned about this turn of events, they are annoyed with themselves because they overlooked the game.

Youth slang

When someone fails, you can hear the phrase:

  • Prodinamil, did not come to the meeting.

What is dynamo in this case? This dishonesty, optionality, disregard for the case. Therefore, such a label may stick:

  • Tatyana is a well-known dynamo.

Means a frivolous person who is better not to hope for. But this is not an offensive nickname. Rather, the quality of a classic blonde. Apparently, the term from a card game got into slang. It does not mean that it is a conscious deception, but a weak desire to fulfill a promise - for sure.

Language is a living organism. Before us is the transition of the word from the field of highly specialized terminology to popular speech.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8073/

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