Cutting: history of occurrence. Corrugated paper and tissue paper cutting techniques: master class

Cutting technique allows you to create wonderful fluffy carpets, paintings of various shapes and sizes, causing interest and a sense of admiration. It seems unlikely that such seemingly complex applications can be performed by children. Everything is possible if the work of the team is properly organized, and even first graders can cope with the most complex pattern. The technique of corrugating from corrugated paper does not imply the use of any special equipment. To work, you only need a drawing with contours, scissors, a pencil or a pen from a ballpoint pen, multi-colored corrugated paper or paper napkins and PVA glue.

facing technique

Cutting technique: preparation for work

First you need to cut pieces of corrugated paper with a side of about 1.5 centimeters. Their number and colors depend on the complexity and size of the work. You can draw a stencil for a future masterpiece yourself or print any simple drawing you like. It is advisable to use thick paper or cardboard. For convenience, you can pour glue on a plate, and you can also use glue stick. The miter technique is a simple, but at the same time laborious process, which requires perseverance and patience, as it contains a lot of identical repetitive actions.

corrugated paper cutting technique

Step-by-step technique description

1) A thin strip of glue is applied to a small area of ​​the pattern along the contour.

2) The end of the rod or pencil should be covered with a square of corrugated paper and using your fingers to give the paper the necessary shape, resembling the head of a flower.

3) Then, the bottom of the resulting figure must be dipped in glue and glued to a specific area of ​​the figure.

4) After gentle pressure, the rod is carefully removed.

An important point is that each subsequent corrugated piece should be next to the previous one, so they need to be placed very close to each other so that there are no gaps.

Technology features

What can be made of crepe paper? In fact, this material provides almost unlimited scope for imagination. Postcards from corrugated paper, various crafts, flowers, as well as voluminous fluffy paintings look original and unusual. Corrugated paper cutting technique is a very popular technique. The products obtained are very interesting, and the execution of such crafts does not require special skills. Using this method, you can create beautiful and original three-dimensional images from corrugated paper. And it can be both miniature compositions and large panels. All elements should fit very tightly together, creating the effect of a thick fluffy rug, consisting of a large number of pieces of paper. The cutting technique is very easy to learn, so this activity is ideal for recreation and activities with young children.

paper cutting technique

The advantage of working with corrugated paper

The main attraction of the painting, created using the cutting technique, is that the images are light and airy, which is achieved through the use of corrugated paper, a thin and transparent material that easily takes a given shape. Unlike other methods of working with paper, the accuracy of the size of the cut out parts does not matter much, on the contrary, the more uneven the edges, the prettier the finished product will look. However, some rules still need to be observed so that the work does not seem negligent or performed in bad faith.

facing technique master class

Useful Tips

To realize what was conceived using the cutting technique, you need to purchase corrugated paper or napkins of different colors, which you need to turn into many small pieces, the size of which is about 1.5-2 centimeters. The shape of the elements can be square, triangular or round. At the same time, the edges do not have to be perfectly even; they can be zigzag, wavy, and so on. The main thing is not to greatly increase the size of the parts. If the picture is large, you can make a square 3 * 3 cm, but no more. The smaller they are, the more clearly the picture in a holistic completed form will look. When attaching paper to glue, a thin object is used: it can be a pencil or a match. To begin to master the technique of facing, it is recommended to start with simpler images, such as a rainbow, a flower, a butterfly or various geometric shapes.

milling history of the occurrence of technology

Basic principles

The technique of trimming from napkins or corrugated paper does not always involve the full filling of the desired space. For example, there is only a contour lining in the form of a fluffy twisted frame around the entire perimeter of the selected figure, while the center of the picture may remain empty. Several colors can be used in the work, and the craft can also be done in monochrome using just one color, for example, to highlight the background. The main principle of the technique is to use it in those areas where you need to give volume, while due to the small size of the paper elements, all the outlines and borders of the pattern remain unchanged, and the picture does not lose its clarity and main idea.

facing technique

Volumetric trimming technique

The paper facing technique can be used not only for flat images, but also for firmly glued paper shapes. It can be a casket, a figurine, a paper tree. You can give a new life to old things using cardboard, gypsum, clay and other materials, which can be “revived” not with a brush and paints, but with paper decorations. In addition, the elements can not always be fixed with glue, it is quite possible to use a plasticine base, which will help to save a lot of time. Gluing pieces of paper, differing in size and density, allows you to make very soft color transitions and real volumes on a flat surface. All these effects affect the overall perception of the picture: the same green grass will look brighter and more natural if it is dark green in some places, and light green in the place where the sun's rays fall.

facing technique

Living picture

The technique of trimming from napkins or corrugated paper can transform even the simplest drawing with primitive elements into a more interesting picture. Even if it is just the sun, clouds, a house and an apple tree next to a wooden fence, then after filling the image becomes voluminous and vibrant. Crafts made using this technology stand out for their special tactile softness and visual elegance.

facing technique

The history of the cutting technique

What is facing? The history of the technology of applied paper creativity dates back more than one century. However, there are directions that have appeared relatively recently, these include application, quilling, origami and facing. When using the cutting technique, volumetric applications of paper are created that contribute to the development of creativity, fine motor skills, and abstract thinking. In addition, this lesson teaches patience, perseverance and hard work, which is so often lacking in modern children. This young technology is becoming more and more popular due to the simple way of execution and the unusual effect of the “fluffy carpet”, pleasant to the touch and visually. What is remarkable for the miter technique? A master class on creating three-dimensional paintings can be held without leaving your home; when working, special equipment and expensive materials are not required. You just need to stock up with napkins or crepe paper, plasticine, glue, a brush, cardboard, multi-colored markers and other devices that are already in the arsenal of any schoolchild or kindergarten pupil.


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