M. Yu. Lermontov: analysis of the poem and its summary. Lermontov's "Borodino" as one of the best examples of patriotic poetry

Correctly understanding the meaning, idea and significance of a work is often helped by its brief content. Lermontov ("Borodino" - one of the most famous poems in Russian poetry) is considered to be a follower of Pushkin both in the manner of writing lyrical compositions and in themes. The poet was very attracted to historical subjects, which were embodied in poems, novels, as well as individual small works. The description of military operations also occupies a prominent place in his work, since he himself served in the Caucasus.


Pupils help to summarize the meaning of the work. Lermontov ("Borodino" is a poem that was written in 1837) is rightly considered a poet who, like no one else, could expressively convey the picture of the battle in a concise manner. The work in question begins with an appeal to the participant of the famous battle. In it, the poet draws an epic panorama of the battle in just a few lines: the burnt capital, terrible fights, which the people's memory still remembers. This short passage is the introduction to a more detailed account of the warrior who took part in the battle.

Summary of Lermontov Borodino

The main idea of ​​the work reveals a brief summary. Lermontov ("Borodino" is the best example of patriotic lyrics in Russian poetry) is recognized as one of the best poets who knew how to convey the dynamics of battle in both poetic and prosaic forms. Of great importance for the analysis of the essay is the description of the narrator of the fighters who fought in the famous battle. He calls them heroes, thereby emphasizing that they did everything to protect the capital.

Lermontov Borodino summary for the reader's diary


The poet masterfully paints the state of the Russian army before the start of the battle. He focuses readers on the fact that the fighters themselves were eager for battle, as they were tired of retreating. An analysis of the strong emotional and patriotic upsurge of Russian soldiers should include a brief summary. Lermontov ("Borodino" is an epic canvas of a landmark historical battle) is considered to be one of the best authors of the first half of the 19th century, who knew how to create a large-scale battle canvas in just a few lines. The poem gives an expressive description of the fierce battle. The poet paints a picture of a wide field, cannon fire, skirmishes and fights between Russians and French.

m Lermontov Borodino summary

Climax and denouement

Every schoolchild knows that Lermontov wrote Borodino. A summary for the reader’s diary of this poem should include a description of the characteristics of the battle and the state of mind of the Russian army. The author emphasized the patriotic rise of soldiers who fought hand-to-hand with the enemy. Of particular importance is the colorful mention by the author of a gunfight. It should also be said about the oath that the soldiers made during this battle. Thus, the poet once again emphasized the patriotic rise of the fighters and their willingness to die for their hometown. By repeated characterization of the fighters M. Lermontov completed his work. Borodino (a short summary of the poem should help students understand its composition) is one of the best examples of patriotic poetry.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8093/

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