Unique gift - origami flowers

It is always pleasant to present an unusual gift to loved ones, and it is doubly pleasant to make it with your own hands. And in this you will come to the aid of origami, with which you can even create a whole bunch of flowers and no less beautiful than natural!

Since ancient times, flowers have always symbolized beauty, love, life and the brightest feelings. The ancient art of origami (folding paper figures) is also intended to give joy to people who are watching the final result, and get it during the creation of these amazing paper figures. In the use of this technique, colored paper, scissors and glue are used. Applying only these materials and following certain patterns, you get amazing and unusual buds. Origami flowers recreate the unique grace of the lines of natural plants. And the main difference between paper flowers is that they are more durable.

Flowers created from paper were first created in ancient times. Women already used them as jewelry. And in the Middle Ages, they even decorated temples. Using origami flowers, it is possible to make any kind, based on personal preferences - and noble roses, and delicate daffodils, and exotic magnolias, and many others. They are so magnificent that they are often difficult to distinguish from the original. Paper flowers are widely used all over the world - gift wrapping, original bouquets, paintings, they are even used as women's accessories. In addition, this is a very original type of decoration of rooms and holiday tables.

Origami flowers require special attention and patience when creating them. However, it is simply impossible to convey such beauty of a living plant using paper. Beginners can start with flowers that are easier to make, suggesting clear lines, for example, from an iris, tulip or lotus.

Using special workshops, you can easily understand how to make origami flowers. The main thing is to avoid rushing and to follow clearly the instructions of the color folding schemes. Origami paper is best taken thick, which holds its shape well. And applying foil sheets, you will give the flowers a particularly solemn look.

For example, corrugated paper or a small reaper is more suitable for creating a rose. And when creating an origami lotus flower, you will need two leaves of different colors, one for the flower, the other for the pedicel. In addition, the sheet should be square in shape and large in size, since with each folding step it will decrease in size. And if you take a small leaf, the lotus will turn out small, and you will hardly make the necessary folds.

Nowadays, boutiques and supermarkets purchase a gift is easy. That is why a do-it-yourself gift is much more appreciated, and giving it is much nicer. In addition, this is a wonderful and affordable way of self-expression, in which both beginners and origami masters will find themselves. In addition, children can even create origami flowers, which will only serve the development of their creative abilities, taste, perseverance, as well as hand motility.

A bouquet of such flowers will serve as an original and non-standard present for any holiday. Despite the simplicity of execution (at first glance) and the material used, you will be surprised to see which masterpieces go out of the hands of origami masters. Female representatives will definitely appreciate it. In addition, a gift made by one’s own hands carries a special energy, because a soul was invested in its creation.

Modern life requires all the great pace and speed, days are rapidly changing others, problems, and things are not decreasing. Therefore, it is very important not to wallow in this everyday bustle, and to find time for relaxation and favorite activities. Origami art is a flight of fantasy, an opportunity to realize your dreams in original works, change the ordinary interior and make your life a little brighter!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8104/

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