Senior Drawing Open Lesson: Annotation Tips

Itโ€™s hard enough to say what a kindergarten teacher should do more today - the development of a toddler or paperwork. If he is going to conduct an open lesson on drawing in the senior group, then he can not do without a detailed outline. Moreover, this is required by law, and not by the whim of the authorities.

open lesson in senior group


In order for you to better understand what a summary plan should be, let's look at the real situation. For example, the next lesson is drawing in the senior group on the theme of "Winter". And not simple, but open. So in any case, you have to make a plan so as not to blunder before your parents.

First you need to paint two points:

  1. Type of activity. Here you must indicate in what manner the lesson will be held: a generalization of knowledge, its consolidation or, perhaps, the study of new material.
  2. The objectives of the lesson. In general terms, tell us what you want to achieve during an open event. In our case, variations like: creation of collective and individual drawings on the theme of "Winter" are suitable.

By specifying these two points, you are creating yourself a basis for reflection. Based on them, you can think over the future course of the lesson. However, this is only the beginning of a drawing lesson.

drawing lesson


We figured out the practical goals that you want to achieve. Next, set the empirical tasks that you want to accomplish regarding children. GEF and FGT insist that the development of preschoolers should be comprehensive and diverse. Based on this, three directions of tasks can be distinguished:

  1. Educational. Indicate what your students should learn during the lesson. What practical skills should be obtained or reinforced: consolidation of artistic skills and techniques, improving the quality of introspection and criticism of other people's works, the ability to independently choose the materials necessary for work.
  2. Educational. What character traits would you like to instill in your child through this activity? Respect for the wild is well suited to our topic.
  3. Developing. It may seem that this is the same as in the first paragraph. But if you pointed out practical skills there, then it is better to focus on mental ones. Show that you strive to develop in children an interest in the environment and nature, artistic flair, initiative and imagination.

Thus, you will form the "third pillar" on which the entire learning process and your future drawing lesson outline will be held.

Preliminary work

Since an open lesson in drawing in the senior group is usually held at the end of quarters or a year, here you will need to indicate all the material that could be attributed to the topic under consideration.

drawing in a senior group on the theme of winter

What can be used in our case? Let's make a list of study materials so that it is easier to draw in the older group on the topic of "Winter".

  1. Reading fairy tales "The Snow Maiden" and "12 months".
  2. Viewing and discussing photos and paintings with a winter landscape.
  3. The study of the properties of water and its state of aggregation.
  4. Conversations about the characteristics of animal life in the winter. Change of color, hibernation.
  5. Sketches of animals using geometric shapes.

Only after providing children with the necessary knowledge, can you conduct an open lesson in drawing in the senior group.

Class progress

From this moment in your plan, the most ambiguous and variable part begins. You need to plan ahead what you will say, and most importantly, what the children will answer. This is your main task. To prevent the development of events that may get out of hand, you need to analyze the whole future lesson and make a plan.

  1. Greeting.
  2. Dialogue with children.
  3. Teamwork.
  4. Fizminutka.
  5. Individual creativity.
  6. Summing up and analysis of work.

Remember, you need to describe in detail what will happen in the lesson. For instance:

- Hello children! Today a snowman came to visit us! And it's summer already! Let's help him cool down and draw a winter forest (by drawing with crayons on a blackboard, children make a joint composition).

In this vein, you need to fully consider the lesson. An open drawing lesson in the senior group should be planned and conducted very accurately, because the older the children, the more unexpected the questions that the educator should have an answer to come up.

topics of drawing classes in the senior group

Used materials

We have already found out what children need to know before holding such an open lesson. But that's not all. The teacher also needs to prepare and bring all the necessary materials. Or ask the children themselves to prepare some equipment. To not forget anything, make a list and also include it in the plan.

  1. Photos and paintings depicting winter.
  2. Multimedia equipment as needed. You can limit yourself to a projector and show slides instead of paperwork with pictures. Music player and recordings. For example, "The Seasons" by Vivaldi.
  3. Children will need art supplies. Pencils, paints, crayons. Album.
  4. Specify which painting technique will be used. The older group has a wide selection in this aspect - pointillism (dots), plasticine, blotography, fingers, scratching.
  5. You might want to create an applique. Then other materials will be needed - glue, cotton wool and so on.

This item is very important. If you miss something important, the activity can completely go down the drain. In addition, indicate which teaching aids you were preparing for the lesson. It doesnโ€™t matter if you did it or not. Just for reporting, so that your bosses cannot quibble over you, that you conduct training not according to standards.

drawing technique senior group

In the end

The topic "Winter" considered by us is not always well suited for conducting open classes. No matter how you strive to develop the imagination of children, there are more "convenient" topics for drawing classes in the older group. A wide variety of options may come up.

  • "Salute". For the practice of drawing "poke".
  • "Forest". Allows you to get acquainted with animals and plants.
  • "My family". To draw a person is much more difficult. This topic is well suited for the practice of complex patterns.
  • Drawing in non-traditional style. Teach children to draw pictures with improvised means. For example, if there is no watercolor, but there is an iron and wax (encaustic).
  • "Traffic Laws". Allows children to better understand the need for compliance.


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