Government structure and its forms

One of the main characteristics of a country is considered to be a territorial-state system. It characterizes not only the territorial division of the state, but also the distribution of power on each separate unit, as well as the nature of their interaction with each other.

Government structure is usually divided into complex and simple. The first includes federations and confederations, and a unitary or single state is considered simple. Such a country does not contain separate entities, and the authorities are distributed to certain administrative centers. It has some distinctive properties:

  • One system of legislation.
  • Unified authorities, which presuppose the existence of legislative, judicial and executive. One governing body controls the execution of the main functions of similar organizations in the field.
  • If we talk about the financial component, then the state system assumes the presence of one national currency. It displays prices in all markets for goods and services, accounting. All other currencies can be exchanged for a national one, since only it freely functions in the territory of a certain state.
  • Common tax base and single tax legislation.

In addition, the influence of central authorities and other administrative centers can be noted. In this area, there is also a division into types:

  1. Mixed.
  2. Decentralized.
  3. Centralized.

A decentralized unitary state system is distinguished by the presence of local self-government bodies, which have a share of power and are elected by the population of individual territorial divisions. Accordingly, the centralized structure does not provide for independent local government bodies; officials who are officially appointed by a single governing body rule there.

The form of government of the Russian Federation refers to a complex structure and is a federation that contains in its composition separate entities in the form of republics, regions, territories, districts and cities. In connection with such a territorial location, a two-level system of power is introduced, in which the supreme apparatus of state administration is present, and the subjects of the federation organize their own legislative, judicial and executive powers. At the same time, individual entities are entitled to independently draw up constitutional norms. The budgetary system is formed in a similar way : republican revenues are accumulated, and separately the budgets of the federal subjects find their own sources of income and plan their expenditures independently.

Even during the reign of the USSR, a law was envisaged that allowed subjects to freely leave the federation. However, in practice this right has not been realized. That is why now in constitutional law such an opportunity is not provided. Thus, the subject does not have absolute sovereignty and does not receive the right to freely withdraw from the federation.

A state structure such as a confederation is an ordinary union or agreement of several countries. A distinctive feature of this form is the sovereignty of each incoming country. They unite to achieve the most important strategic tasks in the field of economics, politics or military support. Relations between countries are secured by a single treaty or manifesto. It is possible to leave the confederation unilaterally. Moreover, such associations, as a rule, do not form a unified legislative base, do not introduce a common monetary unit, customs and tax services, and so on. Coordination of actions is carried out through a single governing body, which includes representatives of all countries participating in the confederation.


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