"Eagle's beak" (tomato): reviews and cultivation

Tomato "eagle beak" is grown in our country by many owners of suburban areas. This variety appeared on the market recently, but has already managed to gain great popularity among summer residents. It was developed by domestic breeders specifically for cultivation in Siberia. That is, these tomatoes feel great in short summers and frequent spring frosts. In terms of productivity, the "eagle beak" variety is currently recognized in Russia as one of the best. About how to properly care for him, and talk in this article.

Tomato "eagle beak": variety description

To begin with, let's figure out how these wonderful tomatoes look and what characteristics they differ. Adult plants "eagle beak" can reach a height of 1.3-1.5 m. The main distinguishing feature of tomatoes of this variety is the unusual shape of the fruit. Slightly elongated raspberry-colored tomatoes have a curved pointed end, which in fact resembles an eagle's beak. The pulp of the fruits of this tomato is very dense. Therefore, they are characterized by keeping quality and can be used for canning.

eagle beak tomato reviews

The size of the fruit depends on the fruiting phase. In the first wave, tomatoes are very large - they can reach a mass of 800 g. In the second phase, they are much smaller - they weigh up to 400 g. The excellent taste of raspberry-red tomatoes is also what the eagle-beak tomato boasts. The characterization of the variety given by Russian gardeners is unambiguous in this regard - for salads and fresh consumption, sweet fruits with a pleasant natural aroma are simply perfect.

You can grow tomatoes "eagle beak" both in the greenhouse and in the open ground. However, since this tomato does not apply to self-pollinated, most often it is planted simply in the beds. The yield of the variety is 10-15 kg / m2.

Reviews of summer residents

The "eagle beak" variety, as already mentioned, is new. However, many gardeners have already managed to test it in their plots. Judging by the reviews, when growing it does not cause any special trouble to summer residents. After all, it was derived taking into account the particular climate of Siberia. Gardeners of this region, and the owners of suburban areas of central Russia “eagle beak” - tomato, reviews of which are actually very good, I liked. In particular, summer residents have a good opinion about the taste qualities of these tomatoes. It is believed that in this regard, the fruits of the "eagle's beak" somewhat resemble the well-known "bull heart". Tomatoes of this variety ripen faster than many others, which is also very popular with the owners of suburban areas.

tomato eagle beak

As for pickling, opinions in this regard among domestic gardeners are ambiguous. On the one hand, due to the dense pulp, these fruits do not deform at all during heat treatment and remain attractive in brine all year round. On the other hand, because of the large size, in most cases they simply do not go through the neck of the can. Therefore, tomatoes and the second phase of fruiting are mainly salted and pickled. As for the manufacture of various pastes, “lights” and caviar, this variety is suitable for such preservation.

Tomato "eagle beak" is also highly praised for its high yield. This variety gives summer residents some inconvenience when growing because of their thin stems. Adult bushes must be tied up.

Seed preparation

Next, let's look at how the "eagle beak" tomatoes are planted and grown. Seeds of this variety must first be soaked. To do this, lay a piece of thin tissue on a saucer, pour a weak solution of Epina and planting material. Seeds swell usually after 18-20 hours. They can’t be left in the water longer, otherwise they may “suffocate”.

tomatoes beak

Planting seeds in boxes

The mid-early tomato "eagle beak" is grown, the description of which was given above, in the seedling method. Sown seeds in boxes around mid-March. Plants that have reached the age of 60-70 days are planted in open ground. The soil before sowing must be disinfected. Planting stock is pre-soaked. The seeds are buried in the soil by about 1 cm. The distance between the plants should be 1 cm, between the rows - 3 cm.

tomato grade eagle beak reviews

After seeding, the box is placed in a dark place (with a temperature of 20-25 gr.) And covered with a piece of glass or a film. As soon as the shoots of tomatoes appear, the container is rearranged on the windowsill. Of course, seedlings need to be constantly watered. At first, this is best done with a spray gun.

Picking seedlings

Transplanting young tomatoes into cups is done immediately after they have two real leaves. A couple of hours before the procedure, the soil in the box is carefully shed. A mixture of turf land, peat and sand is pre-poured into the cups. It must be poured with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. “Eagle's beak” is a tomato, reviews of which are just excellent, however, like all nightshade beaks, it is not very resistant to fungal diseases.

tomato eagle beak description

Plants are removed from the ground with a wooden spatula or toothpick. Touching seedlings with bare fingers is not recommended. The fact is that the temperature of the sprouts is much lower than the temperature of human hands. Therefore, plants experience severe stress from overheating. Thin cotton gloves should be put on your hands before a pick.

The transplant is performed as follows:

  • a hole is made in the soil in a cup;
  • a little water is poured into it;
  • then a seedling is carefully placed in the hole (cotyledon leaves should remain above the surface).

After planting, the earth around the plants needs to be slightly compacted. Then the soil is watered, and the cups themselves with transferred seedlings are placed in a dark place. After the plants have taken, the containers are installed back on the windowsill.

Tomato "eagle beak": growing

Transfer seedlings of tomatoes of this variety to beds fertilized with humus (1 bucket per 1 m 2 ). A distance of 50 cm is left between the plants, 80 cm between the rows.

Further care for tomatoes "eagle beak" is done in the same way as for any other medium-sized tomatoes. The soil under the plants is periodically moistened, preventing its drying out. After each watering, the soil is loosened. Fertilize the "eagle beak" tomatoes three times a season.

tomato eagle beak variety description

The first top dressing is done a couple of weeks after planting. In this case, mullein is usually used. The second time the tomatoes are fertilized during the ovary period. In this case, it is best to use a special complex fertilizing for tomatoes. The third time fertilizers are applied when the fruits appear. The best solution during this period is the use of potassium top dressing.


"Eagle beak" is a tomato (reviews make it possible to judge it as one of the most fruitful Siberian varieties), which, as mentioned above, has very thin stems. In addition, the fruits of this tomato are large, and on the bush there are usually a lot of them. Therefore, plants must be tied up. It will be best to arrange for them a special trellis. To equip it, columns of pipes or beams are driven along the edges of the bed and connected by a crossbar from above. Rows of wire extend along the entire length of the resulting U-shaped structure. The distance between them should be about 30-40 cm. You can replace the wire with ordinary twine. Tie tomatoes to the trellis carefully. It is impossible to squeeze the stem or processes.


To get a better crop, tomato bushes “eagle beak” need to be formed. Stepsoning begins to be done in July with a frequency of 10 days. If the formation will be made in two stems, leave one process in the sinus of the leaf under the first inflorescence.

The use of stimulants

Breeders involved in the cultivation of this variety are advised to use special solutions that accelerate development when growing it.

"Eagle's beak" - a tomato, reviews of which are good - you can start to water with stimulants in seedlings. In this case, a very good solution would be to use the Athlete. After its application, the stem thickens and hardens in tomatoes. The use of this drug for seedlings can increase the yield of adult plants by about 20%.

For watering, 1.5 ml of the product is diluted in a liter of water. The first time the soil in the box is moistened after 3-4 leaves appear on the plants, the second and third - with an interval of a week.

tomato eagle beak characteristic

Adult plants in the beds can be watered with the Senior Tomato stimulator. This is done once a season. The product is diluted in a proportion of 50 ml per 10 liters of water. The resulting amount of stimulator will be enough for a hundred landing.

As you can see, the tomato variety “eagle beak”, reviews of which are good, is very unpretentious and suitable for growing in difficult conditions of the Russian climate. He is not afraid of frost, and his fruits are simply remarkable for their taste. In the event that enough attention is paid to these tomatoes during the season, they will certainly please their hosts with an excellent harvest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8130/

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