Polypropylene fiber: a modern material for concrete reinforcement

Today, concrete is considered one of the most sought-after building materials that have no replacement. Despite the excellent technical characteristics of concrete, it has a big drawback - fragility. You can get rid of this minus only with the help of reinforcement. As a reinforcing substance, a metal mesh or reinforcement is often used. But polypropylene fiber not only makes concrete stronger and more resistant to mechanical damage and destruction, but also simplifies the process.

Polypropylene fiber: what is it?

This building material is rapidly gaining popularity, but not everyone knows what it is. Polypropylene fiber - This is a modern material used for dispersed concrete reinforcement. It is sold in the form of synthetic fibers of different lengths. When preparing a concrete solution, the fibers are added to the dry mix. Fiber is evenly distributed in the solution, so concrete gives uniform shrinkage. It is used not only for concrete, but gypsum mortars.

Benefits of Using Polypropylene Fiber

The main purpose of using fiber is concrete reinforcement. Fiberglass can improve the technical characteristics of concrete or gypsum products. Thanks to the use of this modern material, concrete acquires the following properties:

  • strength;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • lack of deformation after shrinkage (the appearance of cracks and delaminations);
  • frost resistance;
  • durability;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • water resistant.

In addition, a concrete or gypsum mortar, into which polypropylene fiber is added, becomes more plastic and viscous, therefore it is easier and easier to work with it.


Since fiber is used for reinforcing concrete or gypsum in order to improve their technical characteristics and operational properties, the scope of this modern material is great.

Fiberglass eliminates the main disadvantage of concrete - fragility, so they are often used for the manufacture of figurines, fences, fountains, urns and other forms of concrete or gypsum mortar. In addition, a solution with fiber is often used to decorate the facade, as it has excellent resistance to weathering and durability. Also, the application of polypropylene fiber includes pouring the foundation, concrete partitions or floors, piles, bridges and other concrete building elements.

The use of fiber is aimed at improving the properties of concrete, which is widely used in construction. It allows you to simplify the process and make any concrete structure strong and durable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8139/

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