Sotnik Yuri - fascinating stories and stories for children

Yuri Vyacheslavovich Sotnik (1914 - 1997) - a wonderful children's writer. He composed his first story when others still could not write a plain exposition. This happened in the fourth grade. Since then, he dreamed of becoming a writer.

Short biography of the author

Sotnik Yuri graduated from high school by the age of 30 and began to go through life's “universities”. He traveled around the country, visited a forest rafter on the Lena River, and was a laboratory assistant at a shop. The centurion Yuri learned life firsthand. Everything that he learned was reflected in his works. His first story went out of print in 1939. After the war, he writes stories in cycles.

centurion yuri
Especially good, lyrical, with an intriguing intense action that colors humor, the stories about Lesha Tuchkov and his constant girlfriend Aglaya, which were written in the 50-60s of the last century. The heroes described by Sotnik Yuri are living, restless, inquisitive children who, if they do anything wrong, are just for the best of reasons. They cannot imagine how their most noble impulse can end. An example of this is the story "Mask", which will be discussed below. The centurion Yuri does not moralize, he simply shows what the ill-conceived actions lead to. Each of the readers himself automatically makes a laugh, for himself, concluding: this would not have happened to me!

Stories and Tales

Stories about the children of this author can also be read by an adult who has long forgotten what childhood is. Yuri Vyacheslavovich opens the way to it. Adults surrounded themselves with chains of debts and obligations from which it is impossible to break free. Reading these stories to their child or grandson, discussing them with him, they suddenly briefly get rid of the heavy burden that has been put on them for years. And the child, laughing at the adventures of the unlucky peers, is gradually becoming clear and begins to understand what can and cannot be done. Children quickly "grasp" the motives of the actions of the heroes of Yu. Sotnik.

stories about children
And his crafty grin suggests that they themselves may suddenly find themselves in an ambiguous situation - both at school, and at home, and in the yard. Stories about children suggest how many interesting activities in the world, except sitting near a computer or iPhone. It is much more interesting to participate in a drama club and stage a play or build a submarine, that is, do something actively with friends, and not just wander around the street. Even a modern know-it-all with enthusiasm will wait for what will happen to the characters at the end of the story, and worry about them.

Yuri Sotnik: “How I was independent”

This story is very suitable for a child who is studying in elementary school, as he talks about his peer. Which of the children did not dream at least for a day to get rid of the word “necessary”, which adults constantly say! And the parents of Alyosha Tuchkova, pretty much arguing, nevertheless agreed to leave their ten-year-old son at home alone, and in the morning they went to the friends of Lesha’s father all day to the cottage.

Yuri Sotnik as I was independent
Having risen in the morning in an empty apartment, the boy was full of noble plans on how to spend the day correctly and decently: to solve instead of 10 - 20 examples, do not sweep the parquet, but grate it, warm dinner for the parents at night before going to bed, wrap it in an old blanket and leave it on table note with a wish of bon appetit to dad and mom. However, in life everything turns differently. Going into the yard to walk the dachshund, he meets the mischievous Aglaya. She is looking for a place to rehearse the play that will be tonight. And Lesha, not imagining anything bad, allows all the guys to come to his house. The flexible and spineless boy does not know how to say no, even if he does not like the actions of the guys. As a result, of course, there was a pogrom in the apartment, and also a live goat that screams so loudly that all the neighbors and his master, from whom the children temporarily took him, come running. Suddenly, Leshina’s parents come and they get a picture worthy of Repin’s brush, entitled “Didn’t Wait.”

Yuri Sotnik: stories for children

All the stories of Yu. Sotnik begin with a completely ordinary situation, which the writer skillfully, developing dialogue and action, brings to absurdity. Sometimes scary, as in the story “How They Saved Me,” sometimes comic, as in “The Mask”. But, one way or another, the end is always instructive and prosperous.

Riot, or independence number 2

In the story “All Hope for You”, parents again leave Lesha, but not alone, but with their acquaintance Aunt Sonya. So, dad and mom leave for kayaking, and Aunt Sonya begins to train Lesha. That is what her pedagogical talents should be called.

Yuri Sotnik stories for children
She draws up a daily routine so that Lesha lives like Pavlov’s dog, and when he doesn’t stand it and stops listening to her, she goes on a hunger strike. In response, Lesha also stopped eating and runs away from home, grabbing crackers, meatballs, sausages, bread and sugar. And, of course, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, which Aunt Sonya prevented him from reading. Alex was going to spend the night on a bench in the park, but the guys from the yard decided to put him in an empty apartment, the owners of which left for the summer for the summer. When Lesha was left alone in her and began to look around, he saw a human skull. Alex was scared in earnest. But then the guys came and said that Aunt Sonya should send an ultimatum. All together made up a protest, and the guys carried it to Aunt Sonya. But trouble happened with Lesha: the father of the children locked him in an empty apartment and took the key with him. Meanwhile, Aunt Sonya began to go around all the apartments of the house and look for the missing Lesha. He was found in a completely unexpected way, and peace and order reigned in the house. This story should be read and found out how everything worked out.

All the stories of Yu. Sotnik are equally entertaining and end unexpectedly. Good interesting films were put on them.


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