Unique Haruni Knitted Shawl

The appearance of Haruni shawl resembles a triangle with a slightly crescent shape due to a slight rounding of the lower corner. They begin to knit with a smaller version of an ordinary pattern of the โ€œfernโ€ type, turning into a lush border of deciduous patterns and ending with closing the loops with a hook.

What is Haruni?

shawl haruni
The word "haruni" is found in the works of D. Tolkien ("Lord of the Rings"), where it is translated from the elven language of Quenya means "grandmother." The simple and simple grandmother's secrets of knitting yarn are embodied in true works of art - openwork and beautiful shawls that can not only warm, but also decorate your everyday wardrobe.

This exquisite product can be made like a large and luxurious downy shawl, which you can wrap up almost completely and enjoy reading your favorite book on a cold winter evening with a cup of fragrant tea. But it may happen that you prefer the smaller Haruni shawl, which you can always take with you or wear instead of a scarf.

At home or at work, on the go or on holiday, you will always be warmed and decorated with chic handmade knitted shawls. Warmed by the sincere warmth of the hands of the master, they will be a unique accessory to any outfit.

Shawl Haruni Description

Shawl as an accessory

Nowadays, making things with your own hands is firmly in vogue - the so-called โ€œhandmadeโ€. Only such things are truly unique, as they are created in a single copy. They will be priceless due to the amount of personal time spent and the love invested in them by the master.

During long evenings, in late autumn and cold winters, the best helpers in needlework are threads, knitting needles and a hook. These three items are enough to create the unique Haruni shawl, the description of which we have given above.

Despite the apparent complexity of the pattern, such a shawl is knitted quite quickly, and to a large extent thanks to the manifestation of your creativity and zeal. After all, its creation requires both time and accuracy. But as a result, you get a very beautiful product. To create it, it is allowed to use yarn of different colors and composition, but, of course, the most suitable are threads, the composition of which is dominated by wool.

down shawl

Shawl application

Shawl Haruni fit to wear with a festive dress and casual attire. It can be thrown over a fur coat or coat. Shawl can be selected for beads, handbags and other accessories, creating an ensemble. You can not only cover her shoulders, but also tie a shawl at the waist.

These shawls look good with any clothing style other than sportswear. There are simple rules that you must follow in order to improve your appearance with this accessory, hide obvious flaws and emphasize the dignity of the figure. For example, women with a full body are recommended to wear shawls from light materials of muted tones, pastel shades. A pattern using longitudinal stripes will be appropriate. You should pay attention to the fact that the ends of the shawl do not lie on the problem areas of the figure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E815/

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