How to write in colorful letters in Minecraft on a tablet

Minecraft is a game in which each item has no specific purpose. More precisely, the developers laid it in objects, but far from always users use objects as intended. Naturally, you can use dynamite to undermine various structures or, for example, mountain ranges - or you can build a cannon that will destroy everything in its path. Thus, you can decide how your character will develop and what he will do with everything that surrounds him in a huge game world. We should also talk about tablets, as these items can bring you quite a lot of benefits. The most interesting thing that concerns them is the inscriptions that you can do. Most gamers are wondering how to write in colored letters in Minecraft on tablets, and this question will be answered in detail in this article.

What are the tablets for?

how to write in colorful letters in minecraft

Before you learn about how to write colored letters in Minecraft on tablets, you should find out their purpose in principle. The fact is that you can find this item everywhere in the game, but you cannot use it for one simple reason - this cannot be done. The plate is a finished item that can only be used by its owner. Accordingly, in order to perform any actions with the tablet, you first need to craft it from the boards and sticks. And it serves to indicate the road, mark the deposits of any useful materials, and so on. And this means that you need to write something on the tablet, but how can this be done? After all, if you do not learn how to put text on this subject, how then will you deal with how to write in colorful letters in Minecraft?

Use of a tablet

colored letters in minecraft

So, if you seriously decided to learn how to write in colorful letters in Minecraft, then you need to install the plate in the place where you want it to be. To do this, take it in your hand and left-click on the desired location. The tablet will be on the ground, and before you open a window in which you can write the text that will be displayed on its surface. You can write in two lines, but make sure that you do not exceed the number of allowed characters, otherwise you will not succeed. That's all - using the tablet is extremely simple, you can write any texts to indicate specific places, as well as leave messages for other players or reminders for yourself. And now it's time to move on to the main question - how to get colored letters in Minecraft?

Colored lettering

how to make colored letters in minecraft

If you want your plate to be brighter and more impressive, then you should definitely learn how to make colored letters in Minecraft. This will greatly improve the appearance of this object, and most importantly - will make the text more visible. If you wait for the night, you will see that the colored inscriptions glow in the dark, and this gives them another huge advantage. But how to achieve a similar effect? In fact, everything is quite simple. Before the line that you want to make color, you need to put an ampersand, that is, &. But after it, you need to specify a number that will correspond to the game color, for example, 2 is green, 4 is red, and 9 is blue. Experiment with colors to achieve the most vivid and spectacular result.

Other ways to use labels

Pay attention to the fact that tablets are objects that you can use not only to indicate specific places and send messages. There is also a sea of ​​methods for using these items, one of the most common and successful among them is the elevator. By installing plates with a specific code on two floors, you can navigate between them by contacting the plate.


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