Tattoo on the leg - inscriptions or drawings? How and how to decorate your body?

Today, tattoos in the form of inscriptions on various parts of the human body have become very popular. Taking your favorite phrase or some famous quote, translating it into any of the languages ​​of the world, and then perpetuating forever on your body is much easier than doing it with any picture. In addition, the inscriptions carry a greater semantic load than the drawings. This may be your life credo or the motto that you follow in life.

The most popular part of the body for tattoos is ... legs

tattoo on the leg lettering
Recently, quite often you can meet a person who has a tattoo on his leg. Inscriptions and drawings are the most popular type of decoration for male and female legs. The tattoo inscription is used to a greater extent by the beautiful half of humanity. Because such tattoos for women have already become an accessory that can be compared with a handbag or with your favorite perfume. On the other hand, they are often done in the area of ​​the legs, because the skin there is very smooth and even, so such tattoos will look stylish and beautiful, the main thing is that they fit harmoniously into the body relief.

Men or women? Who leads the leg tattoos?

Of course, the division of tattoos into male and female is very conditional. Often, most girls have a higher pain threshold, so their love for this type of art is growing at a tremendous pace. Although on the other hand, this indicator is purely individual - this applies to tattoos on various parts of the body, especially the tattoo on the leg. Male inscriptions are not so common among the strong half of humanity, compared with women, because men are more likely to decorate their arms or back with various symbols or abstract images. As for women, they are prone to putting phrases or even whole poems on their feet. And all in order to feel the enthusiastic looks.

Talk about tattoo languages

tattoo inscription on the leg photo
Speaking about the language of tattoo inscriptions, it can be noted that the most common is Latin, followed by English and French. People who want the meaning of their tattoo to understand in any country in the world use English. Those who do not want to reveal the meaning of their tattoos stuff phrases in Latin or use hieroglyphs. But the most important thing to do before applying the already translated phrase is to check for errors.

The choice of the correct font for the inscription also plays a very important role. You can use letters in the form of letters with curls or monograms for a tattoo on the leg, or you can choose a font with block letters. It often happens that a person chooses a font that reflects his character (concise, unusual, mysterious, etc.). It is better not to use very thin and small print, as there is a risk that over the years it may be slightly blurred, and the phrase will be very difficult to read.

How to make so that over the years the inscription on the leg pleases you?

Before you apply inscriptions on the body with which you intend to live your whole life, you must accurately determine the phrase. It can characterize a person, his actions or type of activity. You need to choose very seriously any tattoo inscription on the leg. Photos of samples of such "jewelry" you can review in the catalogs of salons that provide similar services. They are presented there in different formats and angles, which will facilitate your choice.

female leg tattoos
In order to give the tattoo more personality, any of the phrases or inscriptions can be combined with the original pattern. Women's legs are now decorated not only with stylish shoes or skirts - the tattoo also took on this responsibility. And it doesn’t matter at all whether the girl will have a big tattoo or a small pattern on her leg. Attention will be attracted - no doubt. Unless, of course, the tattoo is made efficiently and accurately.

Women's leg tattoos, inscriptions or pictures have their own age and aesthetic restrictions, but by and large it all depends on what a particular person likes and what he wants to show others with his leg tattoos. For others, these inscriptions can be a simple decoration, but for you they can carry a special meaning.

Common leg tattoos

There are a variety of options for performing both female tattoo inscriptions on the leg, and male. Here are the most common ones:

  • It is possible to apply a tattoo inscription on the leg by stretching it along the surface of the calf muscle, as well as the thigh. With this method of applying letters, they are quite large.
  • tattoo on the leg
    If we talk about girls or women, among them a very common option for inscription is a tattoo in the form of a bracelet, which is placed around the foot or lower leg. If you put an inscription with the help of elegant, thin font and italics, a very effective look is created.
  • But for those who want to have a tattoo on their leg, inscriptions, a hieroglyph or a drawing, but at the same time have to hide them periodically (at school, at work, etc.), tattoos are applied to the inside of the thigh or lower leg. It is very convenient and practical.

We all sometimes think about a tattoo, be it in the form of a picture or an inscription, but very few of us decide on this step. Most have enough good reasons, and some are simply afraid to make their dreams come true. You don’t need to be afraid, because if you don’t do what you’re dreaming of now, you can regret it for the rest of your life.


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