Grigory Melekhov in the novel "Quiet Don": a characteristic. The tragic fate and spiritual quest of Grigory Melekhov

M. A. Sholokhov in his novel "Quiet Flows the Don" poetizes the life of the people, deeply analyzes its way of life, as well as the origins of its crisis, which has largely reflected on the fate of the main characters of the work. The author emphasizes that people play a key role in history. It is he, according to Sholokhov, who is her driving force. Of course, the main character of the work of Sholokhov is one of the representatives of the people - Grigory Melekhov. Its prototype is believed to be Harlampy Ermakov, a Don Cossack (pictured below). He fought in the Civil and in the First World War.

Grigory Melekhov

Grigory Melekhov, whose characterization we are interested in, is an illiterate, simple Cossack, but his personality is multifaceted and complex. The best features that are inherent in the people, endowed by its author.

Grigory Melekhov at the beginning of the work

Sholokhov at the very beginning of his work tells the story of the Melekhov family. Cossack Prokofiy, the ancestor of Gregory, returns home from the Turkish campaign. He brings with him a Turkish woman who becomes his wife. From this event begins a new history of the Melekhovs. The character of Gregory is laid already in her. This character is not accidentally similar in appearance to other men of his kind. The author notes that he is "in father": half a head taller than Peter, although he is 6 years younger than him. He has the same "saggy naughty nose" as Pantelei Prokofievich. Grigory Melekhov is just as slouching as his father. Both even in a smile had something in common, "brutal". The successor of the Melekhovs is precisely he, not Peter, his older brother.

image of grigory melekhov

Connection with nature

Gregory from the first pages is depicted in the daily activities characteristic of the life of peasants. Like all of them, he drives horses to a watering place, goes fishing, goes to games, falls in love, participates in general peasant labor. The character of this hero is clearly revealed in the scene of meadow mowing. In it, Grigory Melekhov discovers the sympathy of someone else's pain, love for all living things. He is sorry for the duckling, accidentally cut by a scythe. Gregory looks at him, as the author notes, with a "sense of acute pity." This hero is well aware of the nature with which he is vitally connected.

How is the character of the hero revealed in his personal life?

Grigory Melekhov characteristic

Gregory can be called a man of decisive actions and actions, strong passions. Numerous episodes with Aksinya eloquently speak about this. Despite his father’s slander, at midnight, during haymaking, he still goes to this girl. Pantelei Prokofievich severely punishes his son. However, not afraid of his father's threats, Gregory still goes back to his beloved at night and returns only from dawn. Already here in his character manifests a desire to reach everything to the end. Marrying a woman whom he does not love could not make this hero abandon himself, from a sincere, natural feeling. He only reassured Pantelei Prokofievich a little, who cried out to him: "Do not fear your father!" But no more than that. This hero has the ability to passionately love, and also does not tolerate any mockery of himself. He does not forgive jokes on his feelings even to Peter and clutches at the pitchfork. Gregory is always sincere and honest. He directly tells Natalya, his wife, that he does not love her.

How did life at the Liznitsky’s influence on Gregory?

Grigory Melekhov fate

At first he did not agree to run away from the farm with Aksinya. However, the impossibility of submission and innate obstinacy in the end force him to leave his native economy, to go to the estate with his beloved Listnitsky. Gregory becomes a groom. However, it was not for him to live in isolation from the parental home. The author notes that he was spoiled by a light well-fed life. The main character got fat, lazy, began to look older than his age.

Grigory Melekhov in the novel "Quiet Don" has tremendous internal strength. The scene of the beating of this hero by Listnitsky Jr. is clear evidence of this. Gregory, in spite of the position that Listnitsky holds, does not want to forgive the insult he inflicted. He hits him with a whip in his hands and face, not allowing himself to come to his senses. Melekhov is not afraid of the punishment that will follow this act. And he treats Aksinya severely: when leaving, he never even looks around.

Gregory Melekhov in the novel Quiet Don

Self-esteem that is inherent in the hero

Complementing the image of Grigory Melekhov, we note that in his character there is a pronounced self-esteem. It is in him that his strength lies, which is able to influence other people, regardless of position and rank. Of course, in a duel at a watering place with a wahmister, Grigory wins, who did not allow himself to be beaten by his senior.

This hero is able to intervene not only for his own dignity, but also for someone else's. It was he who turned out to be the only one who defended Frania - the girl whom the Cossacks had abused. Finding himself in this situation powerless against the evil being committed, Gregory for the first time in a long time almost cried.

Gregory’s courage in battle

The events of the First World War affected the fate of many people, including this hero. A whirlwind of historical events was captured by Grigory Melekhov. His fate is a reflection of the fate of many people, representatives of the simple Russian people. Like a true Cossack, Gregory completely surrenders to battle. He is brave and determined. Gregory easily defeats three Germans and takes them prisoner, deftly repels the enemy battery, and also saves the officer. Medals and St. George's crosses, the officer rank he received - these are testimonies of the courage of this hero.

The killing of a person contrary to the nature of Gregory

Gregory is generous. He helps in the battle even to Stepan Astakhov, his rival, who wants to kill him. Melekhov is shown as a skilled, courageous warrior. However, the murder is still fundamentally contrary to the humane nature of Gregory, his life values. He confesses to Peter that he killed a man and through him "suffers from a soul."

Change in worldview influenced by other people

Quite quickly, Grigory Melekhov begins to experience disappointment and incredible fatigue. At first, he fearlessly fights, not thinking about what sheds his own and other people's blood in battles. However, life and war confront Gregory with many people who have completely different views on the world and the events taking place in it. After talking with them, Melekhov begins to think about the war, as well as about the life that he lives. The truth that Chubaty carries is that a person must be boldly chopped. This hero easily speaks of death, of the right and the opportunity to take others' lives. Gregory listens attentively to him and understands that he is alien to him, such an inhuman position is unacceptable. Garanzha is a hero who sowed seeds of doubt into the soul of Gregory. He suddenly doubted the values ​​that were previously considered unshakable, such as the military Cossack duty and the king, who is "on our neck." Grange makes you think a lot about the main character. The spiritual quest of Grigory Melekhov begins. It is these doubts that become the beginning of the tragic path of Melekhov to the truth. He is desperately trying to find the meaning and truth of life. The tragedy of Grigory Melekhov takes place in a difficult time in the history of our country.

tragedy of grigory melekhov

Of course, the character of Gregory is truly folk. The tragic fate of Grigory Melekhov, described by the author, still causes the sympathy of many readers of The Quiet Don. Sholokhov (his portrait is presented above) managed to create a bright, strong, complex and truthful character of the Russian Cossack Grigory Melekhov.


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