Beaumond is a term that lives forever

Nowadays, the old French word "elite" has found a new life. This is the term that most often refers to the top of society in magazines, newspapers, and other media. However, the initial meaning of this term, in fact, like its literal translation from the native language, is slightly different from the interpretation that is usual for us, Russian people. Well, let's try to understand the meaning of the word "beau monde" and its origin. And also we will find its reflection in the Russian oral language and literature.

beau monde is

Translation and meaning of the term

If we use the French-Russian dictionary, then our word "beau monde" is the two French words "best light", or simply "good light". Of course, even in the 19th century this term was not used so literally (for example, to describe the radiance of the Sun), but it served to generically denote a group of people who have achieved some heights in a particular branch of culture or art. Then in Europe and in Russia there were beau monde artists, and separately from them were beau monde poets and writers. Some time later, such clear-cut distinctions seemed inappropriate, and this French word became a symbol of all people who are related to high society. These were not only representatives of art, but also ordinary nobles, barons, maids of honor and other persons of high rank.

meaning of the word beau monde

Petersburg - the place where the Russian elite was born

This word in the mid-19th century was first widely used in the high society of our cultural capital. Due to the fact that the use of French words in spoken and written language was in fashion, this term took root well in the dialogues of the people of that time. After that, it was decided to include it in the explanatory dictionary of our native language. So, in 1863, the term "beau monde" first appeared in the generally accepted grammar of the Russian language, and it was now written not in Latin, but in Cyrillic. It is also worth noting that the term’s popularity has been constantly growing, and over the years there have appeared such concepts as “elite N Beau monde”, or “Moscow elite”, which have perfectly survived to our days.

Moscow beau monde

When people forgot about it

With the advent of Soviet power in the Russian lands, this French word lost not only its meaning, but also popularity in society. All people were “leveled to the same comb”, so it was not customary to single out someone as if into the “high society”, but leave someone outside these limits. So the word slowly came out of the everyday vocabulary, but at the end of the 20th century it regained its former position. Today, beau monde are people who first of all have achieved wealth. Among them you can find surgeons and dentists, actors and pop singers, models and businessmen, as well as just companions and companions of those who took the most advantageous place in this life.

Press and literature where this term is contained

If you again plunge into the depths of the past decades, you can find this term in the play by A. P. Chekhov, "Drama on the Hunt." After that, the word flashed in several more poems and stories of less well-known domestic authors. Today the word "beau monde" is the name of a famous television show. Some television projects, articles in magazines and newspapers, works of modern writers who most often post their works on the Internet are referred to in the same way.


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