Why foaming water in an aquarium: causes and solutions

Many aquarists wonder why the foam in the aquarium with fish foams. Often people notice the appearance of foam formations on the surface of the water. This can happen for various reasons. Usually itโ€™s okay that the water in the aquarium foams on the surface. But sometimes this can indicate serious problems. Consider the factors that could provoke this.

Why foams?

why does foaming water in the aquarium of a cock

The foam is created by the accumulation of organic compounds (usually amino acids and proteins). Organic makes the water fatter. A strong filtration or aeration promotes the accumulation of protein substances. This leads to the appearance of foam. In stagnant water, it does not form.

If you start using the aquarium for the first time, then in the presence of biological filters, foam also appears. But in this case, you need to wait a bit - soon the water will become clear again.

Note that it is soft water that is more prone to foam. As a rule, foam is not a sign of some kind of threat, especially if there is no unpleasant smell. If you notice dead fish, turbidity, an unpleasant odor, then you should urgently find a problem.

Aquarium decorations can provoke foam

why the water in the aquarium with fish foams

So, why does foaming water in the aquarium of a cockerel foam? Perhaps the most common scenery is to blame. This can be determined by the color of the foam. It can have absolutely any shade, but, as a rule, foam of milk and gray colors can be observed.

How to proceed to solve the problem with the scenery? Firstly, it is necessary to remove the unfortunate element from the aquarium. Secondly, you need to start the aerator and filter.

Many people know the fact that a problem is always easier to prevent than to solve. In order to prevent it, it is advisable to add accessories to the aquarium after checking, after washing them under running water. You need to buy only high-quality decorative items in specialized stores. Avoid items that are coated with a paint coat. If you notice microcracks or peeling paint when choosing a decor, then in no case should they be placed in the aquarium.

It also happens that dead fish can get stuck in the scenery. This can also lead to foam.

why foaming water in the aquarium

Filters and compressor

Why does the aquarium water foam from the compressor? Perhaps it has either too little power, or, conversely, too strong. Foam may also appear due to contamination. The problem with the filter is easy to recognize by the presence of foam. How to solve this problem? It is worth purchasing a quality filter, suitable power, if the old one does not cope with the task. You can also disassemble and rinse the device if you notice that it is dirty.

Medicines and chemicals are another important factor.

These agents can react with organics, creating a foamy โ€œcloudโ€. The roots of the problem can be identified by it. To get rid of negative effects, you need:

  1. Minimize the amount of drugs and chemical fertilizers.
  2. Use a mechanical filter, aerator or pump. In order to prevent the appearance of excessive foam, it is worth initially conducting experiments with the drugs in a separate vessel with water, so that in the future it would be possible to predict approximate scenarios. Also, before using the funds, it is worth carefully studying the instructions in order to avoid negative consequences.

Dissolving plants in an aquarium

As plants grow, volatile matter is released. They can be easily recognized, for example, by smell (decay, hydrogen sulfide, etc.).

If the soil is affected by toxic substances, then it is first necessary to remove it and boil it. Next, dry it in the oven. Usually this way you can nip the problem in the bud.

Irregular cleaning causes foam to appear

Why does the aquarium water foam from the compressor

What to do: foaming water in the aquarium? Often this is due to the fact that the owners too rarely carry out its cleaning. You need to pay attention to whether there is waste on the surface, flakes and other debris. If this is the case, then you need to clean more often.

Wastes clog water, dissolve in it. In addition, cyanobacteria quickly develop in dirty water. They create additional cloud cover. In order to rectify the situation, it is necessary to renew the reservoir by 20% every week.

Fluid change too frequent

Do not go to the other extreme. That is, there is no need to renew the water too often. Since this is fraught with the death of beneficial bacteria and clouding of water. Note that in many respects the biological filtration of the liquid depends on the above bacteria. In order to rectify the situation, it is necessary to renew the water in portions and on time.

The quantity and quality of feed

So why does the water in the aquarium foam? An abundance of feed can create a foamy โ€œcloudโ€. Too much food certainly leads to contamination. Perhaps the inhabitants of the aquarium do not need so much food. Now itโ€™s clear why the water in the aquarium foams. And what to do to solve this problem? It is necessary to study each phenotype that is contained in the aquarium. You should choose the best portion and the right food for your marine life. Do not go beyond the established limit, otherwise there will be problems with fast pollution. You should also choose only high-quality feed. It is necessary to ensure that there are no food debris in the aquarium that rot over time.

Overpopulation in your tank

foaming water in fish in the aquarium

Of course, a large number of fish in the aquarium are pleasing to the eye. But for its inhabitants, this is not at all useful, especially if the fish are bad in nature, get along badly together.

Similar factors introduce inmates to stress. As a result, the appearance of fish deteriorates, life expectancy is reduced. In addition, the process of servicing the tank is complicated.

To prevent such problems, it is worth choosing the appropriate capacity and providing residents with comfortable conditions. To choose the right aquarium, remember that for 1 large fish you need about 30 liters of water, and for a small fish - about 10 liters.

water in the aquarium foams on the surface

Water quality

The appearance and health of the fish depends on the quality of the water. The water in the aquarium should be yellowish, clear.

In the case of obvious flowering, the appearance of pathogenic organisms, mucus, soil contamination, a complete replacement of the liquid is required.

Little conclusion

If the owner monitors all the elements in the aquarium, including the filter, decorations, then it is very likely that there will be no emergencies, strong foaminess will not occur.

Otherwise, you should pay attention to the problems considered in the article and eliminate them. Remember that a complete water change can be made only in the most advanced situations. Small contamination can be dealt with with small adjustments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E8177/

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