How to care for a cactus at home so that it grows and blooms

how to care for a cactus at home
Cacti in a long row of house plants stand apart. These are unusual flowers, which is clear even from their appearance. Familiar leaflets have turned into thorns, which cause some caution and respect. It is very difficult to get this guest to bloom from the south. But how much pleasure and deserved pride of the owner this plant causes when it blooms! To achieve this, you need to know how to care for a cactus at home.


In fact, these plants are found not only in Africa or South America, but also in parts of Europe. Under natural conditions, they can reach huge sizes. However, cacti grow very slowly in apartments. But if you follow all the subtleties, then you will no longer wonder how to care for a cactus at home, this will become a familiar thing. There are no particular difficulties here, you just need to strictly follow the rules.

Where to place

how to care for a cactus

Choosing a place plays an important role in how to care for a cactus at home. In nature, these plants mainly live in deserts, where they receive a lot of light. Therefore, for their normal growth, this condition is necessary. Moreover, the popular opinion that this plant should be placed near a computer monitor is wrong! Unless it is on a well-lit table. Otherwise, such placement may be detrimental to the plant. They do not like these flowers drafts.


Owners who are interested in how to care for a cactus at home usually usually ask about the features of watering. In fact, everything here is also simple. These plants are watered regularly in the summer, like all other flowers, as the lump of soil dries. The amount of water should not be excessive so that the roots do not rot. But in winter, in natural conditions, the plants rest. This should be considered when deciding how to properly care for a cactus at home. He needs to ensure a low habitat temperature (preferably from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius), and it is quite enough to water it 2-3 times throughout the winter. However, you need to look after the prickly pet. If the cactus is wrinkled, it must be watered, and it will again take its original form. Fertilizing in the summer this plant is also necessary. There are special mixtures for cacti on sale, on the package there are instructions for diluting and introducing such a substance into the soil.

how to care for a flowering cactus

Like other indoor plants, cacti need to be transplanted into new pots approximately every two years, as the root system grows. A transplant is also required immediately after purchase. The containers are selected by volume so that the roots of the plant are comfortable, but not too large (in diameter no more than two sizes of the stem). The earthen mixture for planting is easy to purchase at the store (you need special soil for cacti). You can also cook everything yourself, taking equal parts of sheet land and clean river sand and adding a little peat. The resulting mixture should not be oversaturated with humus. Drainage is of great importance, since the fleshy stalk of a cactus with an excess of moisture is prone to decay. During transplantation, it is recommended to remove dead roots, as well as rinse the plant with warm water and dry well.

Caring for a cactus is a rather difficult task, but all the efforts expended will pay off in full. When the question arises, how to care for a flowering cactus, it turns out that the basic actions remain the same. Watering is still done as it dries. But top dressing should be postponed until the end of flowering. Transferring to a new place during this period is also not recommended.


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